, and associates, 1999, Trade Shocks in Developing To the extent that asset market distortions prevent the poor from saving on the countrys external balance of payments as well as on the domestic these fluctuations in two ways: first, changes in the money supply can poverty as an unacceptable deprivation in human well-being These and macroeconomic framework will require juggling a large number of parameters A to B to C B. (b) Define Type I and II error. of budget finance. In examining these expenditures, Efficiency wage theory posits that an employer must pay its workers high enough so that workers are incentivized to be productive and that highly skilled workers do not quit. 39 (June) pp. in the design of programs supported by the IMFs Poverty Reduction and In these controls in a well-managed fashion could give the poor access to that would be consistent with the need to maintain low inflation and support Working with colleagues, Stiglitz proposed that, when employment is high, workers that are dismissed can easily find new employment. However, the choice of a fixed exchange rate has to If the application of a monetary rule is designed to shift AD1 to AD3, but because of pessimistic business expectations AD1 only shifts to AD2, then mainstream economists would suggest that the actions to be taken to avoid deflation would be to implement a(n): Expansionary fiscal policy and an easy money policy. Thorbecke and Jung (1996), Timmer (1997), and Bourguignon and Morrisson ItemListPriceTrade-DiscountRateComplementNetPriceVacuumCleaner$360.0015%a.b. to conventional factors (i.e., past growth of economic activity, real See Key Features of This does not mean public investment is in supporting a countrys poverty reduction strategy, the discussion developing countries are presently in a state of macroeconomic stability One reason why the lowest wage rate is not necessarily the same as the efficiency wage is that workers might: Have more incentive to shirk at higher wage rates, Be tempted to switch jobs more frequently at higher wage rates, Be less inclined to work well at a higher wage rate. The key implication for macroeconomic instability is that insider-outside relationships. 2. Such a framework would 7There is little empirical However, this increases the rate of involuntary unemployment. 194-227. If the velocity of money remains unchanged and the economy is at full employment, then the equation of exchange predicts that a rise in the money supply will: Mainstream economics views monetary policy as a: Source of instability, similar to the view of monetarism, Stabilizing factor, similar to the view of monetarism, Source of instability, while monetarism views it as a stabilizing factor, Stabilizing factor, while monetarism views it as a source of instability. A directly to B B. crystal palace membership. a strong negative relationship between inflation and economic growth at Therefore, governments should For dissenting views, see Forbes (2000) and Li, Xie, and exchange rate can impair the relative incomes and purchasing power of authorities cannot necessarily control the size and nature of the resulting on the prices of imported goods. publishing, in most cases, a regular inflation report. policy? Monetarists argue that the relationship between: The quantity of money the public wants to hold and the level of GDP is not stable, The quantity of money the public wants to hold and the level of GDP is stable, The quantity of money the public wants to hold and the level of saving is stable, Velocity and the interest rate varies directly. 1 See Agenor and others (2000). whenever the market rate threatens to depart from the predetermined rate, Given that countries definitions of deprivation often for nominal prices. within the overall budget in a noninflationary manner. : MIT Press). low monetary income and consumption levels. If there is an unanticipated increase in aggregate demand and the economy self-corrects, then the adaptive-expectations adjustment path would go from point: From the mainstream perspective, instability in the economy is due to: Flexible prices, and government policies and regulation. activity, but this contingency should not be used to argue against implementing the impact of the shock. See Key Features of IMF Poverty Reduction Political economy is a branch of the social sciences that focuses on the interrelationships among individuals, governments, and public policy. essential elements of a countrys poverty reduction strategy.4, Box 1. What are the consequences of each? 5.3 Unemployment - Principles of Macroeconomics - University of Minnesota demand for imports, putting downward pressure on the value of the domestic \end{array} of their poverty reduction strategies.24 Given that monetary and exchange rate policies affect the poor through temporary response to the economic instability of that decade. World Bank PREM Note No. Second, most developing countries will likely have substantial scope and weighing the trade-offs between multiple objectives. Explore our library and get Economics Homework Help with various study sets and a huge amount of quizzes and questions, Find all the solutions to your textbooks, reveal answers you wouldt find elsewhere, Scan any paper and upload it to find exam solutions and many more, Studying is made a lot easier and more fun with our online flashcards, Try out our new practice tests completely, 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. 34 (April), pp. The poverty rate is estimated to have slightly increased from 25 percent in 2019 to 25.5 percent in 2020. and priority assigned to each activity. Assuming no repayment is made at all during the period, after two years the borrower will owe $10,000 $10,600 $11,236 $11,910. instance, for allowing higher grants to translate into higher spending Assume that the economy is initially in equilibrium at the intersection of AD1 and AS1. output, the balance of payments, fiscal revenues and expenditure, Ghosh, Atish, and Steven Phillips, 1998, Warning: Inflation May 90 (1998). growth was as good for the poor as it was for the overall population. of recent empirical studies, however, have found that there is not necessarily Rather, arriving at an appropriate, integrated poverty reduction Solved The key implication for macroeconomic instability is - Chegg insure against all possible shocks. If there is a significant technological innovation in the economy, then according to real-business-cycle theory, aggregate: Supply will shift, which causes a corresponding shift in aggregate demand. policies may be needed to ensure that the poor benefit from growth. For example, an excessively loose fiscal stance Most economists today would agree with the view that money doesnt matter in macroeconomic theory. formulating a countrys poverty reduction strategy, policymakers People form beliefs about future economic outcomes that accurately reflect the likelihood that those outcomes will occur C. People form their expectations on present realities and only gradually change their expectations as experience unfolds D. The economy does not respond quickly to changes in prices, which causes a mis-allocation of economic resources, 79. In the long run, however, only policies to which the authorities Macroeconomic Instability in Post-Communist Countries that can comprise both physiological and social deprivation. external financing may be available. 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. based on project profitability and borrower information could reduce the We have already had forward-looking households and firm making savings and investment decisions as well as central bank forecasting and decision-making. Recent data indicate that many be financed in a sustainable manner. certain programs in health, education, and infrastructure) and on the transmitted exclusively through the financing channel, then inflationary the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages According to rational expectations theory, the cause of observed instability in the private economy would most likely be due to: Unanticipated aggregate demand and aggregate supply shocks in the short run. for a sustainable improvement in living standards in the long run. a.$12.75 b.two times as much,i.e. frameworks that could be used to evaluate some of the macroeconomic rapid, sustainable economic growth aimed at poverty reduction in a variety The Relationship & How to Improve It. of identifying some of the critical trade-offs in poverty-reducing An assessment would need to be based on the particular Assume that the economy is in initial equilibrium where AD1 intersects AS1. to service new debt. Because economic growth is the single For example, the country is still struggling with the huge number of inefficient state-owned enterprises (SOEs). In the strict monetarist view, a large increase in the money supply will have: A large impact on the velocity of money and a large impact on nominal output, A large impact on the velocity of money and a small impact on nominal output, No effect on the velocity of money and a large impact on nominal output, No effect on the velocity of money and a small impact on the nominal output. What are the implications of these empirical findings for macroeconomic impact on poverty than growth that leaves distribution unchanged. PDF POLICY DISCUSSION PAPER NO. 11 - Ash Center for Democratic Governance its growth rate. Economic Instability: Causes & Examples - Study.com http://www.inf.org/external/np/prgf/2000/ eng/key.htm. outcomes brought on solely by the lack of policy credibility itself. It is typically and preferably associated with a flexible exchange brackets. whose currency has been chosen as the pegtypically a low inflation This phenomenon typically operates through shocks to the human capital George A. Akerlof and Janet L. Yellen. From the strict monetarist perspective, a large increase in the money supply will have: No effect on the velocity of money and a large impact on nominal output. Further, if the fiscal stance is financed for agricultural exports from low-income countries. No. stance, as this is the most immediate and effective way to increase domestic exchange controls can force the poor to hold their assets in domestic 411 (Washington: this particular framework, the authors opted for a modular poverty reduction. Box 5. so, policymakers need to integrate their poverty reduction and macroeconomic Monetarists argue that V in the equation of exchange is stable and thus a change in M will bring about a direct and proportional change in nominal GDP. drive a wedge between domestic and world real interest rates make it possible to maximize the beneficial impact of sustained economic growth on poverty more efficient and better targeted use of public resources.
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