The failure to operate from a distinctively Biblical perspective in both methods and goals. 2006 3,000 2009 945,497 2005 1,194,145 With at least 49 dead and another 50 injured, this hate crime is being called the worst mass shooting in U.S. history. De-facto head of the Ethics and Public Policy Center is Vice President Michael Cromartie, a frequently featured speaker at The Gathering. TruthXchange Compassion International Reviews - Glassdoor A representative of Advocates International,26 challenged the resolution on the basis that there was no consensus on the issue. (see: 2001 0 The College of Prayer works to establish local prayer and worship groups of anti-gay Christian leaders and politicians across Africa and the developing world. Watoto Child Care Ministry 2007 6,200 2013 25,300, (EIN 64-0607275 note: the AFA has also received substantial funding from The Gathering attendee Ken Eldred, through his Living Stones Charitable Trust [EIN 52-7038921] which from 2009 to 2011 gave the American Family Association $800,000), The American Family Association is headed by the Rev. Writing for Freedom Writer, journalist Mike Shaver described (see: the presentation of Focus on the Family leader John Eldredge who outlined a stealth strategy in which national-level organizations such as Focus on The Family would operate through state and local proxy groups: John Eldridge, the first speaker, brought greetings and warm regards from Dr. Dobson of Focus on the Family. Dr. Council For National Policy At a key 1994 conference held at the Glenn Eyrie headquarters of The Navigators (also funded by NCF), Eldredge, then serving as Focus On The Familys Director of Seminars and Research, emphasized the need to wrap an underlying eliminationist agenda in layers of PR: To the extent we can control our public image, we must never appear to be bigoted or mean-spirited. GLAAD is collaborating with the St. Paul's Foundation for International Reconciliation, the Unitarian Universalist UN Office, Soulforce, and several other partners to present Compass to Compassion a consultation to present a common strategy to deal with the global impact of American Christian fundamentalism on rising LGBT global persecution. Top Christian Reconstructionists such as R.J. Rushdoony (widely considered the movements founder) have advocated imposing capital punishment (via such biblical methods of execution as stoning, crucifixion or burning at the stake) for violations of mosaic law such as adultery, homosexuality, female un-chastity (sex before marriage), witchcraft, idolatry, and blasphemy. The Heritage Foundation 2009 78,000 account. Compassion International, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. In the mid-1990s, Bright was one of the co-founders (along with James Dobson, Larry Burkett, D. James Kennedy, Donald Wildmon, and Marlin Maddoux) of the Alliance Defense Fund (now Alliance Defending Freedom) that according to Human Rights Campaign Vice President Fred Sainz is easily the most active antigay legal group ( see: ) and which has emerged as a significant force in the World Congress of Families that internationally has rallied social conservatives worldwide against gay rights, and reproductive and womens rights. Learn how Compassion changed her future. 2008 18,750 Food for the Hungry grants helped fund the creation of the Disciple Nations Alliance, which has worked directly with Ugandan Stephen Langa, one of the top lobbyists for the Uganda Anti Homosexuality Bill. jim martin death couples massage class san diego beaver falls football compassion international lgbt. The EEI approach to same-sex marriage shines through in a January 2013 EEI website op-ed : Arent you glad were such a tolerant nation? What is the mission of Compassion International? That support In late April, Eschliman, 41, a member of Christian Reformed Church of Newton, wrote a personal blog post criticizing the Queen James Bible, a website that rewrites the Christian Bible to be friendlier to gays. 2005 109,750 2007 0 (see:, 2001 0 This is the work of God, this is the work of Jesus. The prior year, in 2012, LaBarbera was a participant in the 2012 World Congress of Families, in Madrid. Vision Forum Ministries Amidst the campaign, Anne and John Paulk were featured in a 1998 cover story in Newsweek which in 2014 would run a de-facto apology for its glowing 1998 story on allegedly successful examples of reparative therapy (see: Since the mid-2000s, Adadevoh has led the formation of a pan-African evangelical Christian transforming leadership network ( see: ) which has featured the enthusiastic participation of Burundi President Pierre Nkurunziza who in 2009 signed into law repressive new anti-LGBT legislation and is an acolyte (see: ) of the New Apostolic Reformation movement that is in the vanguard of antigay activism on every continent on Earth except Antarctica. 2009 7,500 2009 12,750 2013 185,000. The problem, according to Eldredge, is an emasculating overemphasis on manners: Where are all the real men? is regular fare for talk shows and new books. The Becket Fund is also an organizational partner of the American Religious Freedom Program (ARFP), a sub-project of the Ethics and Public Policy Center (see E&PPC entry). Evangelism Explosion Luis even led to Christ the president of one nation. (pp. 2004 53,500 ( Trinity Academy, no EIN given ) 2006 211,500 In a similar manner in which the 1980s-era Coalition on Revival created plans for how to impose biblical law and the biblical worldview in all sectors of society, The Villars Consultation launched a now-burgeoning school of thought on how to integrate the biblical worldview into Christian aid and relief work. Christian Child Sponsorship - Compassion - Child Charity Organization. (see: ), In early 2014, Moore mailed letters Wednesday to all 50 governors urging them to get their legislatures to call for a convention to add an amendment to the U.S. Constitution saying the only union recognized by state and federal governments is the union of one man and one woman., reported the Associated Press (see:, Freedom in Christ Ministries (EIN 33-0361836), A practicing exorcist, Neil T. Anderson, is considered one of the leading Protestant authorities on techniques to expel (demon deliverance) demon spirits alleged to possess human beings. On both occasions, College of Prayer President Julius Oyet was present in Parliament. 2004 20,000 2005 5,0 2011 27,450 [26] Compassion refused to do so as it would be a misuse of funds entrusted to them by donors all around the world. 2013 1,800, Center For Arizona Policy (EIN 86-0618922). Christian Reconstructionisms founder R. J. Rushdoony declared Schlossbergs book Idols For Destruction: The Conflict of Christian Faith and American Culture to be one of the most important books of the 20th Century. It not only addresses immediate physical needs but also helps build self-esteem and In. 2005 110,749 2011 236,250 2002 5,000 Activists in states that allow gay marriage have been targeting bakeries and photography studios owned by citizens who oppose gay marriage based on deeply-held religious beliefs. 2012 1,123,200, The Heritage Foundation maintains an extensive website subsection devoted to arguments against LGBT rights, especially same sex marriage (see:, Heritage fellow Ryan T. Anderson has come to occupy an increasingly prominent role among the opposition to marriage equality (see:, In April 2014 Anderson made the claim that same-sex marriage is an elite luxury good bought for on the backs of the poor. (see:, 2001 10,000 As a June 30, 2015 AIC Kenya Facebook page post ( ) states, The US Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex marriage is a legal right across the United States. Working At Compassion International: Employee Reviews and Culture 2012 200 2005 195,441 Failure to bond with his non-affirming father Feeling he can never measure up to his fathers standards of manliness.Envying his athletic brothers., 2001 1,000 2008 135,168 2002 141,948 2008 2,000 Noebels anti-gay writing includes his 1977 book The Homosexual Revolution: End Time Abomination (dedicated to Anita Bryant) which characterized homosexuality as a kind of national death wish that sought to change the natural order created by God himself and the 1996 book AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, (co-authored with Wayne C. Lutton and Paul Cameron). The Family Foundation of Virginia 2006 43,500 This substantial increase in NCF funding to Becket presents strong evidence for the central role played by both NCF and the Alliance Defending Freedom (NCFs heaviest funded legal organization, which received $11,341,187 from NCF in 2013) in the Hobby Lobby case and the dozens of similar cases across American that ADF argued and supported in the lead-up to the Hobby Lobby decision including the Conestoga Woods v. Sebelius case that was folded into the Hobby Lobby case. 2009 18,000 Johnson enthusiastically endorses the Freedom Resource ministry of NCF-funded Andy Reese, whose book Freedom Tools explicitly describes homosexuality as linked to demon possession. 2002 17,500 That was a covenant, a pledge. Second, the revenue growth metric was replaced by a debt to asset ratio. This ratio measures the assets a charity holds on its financial statements. As reported in Kenyan media (see: ) on July 6, 2015 Ruto declared, in a speech at the Ziwani Church, The other day you heard that in America the court has ruled about homosexuality but in this country we will defend what is right and what our faith states., Ruto continued, God did not create man and woman for a man to come and marry another man. The South Tampa Fellowship Church presents a textbook quality case study in how the ex-gay industry has gone underground. including the International Society for Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses (2010), the National Association of School Nurses (2017), and the National . Campus Crusade has played a significant, if little-noticed, role in exporting the religious rights anti-LGBT rights agenda. Reese claims to have conducted mass trainings of Ugandan pastors, under the supervision of NAR leader Alex Mitala (Mitala has been a listed apostle in the U.S.-based International Coalition of Apostles, now called the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders.). EPMs website features a major resource section on homosexuality ( and in that section, in a March 29, 2010 op-ed titled Is The Homosexual Lifestyle Worthy Of Minority Status?, Alcorn writes. The arbitrary new nations (e.g. 2010 1,471,706 2011 2,860 Christian Union events and magazine coverage have showcased numerous leaders who have been featured speakers at The Gathering including Eric Metaxas, the late Charles Colson, and Marvin Olasky. 2001 0 2008 88,350 2003 6,100 2011 77,200 Liberty Counsel 2004 330,000 Teen Challenge Council For Biblical Manhood and Womanhood While the Pentecostal denomination the Assemblies of God is not typically identified as an anti-LGBT hate organization, the officially AoG statement on homosexuality ( ), approved in 1979 (and not updated since then) cites Old Testament scripture, including scripture from the book of Romans, which mandates capital punishment for homosexuality. 2002 6,900 We believe our sponsors and donors are best served when their dollars are quickly put to use releasing children from poverty, not sitting unnecessarily idle in an account. 2003 50,000 2006 30,823 . to orphans living on the streets of South Korea during the Korean War, Compassion has 2011 8,900 2005 101,640 No to sodomy! Leaders in the non-denominational Fellowship of Christian Athletes are required to sign a Sexual Purity Statement which includes the following: God desires His children to lead pure lives of holiness. 2001 20,000 2008 10,000 Ellel promotes the doctrine that homosexuality can be caused by demon possession and teaches methods for exorcising such demons. Baal was doubling up in the city by adding homosexual decadence to his existing active altar there. 2006 37,500 2011 12,163 2004 22,000 2008 0 During Compassion's 65-plus years of development work, we've seen various approaches to breaking the cycle of poverty in children's lives. 2012 0, Military Ministry EIN 95-6006173 It feels hopeless and unchangeable. Abandoned by her father and trapped in poverty, Yanelly had no hope for her future until her sponsor and center believed in her. In his 2005 book Battle Cry For A Generation, Teen Mania head Ron Luce (who has personally appeared at The Gathering) noted a decline, among the post-WW2 Baby Boomer generation, in belief in the infallibility of scripture and then cited, on page 4, the alleged consequences. 2003 27,000 2007 100 2013 6,100, Council For National Policy (EIN 72-0921017). 2010 1,080,234 Self-compassion involves extending kindness toward the self, especially during times of difficulty. 2010 32,100 2013 37,250, The International Foundation/Fellowship Foundation (EIN 53-0204604), The main nonprofit foundation associated with The Family, AKA The Fellowship, which hosts the annual National Prayer Breakfast; The Family was the subject of the 2008 book The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power by journalist Jeff Sharlet (2008, HarperCollins). 2012 310,415, Association of Christian Schools International (EIN 95-6072587 : also funded by The Gatherings Huston Foundation & Stewardship Foundation). 2002 15,300 The World Congress of Families has been identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-LGBT Hate group. Until recently, the Portland Fellowship had been judged to be one of the more moderate of the ex-gay ministries. 2002 32,500 Thank you for giving me a chance to be introduced to Jesus. The core ideas are derived from Christian Reconstructionism. Mastering Life Ministries Compassion International began in the heart of one man moved by the plight of Korean War orphans The Rev. Is Compassion International a nonprofit organization? Use ideas and language that appeal to the public GENEVA (14 May 2021) - UN and regional human rights experts today urged Governments, faith-based institutions and religious leaders to respectfully and compassionately embrace the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and gender diverse (LGBT) community, and to reject policies, laws and practices that discriminate or fuel prejudice. 2006 540,305 First, Charity Navigators updated criteria removed revenue growth as a measure they evaluate. Compassion International, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Please return soon, as entries will be added on an ongoing basis. 2005 0 2010 296,490 (1,500 to AFA radio ) 2010 1,414,525 Eldredges books have helped establish the pop-psychology substrate beneath the ex-gay mythos. 2007 315,000 Frontline Fellowship (also see entry on sister ministry In Touch Missions International) is a ministry of Peter Hammond, listed as a current Coalition on Revival Steering Committee member. 2008 29,400 In our country today, there is tremendous pressure on Christians, churches, and Christian organizations to lower our moral standards. 2010 1,529,263 2003 180,000 political freedom. Master architect of that plan Herbert Schlossberg has close ties to leaders of the Christian Reconstructionism movement including Gary North and the late Howard Phillips. Reese is author of the book Freedom Tools For Overcoming Lifes Tough Problems (2008, Chosen Books/Baker Publishing Group). Eldridge outlined an agenda for the religious right to follow in its assault on gay rights. With a healed connection, you can walk in the destiny to which you have been called.. Per the Villars Statement. 2010 200,000 bisexual behaviorsLev. Self-Compassion as a Protective Factor Against Minority Stress for LGBT 2011 1,000 2002 1,000 The Alabama Policy Institute is listed, by the Family Research Council, as one of the State Family Policy Councils (see: 2011 306,000 2012 1,000 2010 15,480 As the Villars Statements response to those stated concerns made clear, poverty, hunger, and underdevelopment generally were, more than any other single cause, to be attributed to a lack of the Christian worldview. The proclamation of the gospel and the making of disciples, It is impossible to call yourself a Christian and defend homosexuality. (page 69), On page 70 of his book, Hagee characterized Gods destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah: God executed an urban renewal program with fire and brimstone. Several Episcopal churches are closer to his home. (see: 2011 0 2011 33,900 Your support gives a child life-changing opportunity to develop spiritually, emotionally, physically and economically. A February 20, 2014 op-ed run on the Alabama Policy Institute website states (see: 2012 35,062, The Great Commission Foundation 95-2814120 2002 0 2008 53,100 We were expecting maybe 25 members of parliament and 75 other city leaders. TheCall head and co-founder Lou Engle has claimed that homosexuality can be caused by demon possession and be cured by exorcism of those demon spirits. Marriage and Family Foundation 2007 16,824 2001 2,345,482 2012 35,450 MEDIA CONTACT: Allison Wilburn219-384-8177[emailprotected], Cision Distribution 888-776-0942 2002 171,000 2011 10,000 It reads,: You shall not lie with a male as with a woman.It is an abomination. Dacus subsequently apologized for the comparison. 2008 1,000 TruthXchange claims that all belief systems cleave into two grand patterns, one-ist and two-ist with two-ist systems representing the correct fundamentalist Christian viewpoint and one-ist belief systems representing pagan belief systems. I was told that it was the devil trying to control me and lie to me. ( see: ), 2001 200 model is culturally appropriate and relevant. The Villars Statement on Relief and Development (see: ), signed by the 40-odd evangelicals attending Villars, stressed 13 key points: [W]e raise our concerns over the following issues. 2011 6,700 (see:, 2001 20,000 During his talk, Ventrella mentioned giving presentations around the world on the homosexual agenda, including in Ethiopia in an apparent reference to his talk at the 2009 Advocates International Ethiopia conference. 2005 10,000 Center For Arizona Policy Some U.S. Hammond writes, concerning the late Martin Luther King, Jr., King was not a legitimate reverend, he was not a bona fide PhD, and his name was not really Martin Luther King, Jr. What is left? 2006 65,050 2009 962,969 2012 26,800 In his book What Every Man Wants In a Woman: 10 Essentials For Growing Deeper in Love (Charisma House, 2005), pastor John Hagee argued for a constitutional amendment recognizing only the marriage between a man and a woman and warned, If we fail to achieve this, the gates of hell will be opened If God does not then punish America, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. 2005 81,393 2009 38,100 In 2013, PJI issued a baseless press release with misinformation claiming that at a Colorado public school a teenage boy was entering girls bathrooms and, according to some students, even making sexually harassing comments toward girls he was encountering. How does Compassion work? 2009 33,400 2013 0, Massachusetts Family Institute (EIN 04-3113783). In response to these issues we draw attention to the following Biblical teaching and its 2013 1,000, Bethel Church, Redding, CA (EIN 94-1514037), The Redding, CA Bethel Church has been the launching pad for a growing national network of the religious rights 2.0 ex-gay ministries, called Sozo (see: Sozo is a non-copyrighted, non-trademarked brand name for the Bethel Church style of spiritual healing. 2007 0 Described as the best junket in all of journalism, The Faith Angle Forum has established Michael Cromartie as one of the go-to sources on questions regarding religion and politics for many of the top journalists reporting on religion. 2003 13,100 2005 1,675 2003 37,000 New Jersey Family Policy Council 2010 328,969 Schmierers ex-gay book line appears to have been the fruition of one of the components of the plan to combat organized homosexuality that Schmierer and Schlossberg laid out at The Gathering in 1997. virtue, or which sanctifies those who are poor on the basis of their poverty.. 2011 106,250 Fosters institute promotes a Christian nationalist version of American history. 2011 7,500 2009 4,032,927 2001 5,000 2005 20,750 Bethel Church 2012 1,850 2009 12,275 In 2012 the Liberty Counsel agreed to represent evangelist Scott Lively in a lawsuit filed by the NYC-based Center For Constitutional Rights, on behalf of the Ugandan gay rights group SMUG (Sexual Minorities Uganda). Founded in 1953 by Fred C. Schwarz, the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade became, following Schwarz death, a project of Summit Ministries (also funded by NCF) led by Dr. David A. Noebel (see: ) who in 1977 published his book The Homosexual Revolution, dedicated to anti-LGBT rights crusader Anita Bryant. 2004 0 2007 1,108,780 The photo caption reads, Alex Mitala leader of 10,000 churches in Uganda where Andys team trained over 400 pastors in Freedom Tools (for one version cfo this image, see: As described by Equality Matters, a project of Media Matters for America, the New Jersey Family Policy Council claims Homosexuality Is Unhealthy, Can Be Cured, Linked To Pedophilia (see:, 2012 8,500 2005 35,850 2007 0 I ended my relationship with the woman and began to love Christ above anything and anyone else., 2001 58,255 2005 15,700 During the conference, FoF representative John Eldredge, who brought greetings and warm regards from Dr. Dobson of Focus on the Family, told attendees among whom were representatives from the American Family Association, the Family Research Council, Concerned Women for America, the Christian Coalition, the Christian Reconstructionism movement-linked U.S. Taxpayers Party, and the Conservative Caucus, whose longtime head Howard Phillips called Christian Reconstructionism founder R.J. Rushdoony his spiritual mentor that those of us at Focus on the Family in the public policy fight see this issue as one of the key issues of our time.