If you have a planet conjunct to your ascendant, people may mistaken or guess your sun sign as the sign of that planet conjunct to your ascendant. . Cancer rising people tend to be nurturing and shy/quiet. However, he may also be outspoken, blunt and tactless. You have no qualms about forming close relationships with people who are financially secure if this will increase your chances of a permanent association. Venus - Ascendant Aspects | Cafe Astrology .com Its the gemini + 6th house = interests and fandoms + daily life. angel angel Opposition Venus - Ascendant. The wonderful thing about this aspect, especially with the conjunction is that love is brought into the lives of both, even if it feels exhausting and draining, eventually both feel fulfilled and transformed. May like to keep up with the fashion trends if not even make some of their own. Pisces risings have a sleepy ethereal look with round soft eyes, interchangeable unique style while maintaining a dreamy vibe. The person does not enjoy rules, regulations, traditions and convention. I have a sensitive stomach due to the prominence of my virgo placements (having virgo moon, rising, and venus) and having uranus in 6th also, I sometimes get stomachaches or stomach cramps unexpectedly. You are drawn to truly refined and sophisticated people, not so much to the ones who substitute glitter for class. The relationship feels ignited when these two come together. Your mind works like lightning. These planets "imprint" upon the psyche of the child, either through direct contact or through observation. At times you can have an irritable temper and need to channel some of your nervous energy into constructive pursuits. He is impulsive and unpredictable. However, their greatest strength as a couple is also their potential downfall. I have venus trine ascendant at 0 orb. The inherited personality traits and familial structures or experiences should be validated elsewhere in the child . Comedy comes naturally to them. Its important not to place their self-worth on how much others like them/find them attractive. It is more often a Venus conjunct the Ascendant in a sign ruled by Venus (either Libra or. You possess a quick mind, you are very intuitive, and you require a great deal of mental stimulation to keep from feeling bored. They may be good at modeling as well, knowing how to pose and express their different looks and vibes thru their eyes and etc. Their hair may be big or floofy, and theyre stubborn and follow their heart. Angeline Jolie, Adore Delano, Frank Ocean, Zayn Malik, Beyonce, Rihanna. Adonis on Tumblr - #Venus opposite ascendant The Venus person embodies the ideal partner of the Juno person. With Venus in opposition to your Ascendant, you may be blessed with many social graces. Venus Trine Midheaven. With that said, see you soon with another post. When describing them as nice, they are friendly and naturally inviting, in the sense of complimenting or making the other person feel at ease. This aspect both links these two faculties and creates tension between them. Tumblr I literally have this aspect with most of my best friends. Opportunistic tendencies. Here, we have someone who possesses enticing and daring beauty, which easily reflects in their aura. We were made to be erotic creatures. Synastry Aspects for Soulmates in Astrology (Explained A-Z) The intense physical attraction is what pulls them towards each other. Please dont plagiarise my posts. Topic: Synastry: Venus/Ascendant Conjunction Experience? A roller coaster of emotions, the feelings of chaos and the desires that are pushed to the surface. I will make another post on oppositions and squares. When venus trines the ascendant, the person may be viewed as attractive in general by the ppl they meet. In the company of your superiors or people you admire, you tend to be shy. Knows exactly what to say and get what they want. Winwin from Nct has sag mars and Ten has pisces mars, Chaeryeong from Itzy has sag mars and Yuna from the same group has pisces mars (these idols are known for their dancing skills). Venus in Taurus trine a Virgo Ascendant might result in very good looks. This aspect is known to bring out strong charisma in an individual. 29.1k. With her charm and elegance, it is easy for this goddess to prey on mortals and gods alike. It can symbolize the mother , emotional / childhood conditioning , what one needs to feel secure and secure. May attract a lot of envious/jealous people. Developing relationships from a purely honest perspective is quite possible for you since you do appreciate what others have to offer. Good with money, and could be/become wealthy with a commendable social standing. Your married life is harmonious because you marry for love and are devoted to your mate. Ill link a post I made regarding what venus trine ascendant does in an individuals chart here ^_^. Especially in 7H, may indicate enjoying peaceful/long-lasting relationships & marriage(s). It is desire, it is passion and love. Venus trine ascendant. Eros/Chiron Eros grows and heals with Chiron and vice versa. I agree, I gotta watch what I eat and work out to be attractive. However, he does not slow down long enough to hear exactly what others are saying. Other people will sit up and take notice when you are around. He may be touchy, high-strung, overly sensitive, and in extreme cases just plain paranoid. He needs a great deal of stimulation and is easily bored. Having a partner and a close love relationship is of the utmost importance to you because it allows you to satisfy most of your personal needs, sexual and emotional. Sag + gemini energy in the chart makes them chaotically energetic when theyre passionate about a topic when with friends. He is too restless and may suffer from nervousness and irritability. You make concessions if it seems necessary to maintain harmonious relations, and you refuse to judge someone whose conduct does not come up to your expectations. The Moon person feels comfortable and encouraged when talking to the Mercury person, and the Mercury person . Venus, like its namesake, rules over love and relationships in astrology. Lessons here will be learned and carried on by both parties. Venus square or opposition Ascendant - ASC, Mercury square or opposition Uranus - . I have a collection of Lilith conjunct the ASC and MC photos. Both parties will feel loved in each others presence, making for soothing and loving connections as well as experiences. To put others at ease you play the innocent role and make it clear that you are not a threat them. Along these filaments travel all kinds of illuminated thoughts, some of them so strikingly original as to verge on what lesser mortals call genius. May seem almost perfect as an individual, and make others question their genuinity now and then. It might also make someone not be as clear about what they personally love and value (but other people might be more aware of this). Your attention span can be short, and as a result, you might often leave projects unfinished. (Especially if Venus in 7H). Asks closed - Hiatus - Interested in astrology, kpop fan, on and offline, Chart: Libra Sun Virgo Moon Libra Mercury Virgo Venus Libra Mars - Virgo Asc . or stronger than a trine aspect that's at wider orb? Eg. Venus conjunct Ascendant. For ex: I have moon conjunct ascendant and sometimes people guess Im a cancer sun which is the sign that is ruled by the moon. Although, in principle, these aspects can encourage laziness, not to mention self-indulgence and luxury, their tension guarantees a fairly energetic approach. He loves to change the status quo. This aspect can just make someone appear very vital, radiant and beneficially youthful through their general energy. They can willingly suffer a lot, especially if it's a square aspect. This . He is highly principled and will never compromise his ideals or buckle under pressure. It's a strong marriage indicator, because the Venus person embodies the qualities, which the Ascendant person seeks in a partner. If Eros conjuncts Saturn, one may become promiscuous in the attempt to express Eros. (especially square) thankyou very much, Now that youve asked, allow me to make this into a whole observation post. Venus Trine Ascendant However, we all know that Mars has a tendency to act impulsive and combative- so . Ascendant: This aspect tends to create confusion and misunderstanding. The Ascendant person feels appreciated and in turn, appreciates the Venus person's taste . Also, I just hit 600+ Followers . He is too restless and may suffer from nervousness and irritability. Venus conjunct the Ascendant.What are the effects? Venus square or opposition Ascendant - ASC, Mercury square or opposition Uranus - . One who has the Moon conjunct Pluto also probably has an abiding interest in life after death, reincarnation, or other metaphysical topics. This can manifest on more of a surface-level, initial attraction because the Ascendant is how we present to others and the mask we wear in public. Opposition Venus - Ascendant. War for love - GEOCULT.ORG . It is difficult for you to stand alone. Artistic andother aesthetic forms of expression are therefore more likely to find an outlet.Sometimes, however, the outlet is simply a matter of trying to impose ones own tastes. What does it mean to have an aspect at 0 orb? You must also learn to appreciate what you bring into any situation as well. Above all, he must take responsibility for his independent nature and stop defending himselfa tendency he may have developed during rebellious childhood years. That's because Venus of the other lies on their descendant. Every friend has a crush on them, and openly express their interest. You're popular and attract happiness since you're diplomatic, tactful and take others' happiness into consideration. He may fancy herself a gift to the world, and make a pest of himself to others. The . Posts: 2549 From: Registered: Jul 2016: posted April 23, 2017 01:18 PM . MoonsEye Astrology Hi! Can you do Eros conjunct Venus in synastry War for love. Eg. With Mars in conjunction to the Ascendant, you are an active and energetic person, with plenty of spontaneity and drive to express your individuality. Facebook Twitter Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp Email Share Link. The problem is that in life there are always going to be routine tasks to complete, things we have to do that dont entirely suit our interests, and so forth. ^ Need to be extremely careful not to fall into people-pleasing tendencies. Venus Conjunct Ascendant Transit. He or she may be evasive, or hard to pin down. #Venus Opposition Ascendant on Tumblr Water rising signs often attracts attention for their style or are seen as magnetic to others. Juno synastry article | AstroGarden - ProBoards He supports alternative methods and new-age procedures. Your mind works like lightning. He learns things fast, but may be too quick in his judgments. You make concessions if it seems necessary to maintain harmonious relations, and you refuse to judge someone whose conduct does not come up to your expectations. There is a powerful level of understanding and both parties might feel like they have encountered their soulmate. Here we have both parties who hunger for each other and are not afraid to challenge the other person. It is desire, it is passion and love. MARS-ASCENDANT Aspects in Synastry (conjunction, sextile, trine, opposition, square) With Mars conjunct Ascendant (Mars opposite Descendant) sexual attraction is very, very potent. The seventh house and descendant describe what are you looking for in a committed relationship. There may also be a sustained interest in communication, computers, electronics, and all that is electrical. May need to learn how to balance between self-sacrifice and expecting others to sacrifice themselves in a relationship (friendships, business, romantic). Their mars conjunct my south node. They may become friends/lovers with important people just for the sole purpose of fame/money. When transiting Venus aligns with your natal ascendant, you'll feel like bringing increased amounts of pleasure, sensuality, and beauty into your life. Fear is not an option, instead they each promote the evolution of the self. He is eccentric, perceptive and extraordinarily experimental. If you have venus trine ascendant at 0 degrees, then venus trine to your ascendant would be more influential in your appearance/impression. Eros in Synastry but focusing on the easy aspects such as . With the Sun in Aquarius, we will be inspired to take a leap and play with our luck. I think Willy Robertson is super sexy.I ran to the charts, as I always do. Most love physical affection, whether to close ones or towards others (it depends). May grow out facial hair, eg. There is no deception in your claim that you are happy to meet people, because you truly enjoy their company and conversation. Mercury opposite mars gives the individual a sharp mind and sharp communicator but may struggle to balance and compromise others ideas and words, often challenging them or debating when they have a different outlook from yours. Ascendant High prominent cheekbones, lower upper lip, jaw is curved out, venus touches the fire house making the native radiate hotness. You have no qualms about forming close relationships with people who are financially secure if this will increase your chances of a permanent association. Asks are closed for now (only for a while ). Friedrich Nietzsche had the Mercury opposite Uranus aspect within one degree. Maximum 3 degrees orb. The Venus person activates the Juno person's feelings of commitment. With an Opposition between Venus and your Ascendant, you will seek to make a good impression on everyone you meet and, in interaction with them, to focus on their positive qualities. This connection involves patience and respect. Cancer rising people in general are loyal when in love and looking for a partner, desiring a secure life and family - may be great with kids or want to have kids. He has Mars conjunct Venus, exact. He may fancy herself a gift to the world, and make a pest of himself to others. The relationship feels ignited when these two come together. When Venus is in a trine with another person's Ascendant sign, there's a good chance that there is a strong romantic connection. People with uranus in 6th may have unexpected health problems relating to their stomach. Venus Conjunct Ascendant or Venus in the 1st: For romantic synastry, this is love at first sight. Though, it doesnt mean they desire for everyone to love them back, but to give out affection and love, you also would like to receive it back. Edgar Cayce had this aspect in his birth chart. School years may be challenging as a result of your disdain for a linear approach to learning, routine tasks, and subjects that dont inspire you, not because of any lack of mental ability. This is a consuming aspect for both since they will be fascinated by one another and every moment they have together serves as a new life changing experience. The mind works too fast and the person is as mentally impatient as they come. Additionally, if they have cancer venus with Virgo sun, it may tie to how others are attracted and appealed to their energy, virgo + cancer = put together, elegant, magnetic, always looking stylish in a sense. This brings a high level of cooperation, gentleness and emotional awareness. The mind works too fast and the person is as mentally impatient as they come. . Celebrity Astrology - Tumblr Although they seem lucky and protected, sometimes they may need to look out for opportunists and scammers. May even become friends with many influential/resourceful people. Eros/Pluto Powerful and transformative as typical Pluto aspects tend to be. Read on to learn more about how these . This can manifest in many different ways, depending on the signs that your Venus trine . The aggressive tension between the way one looks and one wants to look and beauty the self/enhance their looks, self image and desire to carry the slef is subconsciously reflected in the enticing, forsh and capturing way their looks can manifest. Your mental energy and output is extremely variableone day you might be capable of enormous effort and interest in a project, and the next day the opposite. Pretty-privilege can make them a lil forgetful sometimes (especially if in 1H.). When venus trines the ascendant, the person may be viewed as attractive in general by the ppl they meet. Mercury trine mars is similar to the sextile aspect of it, however mercury trine mars natives are naturally imaginative, creative, communicative, concise, realistic and confidently expressive. Eros thrills, scares and creates intense bonds. In addition you may spend a lot of time trying to eradicate or regenerate some negative character trait within you. He may often speak without due forethought and thereby offend others. . Venus Opposite Ascendant - ASC. See a recent post on Tumblr from @guxciestone about Venus Opposition Ascendant. Ascendant Aspects in Synastry: To Sun, Moon, Mars and Venus A tendency to become too vain, relying on their appearance etc. It is a love that is not as binding or otherworldly as Valentine but can cause as much passion and desire as Venus. . If Juno in the first house is close to the ascendant (under 5-7 degrees), it can make marriage and partnership a major focus in your life. Ten Aspects for Sex Appeal in the Natal Chart - Psychic Ami Cancer rising people are private about their thoughts/emotions but stubborn to their virtues in their heart.
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