Section 40:27-6.7 - Report of approval or disapproval to local authority; time limit; extension, Section 40:27-6.8 - Resolution vesting power to review and approve subdivisions and site plans with director, Section 40:27-6.9 - Appeal by aggrieved persons; hearing; decision, Section 40:27-6.10 - Filing copy of planning and zoning ordinances with boards; notice of proposed revision of ordinance, Section 40:27-6.11 - Application to board of adjustment involving land fronting county road, adjoins other county lands or is within 200 feet of municipal boundary; notice, Section 40:27-6.12 - Continuation of board's authority to review and approve land subdivision, Section 40:27-6.13 - Notice of hearing on granting variance or establishing or amending official municipal map; contents, Section 40:27-8 - Existing boards continued in conformity with this chapter, Section 40:28-1 - Lands and buildings for airport purposes; acquisition, Section 40:28-2 - Lease of airport to state, Section 40:28-3 - Power to construct, operate, lease and regulate airports, Section 40:28-4 - Bonds for airport purposes; maturity, Section 40:29-1 - Appropriation to assist federal government in building bulkheads, Section 40:29-10 - Beach protection; municipal co-operation, Section 40:29-11 - Approval of plans; county to control work, Section 40:32-2.1 - Acquisition and maintenance of lands and interests for park, recreation, welfare and hospital purposes, Section 40:32-2.2 - Resolution of board; title, Section 40:32-2.3 - Lands, buildings and structures, Section 40:32-2.4 - Budget; limitations on appropriation, Section 40:32-2.6 - Constabulary; establishment; members, Section 40:32-2.7 - Arrests without warrant, Section 40:32-6 - Acquisition and preservation of historical buildings and data, Section 40:32-7.6 - Counties not having park commission; acquisition of golf course and other recreational facilities, Section 40:32-7.7 - Maintenance, improvement and operation; buildings, structures and equipment, Section 40:32-7.9 - Supervision and control, Section 40:32-7.10 - Appropriation by board of chosen freeholders, Section 40:32-7.11 - Fees, rents and charges, Section 40:32-7.12 - Rules and regulations, Section 40:32-7.13 - Actions for violations; enforcement of rules, Section 40:32-7.14 - Fines and penalties; disposition, Section 40:32-7.15 - Lease of lands and buildings acquired for public golf course and other recreational purposes, Section 40:32-7.17 - Power conferred as additional, Section 40:32-14 - Veterans' housing projects; acquisition and use, Section 40:32-16 - Operation and use of veterans' housing projects, Section 40:32-18 - Disposition of property when no longer needed for housing purposes, Section 40:32-19 - Appropriation for operating, Section 40:33-1 - County library; establishment, Section 40:33-3 - Petition for submission, Section 40:33-4 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:33-5 - Results canvassed and returned; vote required for adoption, Section 40:33-5.1 - Establishment by resolution in counties under 150,000. Yes, most New Jersey police departments promote from within, and have always done so. Section 40:54A-7 - Tolls, rents, fees, etc. Section 40:68A-44 - Authority to issue bonds; bond resolution, Section 40:68A-46 - Sale of bonds; interest, Section 40:68A-47 - Filing copy of bond resolution; publication of notice; limitation of actions, Section 40:68A-48 - Agreements with bondholders, Section 40:68A-49 - Default in payment of series bonds; appointment of trustee; powers, Section 40:68A-50 - Appointment of receiver; powers and duties, Section 40:68A-51 - Personal liability on bonds; not debt or liability of state, county or municipality, Section 40:68A-52 - Negotiability of bonds, Section 40:68A-53 - Real property; acquisition; condemnation, Section 40:68A-54 - Construction or operation of port system; additional powers; relocation of facilities, Section 40:68A-55 - Aid and co-operation of local units, Section 40:68A-56 - Sale, lease, loan, grant or conveyance to municipal port authority, Section 40:68A-57 - Appropriation of money by local unit, Section 40:68A-58 - Contracts for use or lease of port system, Section 40:68A-59 - Mortgage, pledge or disposal of port system; exceptions, Section 40:68A-60 - Exemption from execution, Section 40:68A-61 - Payments in lieu of taxes, Section 40:68A-62 - Bonds as legal investments, Section 40:68A-64 - Pledge of state to bondholders, Section 40:68A-65 - Banks authorized to give undertaking; deposits, Section 40:68A-67 - Filing certified copies of bond resolutions and annual budgets, Section 40:69A-1 - Election on question whether charter commission shall be elected, Section 40:69A-2 - Election of charter commission members at same time public question is submitted, Section 40:69A-3 - Candidates for charter commission, Section 40:69A-5 - Organization of charter commission; quorum; majority required for effective recommendations, Section 40:69A-6 - Vacancies in charter commission, Section 40:69A-7 - Duties of charter commission, Section 40:69A-8 - No compensation; expenses of commission members; consultants and assistants, Section 40:69A-9 - Hearings; public forums, Section 40:69A-10 - Report of charter commission; copies, Section 40:69A-11 - Discharge of charter commission; change of recommendation; amended report, Section 40:69A-12 - Report and recommendations, Section 40:69A-13 - Number of council members and wards; recommendations, Section 40:69A-14 - Form of question submitted to voters, Section 40:69A-15 - Ballots; submission of question of adoption of optional plan of government, Section 40:69A-16 - Special charter or specific amendments of charters; petition to legislature, Section 40:69A-17 - Other proceedings pending; no new resolution or petition within 4 years, Section 40:69A-18 - Adoption of optional plan without charter commission, Section 40:69A-19 - Petition for election upon adoption of optional plan of government, Section 40:69A-20 - Submission of question, Section 40:69A-21 - Other proceedings pending; no new petition within 4 years, Section 40:69A-22 - Vote in favor of change in form of government. Section 40:41A-145.3 - Selection from floor by county committee, Section 40:41A-146 - Vacancy of all or majority of offices of members of board; certification to and appointments to temporarily fill by Governor, Section 40:41A-147 - Appointees; qualifications, Section 40:41A-148 - Voters empowered to change term of office, Section 40:41A-149 - First election of board under adopted proposition, Section 40:42-1 - Municipality; municipal corporation, Section 40:42-4 - Municipalities given fullest powers, Section 40:43-1 - Every municipality a body corporate, Section 40:43-2 - Records of municipal incorporations prior to March 28, 1930, Section 40:43-3 - Records of municipal incorporations after March 28, 1930, Section 40:43-4 - Petition for; referendum, Section 40:43-5 - Adoption of changed name; copies filed, Section 40:43-6 - Effect of change on charter; ordinances, Section 40:43-7 - Actions and liabilities unaffected, Section 40:43-8 - Corporate title shortened, Section 40:43-9 - When effective; actions and liabilities unaffected; resolution published, Section 40:43-9.1 - No proceedings for new charter or form of government while other proceedings pending, Section 40:43-10 - Acquisition of property and liabilities; apportionment, Section 40:43-11 - Officers continued; new government established, Section 40:43-12 - Substitution of parties in legal action, Section 40:43-13 - Taxes and assessments; enforcement and collection, Section 40:43-14 - Election districts; election procedure, Section 40:43-16 - Organization of newly elected officers, Section 40:43-17 - Joint committee to divide property; appointment, Section 40:43-18 - Joint meeting; property and indebtedness apportioned, Section 40:43-19 - Quorum; procedure; clerk appointed, Section 40:43-20 - Joint committee; powers; subpoenas, Section 40:43-21 - Commissioners appointed where no agreement reached, Section 40:43-21.1 - Refunding pro rata share of indebtedness, Section 40:43-22 - Dissolution of municipality, Section 40:43-23 - Officers of old municipality residing in new municipality; how affected, Section 40:43-24 - Special acts repealed on incorporation; rights thereunder unaffected, Section 40:43-25 - Real estate includes sewers; indebtedness for; neither considered in apportionment, Section 40:43-25.1 - Newly created municipalities may adopt by reference ordinances of municipality of which it was a part, Section 40:43-25.2 - Adoption of ordinances by reference; procedure, Section 40:43-64.1 - Consolidation of borough under jurisdiction of Local Government Board with township not so functioning; release, Section 40:43-64.2 - Release of consolidating borough from liability to county for delinquent taxes; approval, Section 40:43-64.3 - Transfer of property and rights to township; liabilities; offices; adjustments, Section 40:43-65 - Consolidation of boroughs or other municipalities with cities lying in different counties, Section 40:43-66.36 - Legislative findings and declarations. State of New Jersey > Civil Service Commission > Job Seekers > Overview and Job Announcements > Public Safety Job Announcements > Law Enforcement . Section 40:52-17 - Refusal to grant, renew license; appeal, Section 40:52-18 - Licensing authority, establishment of rooming and boarding house site licensing board, Section 40:53-1 - Official newspaper designated, Section 40:53-2 - Public notices generally; publication, Section 40:54-1 - Establishment; chapter applicable to libraries established under other laws, Section 40:54-4 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:54-6 - Vote required for adoption, Section 40:54-7 - Rejection of proposition; second election. Section 40:56-63 - Collection of assessments, Section 40:56-65 - Legislative findings; public policy, Section 40:56-67 - Pedestrian mall or special improvement district as local improvement, Section 40:56-68 - Findings necessary for adoption of ordinance, Section 40:56-69 - Ordinance; provisions; limitations, Section 40:56-70 - Resolution of governing body of municipality; feasibility study, Section 40:56-71 - Adoption of ordinances. Section 40:55D-149 - Submission by municipality prior to adoption of ordinance to county planning board. Section 40:62-139 - Furnishing water for special purposes. Section 40:48-2.67 - List of municipal residents in need of special assistance. Section 40:3-3 - When sinking fund commission to determine requirements Section 40:3-4 - Sinking fund commissions; appointment, duties and powers. Section 40:37-204 - Establishment and location of parks; acquisition of property, Section 40:37-205 - Lands for parks; lease with option to purchase, Section 40:37-206 - Surveys and maps of parks; records, Section 40:37-207 - Condemnation for parks; law applicable, Section 40:37-208 - Construction of roadways; acquisition of real estate, Section 40:37-209 - Survey and map of roadways and boulevards; records, Section 40:37-210 - Commission may establish grades; pavement and improvement of roadways, Section 40:37-211 - Condemnation for roadways; commissioners appointed; benefits assessed, Section 40:37-212 - Commissioners; appointment; duties; oaths, Section 40:37-213 - Hearing and notice; view premises; report, Section 40:37-214 - Court to hear objections to report; confirmation, Section 40:37-216 - Compensation of commissioners; expenses; inclusion in cost of improvement, Section 40:37-217 - Benefits assessed deducted from damages awarded, Section 40:37-218 - Award collected by suit, Section 40:37-219 - Assessments a lien; collection; action at law, Section 40:37-220 - Assessments for benefits; disposition of funds; payment of bonds, Section 40:37-221 - Assessments a lien until paid, Section 40:37-222 - Sale of lands for unpaid assessments; notice and publication, Section 40:37-223 - Sale for term of years, Section 40:37-224 - Adjournment of sale; notice, Section 40:37-225 - Certificate of sale; issuance; assignability; recording, Section 40:37-226 - Redemption of property sold, Section 40:37-227 - Time for redemption; declaration of sale; contents; filing, Section 40:37-228 - Effect of declaration of sale; liability for waste, Section 40:37-229 - Redemption by mortgagee; notice to mortgagee; rights after redemption, Section 40:37-230 - Unsold lands struck off to board, Section 40:37-231 - Freeholders to borrow money upon requisition of park commission; bonds; limitation, Section 40:37-232 - Additional bond issues, Section 40:37-233 - Appropriations; action by freeholders, Section 40:37-234 - Appropriations for current expenses included in county budget, Section 40:37-235 - Bond issues; law applicable; deductions from debt statement, Section 40:37-236 - Certain expenses replaced by bond issue; limitation, Section 40:37-237 - Amount collected from benefit assessments applied to payment of bonds, Section 40:37-238 - Lands used only for park purposes; railroads excluded; exceptions, Section 40:37-239 - Sale of real estate in certain cases; vacation of roadways, Section 40:37-240 - Rules and regulations; notice; penalties; disposition of, Section 40:37-241 - Transfer of municipal parks and streets to county park commission, Section 40:37-242 - Referendum; submission at general election; notice, Section 40:37-243 - Ballot, form and content, Section 40:37-244 - Vote required for adoption, Section 40:37-245 - Results returned and certified; record of, Section 40:37-246 - Clerk to deliver copy to freeholders; appointment of commissioners, Section 40:37-247 - Election expenses; payment by county, Section 40:37-248 - Petition for submission, Section 40:37-250 - Freeholders choose law to be submitted; notice to county clerk, Section 40:37-251 - Ballot; law applicable, Section 40:37-252 - Maintenance; annual appropriation, Section 40:37-253 - Acquisition and improvement of other lands, Section 40:37-254 - Purchase and condemnation of contiguous lands, Section 40:37-257 - Condemnation procedure; assessments for benefits; award of damages, Section 40:37-258 - Construction of casino, stadium and other structures, Section 40:37-259 - Rules and regulations; penalties, Section 40:37-261 - Establishment of park police system; composition; rules and regulations. Section 40:48C-1.6 - Surcharges imposed; use by municipality. Section 40:43-66.47 - Appointment of commissioner's representative. Section 40:52-10 - Licensing of rooming, boarding houses. Section 40:10D-1 - Findings, declarations relative to protection of archaeological findings, sites. Section 40:69A-60.5 - Appointment of executive secretary, aides. Section 40:20-18 - Results of election; return and canvassing. Section 40:14B-15 - Conflicting interests, Section 40:14B-16 - Term of member; removal; hearing, Section 40:14B-17 - Compensation to members, Section 40:14B-18 - Employees of municipal authorities. Jersey City Police Department promotes 15 sergeants, 47 lieutenants Section 40:14B-22.3 - Utilities authority, reduced fees for certain affordable housing projects. 31.03 CHIEF OF POLICE; POWERS AND DUTIES. Section 40:55D-136.2 - Findings, declarations relative to extension of certain permits and approvals. Section 40:14A-8.1 - Definitions; host community benefit. Section 40:12-15.3 - Propositions deemed approved by voters of county. Of the new Sergeants, 67 percent are minorities - about half of whom are Hispanic - while nearly 43 percent of the new lieutenants also identify as minorities. Key Dates for the Promotional Exams Application Opening: July 1, 2020 Application Deadline: July 22, 2020 Notice to Appear for Exam: September 4, 2020 Examination Date: September 19, 2020 (Saturday) 01/15/2023. Section 40:55D-53c - Acceptance of performance guarantee from successor developer. Section 40:55D-141 - Development transfer plan element, required inclusions. Section 40:48-2.64 - Effective date; applicability. Section 40:55D-139 - Transfer of development potential within jurisdiction. Section 40:55D-66.11 - Wind and solar facilities permitted in industrial zones. Section 40:55D-147 - Issuance of instruments, adoption of procedures relative to land use. Section 40:37A-55.2 - Prevailing wage rate for workers employed on projects with county improvement authority involvement. Section 40:3-5 - Commission to supersede all commissions; body corporate; disbursements; investments, Section 40:3-6 - Certain officers to act when commission not functioning, Section 40:3-7 - Foreclosure of mortgages; municipal sinking fund for school district bonds, Section 40:3-8 - Commissioners not to receive compensation; bonds; secretary and assistants, Section 40:3-9 - Custodian of moneys and securities; investments; accounts, Section 40:3-10 - Sinking fund moneys; investment of, Section 40:3-11 - Annual report; publication, Section 40:3-12 - Accounts; how kept; classification of bonds; accretions; interest; losses, Section 40:3-13 - When commission may sell bonds of county, school district or municipality, Section 40:3-14 - Bonds falling due; funds transmitted for payment, Section 40:3-15 - Commissioners may enforce payment to sinking fund of sums due, Section 40:3-16 - Annual sinking fund requirements; amortization basis, Section 40:3-17 - Sinking fund requirements for year; how calculated, Section 40:3-18 - When contributions to cease, Section 40:3-19 - Excess accumulations, to reduce requirements of sinking fund; deficiency, Section 40:3-20 - Outstanding term bonds tabulated; adjustment of excesses and deficits; surpluses, Section 40:3-21 - Deficiency in sinking funds; how raised, Section 40:3-22 - Special sinking fund requirements additional to annual requirements, Section 40:3-23 - Special sinking fund; distribution of, Section 40:3-24 - Interest on surplus; use of. Section 40:33-7 - County library commission. Section 40:55D-143 - Preparation, amendment of development transfer ordinance. (B) Pursuant to policies established by the Township Committee, the Chief of Police shall: Section 40:43-66.45 - Membership of joint municipal consolidation study commission. Section 40:48-8.16 - Tax act definitions. Section 40:27-6.6 - Review and approval of site plans for land development along county roads or affecting county drainage facilities. Statutes > New-jersey > Title-40a > Section-40a-14 40A:14-1 - County fire marshal; appointment; salary . Police promotional examinations for career preparation, Core Concepts Our Police Training is the best choice for your Police promotional examinations and assessment centers for career advancement. NJ Chief's of Police is the primary testing company for New Jersey. Section 40:23-6.53 - Contracts for collection of delinquent fees, fines. Section 40:55D-50 - Final approval of site plans and major subdivisions. Section 40:48-9 - Appropriations to civil war organizations; purposes, Section 40:48-9.1 - Appropriations for expenses of war price and rationing boards; validation of appropriations made, Section 40:48-9.4 - Contributions to nonprofit corporation operating senior citizens center. Adp Burlington Coat FactoryBurlington Current/Former Associates: Most Section 40:48-1.5 - Regulation of apiary activities. Section 40:54-29.5 - Joint library agreement, filing. Section 40:55D-146 - Provisions of development transfer ordinance. Section 40:62-25.6 - Municipality providing heat, light or power, electronic billing, payment, permitted. Section 40:37-156 - Park police; removal; trial; proceedings, Section 40:37-156a - Review of conviction, Section 40:37-157 - Park police pension fund; establishment, Section 40:37-158 - Control of fund; bond of treasurer; investments, Section 40:37-159 - Source of pension fund; assessment of members of force, Section 40:37-160 - Additional annual payment to fund, Section 40:37-161 - Return of assessments in certain cases; widow's pension, Section 40:37-162 - Beneficiaries; amount of pension, Section 40:37-163 - Persons entitled to pension; permanent disability; amount, Section 40:37-164 - Persons entitled to pension; age and years of service, Section 40:37-168 - Pensions paid monthly; rules and regulations, Section 40:37-168.1 - Group insurance; deductions from salaries, Section 40:37-168.2 - Group insurance; payment of part of premiums by commission, Section 40:37-168.3 - Exclusion of new members from park police pension or retirement fund by resolution, Section 40:37-169 - Referendum; submission at general election; notice, Section 40:37-170 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:37-171 - Results returned and certified; record of, Section 40:37-172 - Vote required for adoption, Section 40:37-173 - Delivery of copy of statement and certificate to board of freeholders; appointment of commissioners, Section 40:37-174 - Election expenses; payment by county, Section 40:37-195 - Counties governed hereby; referendum; exception, Section 40:37-196 - Commissioners; appointment, number and qualifications, Section 40:37-197 - Commissioners; terms; vacancies, Section 40:37-198 - Commission a body politic; compensation and expenses; oaths, Section 40:37-199 - Officers and employees; appointment and compensation, Section 40:37-200 - Office; records; open to public inspection, Section 40:37-201 - Rules and regulations; penalties for violations, Section 40:37-201.1 - Powers of commission as to use and enjoyment of parks; franchises; use of proceeds from operation, Section 40:37-202 - Park police; establishment; rules and regulations, Section 40:37-202.1 - Referendum to determine hours or salaries of county park police. Section 40:55D-23.3 - Preparation, offering of basic course in land use law and planning; requirement. Selection And Appointment in New Jersey Civil Service Section 40:37-11.7 - County park commission to maintain Internet website or webpage; contents. Section 40:55D-8.6 - Inapplicability of certain provisions of law imposing fee upon developer of certain non-residential property. Section 40:48-9.4b - Account of expenditure of funds, Section 40:48-9.10 - Snow and ice removal; first aid and emergency or volunteer ambulance or rescue squad association or volunteer fire companies premises, Section 40:48-9.11 - Cost of snow and ice removal; option of municipality, Section 40:48-9.12 - Historic place or site; expenditure of federal aid to preserve or rehabilitate, Section 40:48-9.13 - Municipality with nuclear-powered electric generating facility; appropriation and grant to county or other municipality, Section 40:48-9.14 - Appropriations by municipality authorized. Section 40:49-1 - "Ordinance" and "resolution" defined, Section 40:49-2 - Procedure for passage; "governing body" defined, Section 40:49-2.1 - Land use ordinances; publication; transmittal to tax assessor, Section 40:49-3 - Ordinances in effect in 1917 unaffected, Section 40:49-4 - Revision and codification of ordinances. Arrest: Taking physical custody of a person by lawful authority. Law Enforcement Officers Training and Equipment Fund Rules (LEOTEF RULES) Section 40:44-17 - Adjustment of boundaries; continuance in office of elected officers, Section 40:44-18 - Inapplicability of act to wards or ward boundaries existing on January 12, 1982, Section 40:45-1 - When held; law applicable, Section 40:45-2 - Section 40:45-1 inapplicable in certain cases, Section 40:45-3 - Time for holding; publication and notice; procedure, Section 40:45-4 - Time for holding district elections; school districts unaffected. Section 40:11A-6.3 - Senior Citizen Priority Parking Program created by municipal parking authority. This website was designed to provide as much information as possible about your Police Department and to make access to our services easier and more user friendly. Section 40:45-10 - Designation of candidate on ballot, Section 40:45-10.1 - Designation of committee on vacancies, Section 40:45-11 - Nomination for one office only, Section 40:45-12 - Order of names of candidates on ballot; drawing lots, Section 40:45-13 - Publication of names of candidates, Section 40:45-14 - Persons with same name; statement of identification on ballot. Section 40:14A-8a - Sewerage authority may charge additional fees under certain circumstances. Section 40:54D-30 - Immunity from personal liability on bonds. Section 40:54D-36 - Exemption from taxes, special assessments, Section 40:54D-38 - Investment of bond, note funds, Section 40:54D-42 - Contracts, etc. Sgt. Section 40:48-2.54 - Model schedule of towing, storage services adopted by municipality, county. Section 40:9D-1 - Definitions relative to provision of broadband telecommunications service. Section 40:43-66.39 - Proposal for formation of joint municipal consolidation study commission.