Sometimes this leads to charming kookdom the Basque people have an extraordinarily high Rh-negative rate of 25 to 35 percent, which entrances that strange subset of Basquophiles who . I am starting to feel more like an Amazon especially after reading your articles. Lots of energy. Sumerians are most definitely Caucasian. NEED SHOT EACH TIME FOR PREGNANCY The reference to Rhesus monkeys is only because it was their blood being analyzed when they discovered the D antigen. Now its not necessary because they figured a way around it. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Best wishes, We got this!!! So, both my kids are neg. Thus the royal families were created, who were slaves to the reptilians, and who in turn set out to enslave the rest of humanity. seems to get to the cell better without flooding the serum. I am A-. Anyway, she was then upset, retrieved all of the pieces except for one, and put them back together. Some women have a very, very weak Rh. What does the Bible say about rh negative blood? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. There is information about children born to rhesus negative mothers avaliable also. This is at the heart of Rh negative mothers bringing a child that may or may not also be Rh-negative. I have two sons RH+ and one RH- like me. After all, look how Michelle Big Mike fooled you into thinking she was a girl, let alone First Lady Michael played football for Oregon State. He never said we evolved from monkeys. hardly get sick. They are causing an unusual exchange response in the receiver. Sodom's sin from this perspective is homosexual behavior. An individual either has, or does not have, the "Rhesus factor" on the surface of their red blood cells. RH Negative Blood - Christian Faith Guide Neither of us have had any problems. Not just food but plastics and cosmetics. What Does the Bible Say About Rh Negative Blood? Powerful Bible verses Bloodline of Jesus/Mary - Rh-NegativeNetwork If someone has an Rh-negative blood type, it means that their heritage might trace back to very ancient times but unfortunately, so do their bodys immune systems. Side Effects. Charles Darwin, although heavily influenced by his Unitarian mother during childhood, had lost his faith by age 40. In support of this interpretation is that hyperbole is used to describe the Israelites as grasshoppers in the second half of the verses. 57 yrs old, female, living on a working farm. Lacking Rh factor canlead to problems especially incases where blood transfusion or organ transplant is needed urgently. ABSOLUTELY!!! What does the Bible say about rh negative blood? You are the one that will have your head spinning and mental meltdowns when you learn you have been created by media. I know my body knows how to resist. This is my declaration for you; I pray that all the blessings of God in your life will be fulfilled in Jesus name. Most individuals fall under A, B, AB or O and these blood types are determined by the presence or absence of proteins on the red blood cell surfaceA and B antigens. This interbreeding occurred in offspring that were obtained. [4] Source. I use to have a fear of heights. Ezekiel 3:18 When I say to the wicked, You will surely die, and you do not warn him or speak out to warn the wicked from his wicked way that he may live, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand. Im RH neg. When the antigenic materials attack the negative blood group. For this reason O Negative blood can be sent to anyone without antibodies to those parts going on. And 85% of Rh- are white. Today, a simple shot, often referred to as an Rh immune globulin injection prevents a mothers body from producing antibodies. ], 7 Best Christian Family Books [Family Is Divine! Mother was fair, blonde hair, green eyes. If you have the protein, you are Rh-positive. Although we do not have a specific verse that addresses the issue of RH negative blood and its effects, the Bible does offer important principles on the subject.First of all, the Bible says that we were. I wont be having the vaccine. And prefer to be alone. The reptiles are one of may and yes they are in many ways controlling things. Still do. If you are intuitive then you are probably cautious. This Hemolytic infection, an allergic response can produce death. It might make a difference in someones life. Did you know that? Another unique group was the Eastern/Oriental Jews. What does the Bible say about rh negative blood? when the two separate blood groups are hybrid during pregnancy. For surely it is not angels that he helps, but he helps the offspring of Abraham. Those antibodies would slay the red blood cells from the angel. Apart from that I am in good health and have been told I look a lot younger that 76. For the life of every creature is its blood., He has no need, like those high priests, to offer sacrifices daily, first for his own sins and then for those of the people, since he did this once for all when he offered up himself., And to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel., Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus,, But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.. Who Are the Nephilim? - Biblical Archaeology Society to learn more. The large blood type AB frequencies stand out. These are the Bloodlines of the Anunnaki 'Gods' - Stillness in the For this reason alone, before we can look at what the bible says about RH negative blood, each human being came with a form of intrinsic greatness and value. This is why they live in the mountains (PTSD from the flood that wiped out their people). When he is sick he goes about business usual. Have Asthma & Pollen Allergies. some say it is the lack thereof. Wikipedia. I have reactions to any processed foods so paleo is good for me. When Rh-negative women become pregnant, and the baby is Rh-positive, the mothers body produces antibodies which attack and destroy the babys red blood cells. Rh-negative blood is, in reality, a common feature that some people have, and others do not. Plus, they didnt just fall into the cult like we would with the Rajneesh Purams, theyve all actually been forced into it since childhood, not unlike the inversion training that some of the boys receive. To begin with, the bible says that we are created in the image of God. 2022 Faith Gazette. Are you saying My blood type is A-. Note: All information on KidsHealth is for educational purposes only. RH B negative, I am Rh beg O and I have a fear of heights but love being around people , I dont have a fear of heights but I never get sick and. Hello, Im Rh B- and I am biracial as well, my father is black and my mother is European. Stories from old manuals, pre-Christian ones, tell us of a race from the Heavens to Earth. What are you laughing for? It goes on and on, and they broadcast who they are and what their plans are for us in these coded ways, only because they know that by Karmic law, Karma will come back to them for their evil, unless they can tell us with their symbiology, etc., and we accept it and look the other way. You are the smartest person you know. They will take the side of the most popular and not have your back. Why are there so many crazy theories about negative blood types? According to the knowledge that the Bible gives us about the origins of the Nephilim, they evolved at a different point in Biblical history than the origin of people. Its no conspiracy that vaccines are not necessary . The RH Negative blood types have been extensively controlled and manipulated for attempted hijacking by the Illuminati Bloodlines, many insist that reptilians are the source of RH negative blood which is incorrect. Theres a ton of 100% European descending people who have the monkey ancestor. The average among most people is only 15%-Rh negative, while some groups have very little. I also have read and heard from various readings that we cant get the Wuhan because of our blood type. A, B, AB, and O are the four common blood types present among humans and are usually inherited from the parents and are determined by pair of genes. I can now have one glass of milk every month without getting a headache. Had countless medical issues for the last 1-2 years, didnt have covid-19, just found a paper from an emergency procedure I had in 2015 stating I was 27 weeks and RH Negative. This could make one healthier. . We offer women's health services, obstetrics and gynecology throughout Northeast Ohio and beyond. They do a lot of gender inversions, too, since the idols they worship are both genders, and because things get weird with tracking the blood and needing a mate of a different gender from whats available. And about 95% of African-Americans control the Rh antigen on their red cells. So it is not a silly question. Before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. RH Negative Blood: What Does the Bible Say About It? Get the Facts No one should take the vaccine. To many scholars, the unusual nature and intensity of the sin in Genesis 6:1-4 explains Gods regret (v. 6) and the flood of judgment that follows in the narrative. vakcny jsou ipy a smlouvy se Satanem,(Elem) kad kdo podlehne strachu a tlaku vtiny a pistoup dobrovoln na okovn bude opakovat mnoho reinkarnac ne se odprost od tto sluby. So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. Blood types that do not have the Rhesus-gene, are called Rh Negative as a result. Daniel's seminary degree is in Exegetical Theology. Also see What Does the Bible Say About Astrology? NOT related to the Rhesus monkey..regardless of race/ethnicity..some nonsense Darwin (a rather strange man w/rather strange ideas who also married his first cousin) came up with to push evolution OVER creation! An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. When it says this, there is no remission without the shedding of blood (Hebrews 9:22). My galbladder was so infected it gave me sepsis and was removed, it was full of holes. Its also central to certain conspiracy theories that include the Nephilim. Check out the book of Enoch. We need to really start talking to one another to see how much in common we really have. from. The question naturally arises, Where do we go from here? My mother developed Type 1 diabetes at 11 years old. You are correct never stop telling people. GESTATIONAL DIABETES -Gestational diabetes goes away after you give birth. Your email address will not be published. April 2, 20204. Thorough, about 40 45% of Europeans have the Rh-negative grouponly about 3% of African descendants and about 1% of Asians. Jesus had AB blood that was RH negative. I have always felt healthier than most, I dont fear viruses at all. I have RH neg. (My youngest is 28, so I dont remember all the details.) Question: What Does The Bible Say About Rh Negative Blood? This seems to explain a story about a tribe in China thatdies when relocated to lower altitudes. Why cant Rh-negative and Rh-positive blood mix? I like being up high but Im afraid of heights once I get up there. back in february. Rhesus negative people have a greater oxygen capacity thus are more adaptable to higher altitudes like the mountains. A few scholars nuance one of the three main views and an even smaller number try to combine two of them, but most Bible scholars accept the general framework of one of the three views on the table below. What Does the Bible Say About the Sabbath. Didnt see a doctor as I never had difficulties with other pregnancies. 10 Rh Negative Blood Type Facts - May 4, 2017 25. Most Bible scholars believe that God destroyed the Nephilim in the flood and that the description of Nephilim in Numbers 13:33 is an exaggeration. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Thats a lot of sickness. What does the Bible say about rh negative blood? Safety. Did the Nephilim survive the flood, contrary to Genesiss reporting? Thank you again! also, the more benevolent aliens gave us math etc, also we were from mars but bombed it senseless and were moved. If a mother is Rh-negative and her first baby is Rh-positive, theres a potential danger if their blood mixes. In Genesis 6, the Bible points to the guard of fallen angels as sons of God. My wife is A- and I tease her all the time about being an Atlantean shape-shifting reptile. Theyve even introduced a third strand of DNA. I do think the government has a list of us and eventually something is going to come up where they need us for something. The Rh blood group, which includes Rh-negative and Rh-positive, was discovered in 1940. Rh- and autoimmune diseases. The Samaritans and the Black Cochin Jew also . Anyway, though, the British royal family are very much tied to the ancient Egyptians. There are also instances, however, where people are Rh-Negative. Actually I am 70% Irish because my paternal grandparents came from Waterford, Ireland. Thats really my only big fear makes my feet tingle when I get near a cliff or edge of a high building. So what does the Bible say about rh negative blood? He was a pastor for 10 years. People with Rh- blood types are more likely to develop a compromised immunity, and might not be as healthy compared to anyone with an Rh+ blood type. So I am on blood thinners. What does the Bible say about rh negative blood? The Rhesus factor, specifically rhesus negative, has been a topic of interest for discussionsin medicalscience for a long time. Genesis 6:1-4; When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. The fact that a number of people lack this factor is a puzzling phenomenon that tends to defy the evolution story arising the question on where did they come from? This could be a strong argument for the hypothesis that humans are derived from Primates or evolved. Revelation 16:4 Then the third angel poured out his bowl into the rivers and the springs of waters; and they became blood. Required fields are marked *. Too much bilirubin is a sign that the liver, which is responsible for processing old blood cells, is having trouble. I am RH-, O neg is not the rarest ab neg of all the negative blood types, I like to be alone , have a fear of heights & rarely get sick either. always gonna be rh negative. JESUS'S BLOOD: The Astonishing DNA Analysis of Jesus Christ - THE How does it work that they survived and are now 85% of the population? Theres even an obelisk in NYC which was brought from Egypt, and a hole had to be cut into the side of the ship, to fit the obelisk. The most prevalent blood type is Rh-positive. Neither of us have had the flu (or taken flu shots) and weve not been sick in years, not even with a cold. No exceptions. If your test is negative, the factor is not in your blood. Dear folks, Christianity speaks about life and death in each evidence. Did home pregnancy test. Are the Basques from the Ten Tribes? I dont have a tail) I can hyper extend or am double jointed. The A and B antigens are the important antigens of interest. From their holy parents, the RH-negative blood type. So my 10/10 birthday Libran mind does I immediately googled and havent stopped being curious since. Me too. Is there a Basque-Jewish-Rh Negative connection? The history becomes strange around this subject, just because satanism is a cult and they have worked hard over the years to hide it. According to the research I have done, it does not alter DNA. Being Rh- has been with you since birth and will always be a part of your life. Although they arent mentioned by name until verse four, the first three verses are central to the debate about their identity. Only roughly 15% of the world's population carries the Rh Negative factor, and this amount is not uniformly distributed across the globe. I have extreemly high arches in my feet. The O group probably arose from an information-losing mutation of A. Rhesus negative males have an enhanced IFN-mediated immune response to influenza A virus. ], 39 Forgiving What You Cant Forget Quotes and Takeaways [Time To Let Go]. Ive not had any or heard of migraines as an issue with negatives. Flu shots are well known to reduce the T cell count, and these cells remember infections and respond to them if new variants are encountered in subsequent years. PDF Bloodlines of Illuminati - Central Intelligence Agency They eventually migrated to what ended up being somewhere in or near Spain and then of course this Rh- blood line trickled down that way. Hello ,Im O- blood type ,when I was pregnant I was told I was RH- and received a shot for it. But keep this in mind too Rh- cannot be cloned! The remaining 85% are Rh positive, making them more favorable. In consummation ending in giants recognized as Nephilims blood type. I also find, via genealogy research, that I have Basque ancestry (via Portugal, Quebec, Canada to Northern NT State . Although the Rh-negative trait is rare in most parts of the world, it occurs in about 15 percent of Caucasians in Europe, Canada, and the United States.. Scholars, historians, rabbis, pastors, and Bible readers have been asking questions like these for thousands of years: How does the Bible introduce the Nephilim? I am not taking the covid vaccine because I am O- My grandmother had a very bad reaction to it. So when they have their torture/murder sacrifices, they like to do it over the Earths leigh (energy) lines, when the planets are lined up the right way, and during our holidays, such as Christmas Eve. good and bad are just concepts, there are just beings who want workers and slaves and beings who want us to be enlightened so we join the next level of existence. I dont get sick much, but I dont take vaccines, and I dont believe in germ theory . something that we all have but something that flows within our bodies and separately from our souls. Their childhood trainings break their minds. we consider ourselves very lucky in that we have maintained a relatively healthy life. I found my body builds up allergies; so if I eat or drink to much of anything its possible I will become allergic. And cursed be the one who restrains his sword from blood. About 85% of Caucasians. This is the good news, we can have all the blessings in this life through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross regardless of our blood type. My husband is an avid hunter and fisherman we have a lot of fresh caught fish (mostly pickerel & trout) and a lot of wild meat moose, elk, deer, etc. Your blood type is permanent. Being RH negative does not mean we are related to the RH monkey. And stopped donating. BG has openly stated this. Im Rh- as well and I thought I had Afib because my mom has it but mine was ruled out and my diagnosis was anxiety. It matches up, at least in part, with what we know of the Rh Negative blood type today! Only child. The United States has an almost 85% Rh-positive community. The wheat and tares parable is a world of truth in it. Hope youre doing great! Hebrews 2 14-16; Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery. positive note. Hemophilia also runs on my fathers side. What Does the Bible Say About Rh Negative Blood? Who made stout additions in biology. Throughout the Bible, the term appears as a metaphor for Christs actions and how we can attain redemption through the acceptance of Christ (e.g. Ephesians speaks about those without faith, who have been called to faith by the blood of Christ. Romans 10:9-10; because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Theyre super into their own bloodlines, because supposedly they were bred with the reptilians somehow, which was done to make them more cold hearted. Me too! But for some, its evidence that an extraterrestrial encounter occurred thousands of years ago, which produced half-human creatures that still live on Earth today. What Does the Bible Say About the Nephilim? This mystery has puzzled investigators for years. I am O Rh- and I did get horrible headaches to about 34 until I gave up milk. Is a sign of great intellect. I had coronavirus and I am O- I have had bleeding problems such as hemorrhaging. Was not told that if I didnt get the RhoGam shot early on there was a good chance I would miscarry. You really should craft your self a 10 gallon cowboy hat made of tin foil to wear whenever you decide to write another post similar to this one. All we need to do is believe and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Some women have a very, very weak Rh. This explains the weakness in Rhesus negative people against several types of diseases and illnesses. Also there have been documented cases of rhesus negative born people becoming rhesus null. And they took as their wives any they chose. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ive looked into it and the best I can tell, actual ETs, reptilians specifically, are behind it. They are termed "Rh- positive.". Between these times I never saw a doctor I was in good health. I am RH Negative B and I had to have a shot when I had my son, did not This specific antigen is found on the surface of the erythrocytes exclusively inRhesus positive blood type individuals. I AM RH NEG TYPE 0 In consummation ending in giants recognized as Nephilims blood type. doesnt contain a protein on red blood cells, contains a protein on the surface of red blood cells, yes, its the blood type of demon-human or alien-human hybrid creatures, the godly male descendants of Seths line, lust; some views argue that the women consented, and others that demons raped them, If they are half-human, what are the implications regarding their, Its consistent with the meaning of the word Nephilim, which is. This specific antigen is found on the surface of the erythrocytes exclusively in Rhesus positive blood type individuals. By being resistant to these diseases, it means that they are less susceptible to suffer from them as opposed to those with the Rhesus factor. What is that all about, and is there any accuracy to what is give voice to? Stanford At The Tech Ask, A Geneticist, asked a mystery and answered much more fairly than I could gather. The Bible never mentions a specific blood type, such as A-Positive or O-Negative. . And can produce an Anti-D antibody. i had to receive the jab to travel way It determines whether blood types are positive or negative. It is mentioned often that the Nephilim, thanks to their origin, were not as healthy as modern people of the time. I also am afraid of heights and absolutely hate being around people except my adult kids. This intrinsic value calls us to use our God-given gifts and talents to serve others and make people know about Jesus . lets hope there is plenty in the blood banks if I need it lol, Hi 13 people I believe more than that me and my sister are the only ones in my family who have rh negative blood its rare blood but everyone can be sick around me I dont get sick I only had food allergies though . Therefore, they will spend eternity being punished for their sins since there is no way for those sins to be forgiven. I have had septsis three times in my life, it should have killed me but just made me a little sick. The Bible uses blood to refer to animal sacrifices in the Old Testament But this is not the Bibles only mention of why and how blood is an important fluid that contains at least some of our life. The average among most people is only 157%-Rh negative, while some groups have very little. And of the RH-negative factor in the Basque people. The Word still talks about blood in several different, important ways including the blood of Christ, to the blood that can be shed in times of war or conflict. ], 7 Best Kids Christian Books in [Must Read! I just want to clear up one misstatement I see all over the place on this issue. I never thought there was so much to know about blood its interesting finding out. When donkeys and horses are hybrid to produce mules. Are you a theologian? RH-factor is crucial in blood. What Does the Bible Say About RH Negative Blood? If the mothers antibodies mixed with her second childs blood, they would attack and destroy the childs blood cells. That said, the RH factor is just one way of classifying blood types. If your blood analyses are positive for this, you have the piece of the action in your blood. I understand. The Bible never mentions Rh-negative blood. About 30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry one (r) negative gene. If that has been taken, use your full first and last name. And related to that question, who are the sons of god and the daughters of men? ], 7 Top Christian Books On Purpose In 2023 [Find It! Nothing is live and nothing is what you learn on TV. What would be the blood group of Jesus? Most people, about 85%, have RH-positive blood. A genetic analysis of Jesus' dried blood proves that his Father is non-human. The child was named Horus. The description "strange flesh" in Jude 1:7 has two common interpretations among Bible scholars. Our antique texts tell us they started to take humans for their spouses. The only extra time this has transpired in creation is, as an example. Leviticus 17 11. Luckily I dont get sick often at all, even when around someone who is. Im o neg and I totally agree!! Have not been sick have not had covid. Never. In good health. Nobody knows where it came from except that there was a mutation over a thousand years ago.