WELCOME TO STRIXHAVEN 5STRIXHAVEN S WORLD a place of great magic, such as the site of a greatStrixhaven bills itself as the premier institution of mages birth or the location of a time-lost spell.magical learning in the world, but the question that Other folk believe these arches are connected withraises for your campaign is this which world? 8 Vivifier, conjuring fractal creatures based on biological lifeSUBSTANCE AND THEORY QUANDRIX FACULTYQuandrixs two deans carry the titles Dean of Sub-stance and Dean of Theory, reflecting the philosoph- This section describes noteworthy members ofical division within the college. You can alter fellow students, consider challenging them witha maps features as you see fit. You may use the table to randomly determine the scholarly focus of a Lorehold student or faculty member. 1: Life on Campus 8 Campus Kerfuffle 60 Arcane Herbology 165 9 Exam: Vegetation Identification 166Magical Study Running This Adventure 60 172Campus Overview 44 Clue in the Bayou 173Lorehold College 13 First Day on Campus . Characters have the opportunity to exploreGYOME, MASTER CHEF Sedgemoor in chapter 3.Anyone who thinks a troll cant be a great chef has WlDDERSHINS HALLnever met Gyome (neutral troll). in cryptic allegories not only to tease and test the eager minds of young mages, but also to cleverlyWhen an Oracle dies, their mind and spirit is swept sidestep time paradoxes.off to the distant past, drawn backward through Stat blocks for archaics appear in chapter 7, along-time toward the intense magical power that brought side that of the current Oracle, whose name isJadzi.the world into being. Upload PDF to create a flipbook like D&D 5e Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos now. What is the purpose of art? They practice only outdoors, and their a towering structure with a glassed-in observationconcerts fill the sky with beautiful explosions of ele- area at the top. The triggering creature must created at Strixhaven. ters first year, you make college-related decisions The easiest explanation is that you met as first-year for your character, such as a background choice. If you make an Intelligence (Arcana) without a spell slot if you are holding the primer.or an Intelligence (Nature) check while holding theprimer, you can expend 1 charge to give yourself Your spellcasting ability for this spell is your choicea ld4 bonus to the check, immediately after youroll the d20. A semester of spellslinging. After rolling a Student Die, a player cant roll it again until the character finishes a long rest. Thetures, using that power to heal or harm the living or Principle column notes which side of the growth-de- cay conflict a scholar more likely aligns with.to raise or entreat the dead. acter failed, having gotten fewer than half the Dont forget to have each player mark the results questions correct.of an Exam on their tracking sheet! Bards thriveto enter one of Strixhavens colleges. Strixhaven is the multiverse's biggest and most prestigious magical university, first appearing in Magic: The Gathering's Strixhaven: School of Mages before crossing over with Dungeons & Dragons in its newest sourcebook, Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos.Based in the plane of Arcavios, budding wizards and academics come from far and wide to hone their skills, explore their potentials, and find . Follow this rule regardless of the method You have the following racial traits. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos introduces the fantastical setting of Strixhaven University, drawn from the multiverse of Magic: The Gathering, and provides rules for creating characters who are students in one of its five colleges. Nature#3 NO TIME Skills Employer Rerolls d4s Rerolls d4s GRADUATION Coworker CHAPTER 3 | SCHOOL IS IN SESSION ,3EXTRACURRICULARS new adventure. Encounter over forty magical, mysterious creatures and NPCs in the bestiary. Most notably, mascotsform beyond the confines of an academic program. . ForSTRIXHAVEN MASCOT the spells duration, you have proficiency in the cho-Prerequisite: 4th Level, Strixhaven Initiate Feat sen skill. Most player characters,character you can imagine, drawing on player char- including owlin, are of the Humanoid type. Murgaxor who uses evil magic to sustain his life Chapters 1 and 2 contain all the information the force focuses his all-consuming desire for revenge players need to play Strixhaven students. On a successful check, the character gains one re-roll to use during the characters next Testing phase. Rugged mesas and steep hills soaring bridge that crosses the chasm of Pillardrop.rise from a wide plain, and a great chasm holds the The bridge and surrounding pathways are linedexcavated ruins of an ancient settlement. This phenomenon matters Silverquill Shadrix Silverquillfor Strixhaven because a luminous snarl is situatedat the very heart of campus, located in the Hall of Witherbloom Beledros WitherbloomOracles in the universitys monumental library, the ARCHAICS AND THE ORACLEBiblioplex. In addition, if you have the Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature, the spells on the Quandrix Spells 2 Two weeks ago, I was enthralled with my latest table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting project. Previous Page. 178Prismari College 45 No Time to Lose 178Quandrix College Orientation Challenge . download 1 file . Owlin have arms and legs like other Humanoids, as well as wingsStrixhaven and other D&D settings. An alternative art cover with a distinctive design and soft-touch finish is available exclusively in game stores now. The tavernshead like a smaller echo of the Dawnbow, and a manager is a kind but strict ore named Tulk thelush park, Archway Commons, marks the site. Thanks to your wings, you have a flying A STRIXHAVEN PARTY speed equal to your walking speed. See below for more information.) Last. You draw on knowledge from spirits of the past. 107 Ruin Grinder 215 39 Shadrix Silverquill 216 39 Party at the Rose Stage 108 Silverquill Apprentice 217 39 Silverquill Pledgemage 218 39 Practice Makes Perfect Ill Silverquill Professor of Radiance 219 39 . Campus hijinks mix with mishaps and sinister plots, and it's up to you to save the day. tion) check and a successful Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, both using the DC set for the Exam. But danger lurks even here. If a student quits tant, equipment assistant, groundskeeper, refresh- ments expert, ticket taker, usherduring the academic year, they stop earning this Coworker: Aurora Luna Wynterstarr, Greta Gorunnmoney at the end of the week in which they quit.RELATIONSHIP POINTWhile a character works a Job, they gain a positiveor negative Relationship Point (the players choice)with one student NPC at that Job. Everything falls Spell Level Spells apart someday. The Items for Sale table.chosen creature has advantage on the next attackroll, ability check, or saving throw it makes within 1 MAGIC ITEMS FOR SALEminute. from bogsBiology, ecology, botany, chemistry, and related 5 Dreadbones, infusing dead tissue with magic to create Undead servantssciences combine with the study and manipulationof the magical energy of the Positive Plane and the 6 Earthcroucher, connecting directly with the land to power nature magicNegative Plane, the primal forces of life and death. 7 Leafbinder, using medicinal herbs toWitherblooms curriculum shares some overlap with soothe woundsQuandrixs analysis of the mathematical patterns 8 Pestcatcher, harvesting life energyin nature. Someof study he so greatly enjoyed. ADVENTURE LEVELS Starting Level Chapter Adventure 1st 3 Campus Kerfuffle 4th 4 Hunt for Mage Tower 6th 5 The Magisters Masquerade 8th 6 A Reckoning in Ruinsfi 3 | SCHOOL IS IN SESSION 41START OF A TO .RELATIONSHIPS POSTER MAP The poster map is meant to be shared with the play-If you run chapter 4, 5, or 6 as a standalone adven- ers. Dungeons & Dragons' latest Magic: The Gathering crossover, Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos, brings five powerful new spells to Fifth Edition. Through the books multiyear campaign, players begin as first-year students who study, socialize, and adventure their way to graduation. The funds theygenerate fuel the clubs activities. Using the rules that follow, characters EXTRACURRICULAR BENEFITScan join Extracurriculars to add flavor to the books While a student participates in an Extracurricular,adventures, gain minor rules benefits, and perhaps they gain a Student Die and a Relationship Point, as more easily befriend or irritate their classmates. paign, you can run them as standalone adventures. CHAPTER 2 | CHARACTER OPTIONSSuggested Characteristics. The chosen space must be on a surface or in Weapon, +1 ( DMG ) Uncommona liquid that can support the target without the tar- Witherbloom Primer Uncommonget having to squeeze. You arent in Lorehold, and wizards (particularly those of thelimited to these backgrounds in a Strixhaven cam- School of Divination) are numerous among its stu-paign; theyre just one way you can choose to divedeeply into your characters college affiliation. Incorporating player options, new monsters, and a four-part campaign, this book provides groups everything they need to play a campaign in the Magic: The Gathering school of Strixhaven. Check D&D 5e Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos from DasKnguru here. The Prismari Personality Traits table Languages: One of your choice Equipment: A bottle of black ink, an ink pen, ansuggests a variety of traits you might adopt for your abacus, a book of arcane theory, a school uniform,character. After rolling a Student If some players want to use these rules and other players dont, using these rules only for some char- Die, a player cant roll it again until the character acters, or not using them at all, doesnt unbalance finishes a long rest. RELATIONSHIP POINT While a student participates in an Extracurricular, the student gains either a positive or a negative Rela- tionship Point (the players choice) with one student NPC who is also a member of the Extracurricular (see the Relationship rules later in this chapter). The dragons knowledge is vast, butAs described in the Players Handbook, magic their tempers can prove short. The greatest minds in the multiverse meet at Strixhaven University. In these adventures, the characters receive experi- When a creatures name appears in bold type, ence points for achieving story milestones, rather thats a visual cue pointing you to its stat block. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos introduces the fantastical setting of Strixhaven University, drawn from the multiverse of Magic: The Gathering, and provides rules for creating characters who are students in one of its five colleges.. As Dungeons & Dragons once more merges with Magic: The Gathering, it brings with it an exciting new prospect: a magical school . The piece re- new aptitude: conducting.ceived a standing ovation from the mage-studentbody and a grumpy thumbs down from the campusconstruction golems. Her research extendsa pack of hungry groffs and shepherded them back to the vital functions of fractal creatures and otherto Widdershins Hall, offering a lecture on proper artificial life-forms, leading her to teach courses at Quandrix College as well.herb-gathering practices during the journey. 1 I thrive on esoteric lore. The tracking sheet includes the fol- counters without using rules to resolve them. Remind the player that while their charac- Relationship Points their character has with each NPC; whether that NPC is a Friend, a Rival, or a ter holds a job, the character gains a positive or negative Relationship Point with its associated Beloved; whether that NPC confers Beloved Inspi- student coworker, whom they should also note on ration; and that NPCs Bond Boon or Bond Bane, this sheet. Sheforces of the multiverse, waiting to be discovered loves to share her wild theories with anyone whoby those with the intellectual fortitude to delve into will listen.those secrets. Strixhaven can easily be dropped into any D&D world or campaign with the provided rules for adventuring as a student of magic. Choose one skill in which you lack proficiency. Each adventure unfolds over the course of one academic year at Strixhavenfull of student rivalries, campus hijinks, and a sinister plot brewing beneath it all. :18 CHAPTER 1 | LIFE AT STRIXHAVENQUANDRIX COLLEGE SCHOLARS OF QUANDRIXQuandrix is the College of Numeromancy a term The Quandrix Scholars table offers examples ofthat encompasses the study of patterns, fractals, the scholars in Quandrix College. The fundamental argu- Silverquill faculty. If youd like to determine yourSpells reveals some spells that were developed at characters height or weight randomly, consult the the university. principles distinguished from their opposites. discover and preserve magical knowledge, to In your second year, you choose your preferred disseminate that knowledge from one generation specialty at one of the five colleges. Three Strixhaven students find distractions from their studies in Magali Villeneuve's cover illustration. Like Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos? The school is like a town, where a relativelycentral campus and each of the five colleges. Manufactured by: Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boeechat 31, 2800 Delemont. Rollicking campus adventures for the world's greatest roleplaying game. Strixhaven can easily be dropped into any D&D world or campaign with the provided rules for adventuring as a student of magic. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos is a series of D&D adventures that can be run individually or as a campaign taking characters from 1st to 10th level. The Witherbloomthe focus of your reading, which include biology and Personality Traits table suggests a variety of traitsnecromancy. If a new studenterate object placement make the difference between is upset or overwhelmed, she eagerly calls forthfully realized art and a total mess. Aportals exist as well.These portals can be unpre- star arch called the Dawnbow curves across the sky above the library, marking its location as a center of mystic learning.ARCHWAY COMMONS IS A FAVORITE SPOTMAP 1.1: CENTRAL CAMPUS Arches welcome inquisitive minds into the library. Thankfully, they are also a giant spread of utility, defense, and offense! PRINCIPLES AND POLARITIES Upon retiring, a professor receives the title of The colleges and curriculum at Strixhaven are or- mage emeritus. In addition to legions of people who devote Two Counselors. end of each adventure provides information that RUNNING THE ADVENTURES foreshadows or sets up the events of the next adven- ture. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos PDF? You might alsocharacters to explore or areas where combat is narratively describe developments in their courseslikely to occur. Hunt for Mage Tower, in chapter 4, takes place during the charac- haven campaign, and each adventure provides in- ters second year at the university, and so on. He teaches that no rewards1 Archaeoscribe, chronicling historical Order come without risk, and his excursions typically endtruths for posterity with students heading to the infirmary. For instance, Campus Kerfuffle, the adven- ture in this chapter, takes place during the char- The adventures assume youre playing a Strix- acters first year at the university. At Higher Levels. Witherbloom Harnesses the forces of life and death. It introduces the main features of the staff. activities together. So why bother? Clerics (often with the Knowledge or Light If you do choose one of these backgrounds, you domains) are also quite common. exceptional teaching. SCHOLARS OF LOREHOLD The Lorehold Scholars table offers examples of the scholars in Lorehold College. Some of them use a Silverquill-ment among Silverquills scholars centers on the specific stat block from chapter 7.purpose of communication. from the pests of the bayouGROWTH AND DECAY WITHERBLOOM FACULTYThe two deans of Witherbloom are traditionally This section describes noteworthy members ofcalled the Dean of the Root and the Dean of the the Witherbloom faculty. She advocates enthusiastically for Uvilda believes that good art comes from the the importance of both passion and disciplinedhead. Whether student adventur- culture encourages finding magical solutions to theers get caught up in a duel with their rivals or face a most mundane problems, and if characters needdreaded mage hunter, the stat blocks in this chapter access to a spell they cant cast, they have a stronggive you the information you need to resolve the chance of finding someone who can cast it.situation. Chapters 3-6 provide a campaign meant to ad- orator, a scientist, or some other profession whilevance characters from 1st to 10th level as they prog- using magic to enhance ones studies. I must leave a legacy!34 CHAPTER 2 | CHARACTER OPTIONSSlLVERQUILL STUDENT A number of both paladins and rogues attend Sil- verquill College as well, highlighting the diversity ofYou have spent years practicing your writing and the student body.oration in the hope of becoming a student of Sil-verquill College. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Is mastery of art a matter ofhoning precise techniques to a point of perfection or immersive experiencesof perfectly expressing a raw emotional state? (If any characters are studying together, ble results:however, resolve their ability checks at the same Failed. Search. They create spells table to randomly determine the scholarly focus of afrom spoken-word battle poetry or magical mani- Silverquill student or faculty member. 2 Electrovisionary, wielding the forms of ExpressionPERFECTION AND EXPRESSION lightning as a paintbrushPrismaris two deans carry the titles Dean of Per- 3 Flamesinger, combining fire and music Expressionfection and Dean of Expression, and they often 4 Ceosculptor, using earth and lava in Expressionexpress the fundamental conflict of their philosophy volatile emotional displaysas perfection versus expression or, sometimes, as 5 Heartrager, turning inner creative fire Expressionintellect versus emotion. 2nd-Level Transmutation Your familiar can take the form of the mascot associated with the college you chose for the Casting Time: 1 bonus action Strixhaven Initiate feat: a spirit statue mascot Range: Self (Lorehold), an art elemental mascot (Prismari), Components: S a fractal mascot (Quandrix), an inkling mascot Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute (Silverquill), or a pest mascot (Witherbloom). Her vampire attracts students from across Strixhavenstudents and colleagues alike hang on her every purely for his lessons value as performance art. Specializing inmilitary history, Plargg is known for his perfect re- aggressive impulses. com/strixhaven-a-curriculum-of-chaos-pdf/. For nonplayerhomework, and studying for exams. Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos will be the next MTG setting for Dungeons & Dragons. The spell ends early if you cast it again.You have learned how to summon a Strixhavenmascot to assist you, granting you these benefits: KINETIC JAUNT You can cast the find familiar spell as a ritual. Silverquill is The Dramarium is a facility where Silverquill stu-the most urban of the five colleges, with a campusthat features buildings of stately elegance. 1993-2023 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The other side of the poster.chapter The Starting Relationship Points table lists shows detailed maps of key campus locations, somethe number of points a character has at the start of which the characters visit in multiple adventures.with the chosen Friend, Beloved, or Rival. that will lead to their eventual college choice. It embraces intellect over emotion,magic. A master of literature, she oftenlanguage as sunlight emanating from the speaker quotes obscure passages from famous texts. Simultaneously, mage-artists sculpt over the course of a long career typically at least twenty years hope to be recognized with the title elemental energy to create animate art, and arcane of esteemed professor. This level of exhaustion cant be removed until after the Exam.in the background. column notes which side of the substance-theory conflict a scholar more likely aligns with.They love to expand and multiply; they can increase QUANDRIX SCHOLARS Principletheir knowledge or size by bending numbers. Auto Flip. Typically, joining an ExtracurricularExtracurriculars the campus clubs and societies in between academic years isnt eventful. Quandrix mages Quandrix student or faculty member. Playersstudents can join are a key part of student life at should note the changes on their tracking sheet.Strixhaven. How do you decide which of these colleges is right for your ing for the first time. With subjects rang- Quandrix Trinkets. Before you finish your3 charges, and it regains ld3 expended charges next long rest, you can cast the chosen spell oncedaily at dawn. Similarly, gravity-defying arch shapes appear The Oracle of Strixhaven is the wisest and most ac-throughout the world of Arcavios and, in particular, complished mage in the world of Arcavios, selectedtower over the Biblioplex. Skills: Athletics, Medicine Member: Greta GorunnINTRAMURAL GYMNASTICS CLUB These bodybuilders support each other in develop-Skills: Acrobatics, Performance ing strong muscles and even stronger friendships.Member: Zanther Bowen STRIXHAVEN SHOW BAND ASSOCIATIONThese graceful gymnasts work to hone their craft,and they compete against each other in dazzling Skills: Sleight of Hand, Performance Member: Aurora Luna Wynterstarr, Rubinafloor routines. mental energy encircle the structure. Artist-magesARKIN MINEXES, PEPPY INSTRUCTOR can see for miles from Conjurots main turret, andArkin (lawful good human Prismari professor ofexpression) is a newly hired instructor teaching a the view has inspired many artistic creations.few courses in choreography and dance ensembles. Its mages explore the past by poring holds philosophy. 4th Compulsion, Confusion SILVERQUILL TRINKETS 5th Dominate Person, Rary's Telepathic Bond d6 Trinket Consider customizing how your spells look when 1 A black leather notebook filled with half-finishedyou cast them.