FAQs - How to Order | The editors of America started out skeptical of the senator but open-minded. As 2,000 mourners listened, Msgr. As triple volleys were fired by a rifle squad from the Marine Corps and Catholic War Veterans, Jean stood at attention. When you register, youll get unlimited access to our website and a free subscription to our email newsletter for daily updates with a smart, Catholic take on faith and culture from, Were sorry registration isn't working smoothly for you. Religion kept the pair apart early on. If z = f(x,y) (dz/dt) = (dx/dt) (dz/dx) + (dy/dt) (dz/dy) Where dz/dx and dz/dy are partial derivatives. A second admitted homosexual informer said Offie "has a reputation of being homosexual." Caption: FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover is shown as he told a Senate Internal Security Subcommittee today that he was notified in February 1947, that Harry Dexter White was being retained in an important international post, so he could be kept under surveillance. In the center is Clyde Tolson, Associate Director of the FBI. Joe McCarthys narcissism is profound and truly unquestionable. 86-87, 88-89. His zodiac sign is Scorpio. But it did not happen quite the way historians have told us. Rumors flew wildly across the Presidential campaign.". McCarthy's charges of communism and anti-American activity affected more and more powerful people, including President Eisenhower, until 1954 when a nationally televised, 36-day hearing illustrated clearly to the nation that he was overstepping his authority and any ideas of common sense. The allegation is specifically rejected in Richard H. Rovere. Asked by Secretary of State ALlen Dulles foran investigation of Bohlen, Hoover on March 16, 1953 issued a twenty-one page report. When Jane developed an alcohol problem at the age of 49, she was only 26. Jewish Americans were the one religious group who consistently and overwhelmingly rejected him, with 15 percent viewing him favorably and 71 percent unfavorably. McCarthy didnt let up in his criticism of communism. This was the last of three memorials to the senator and the first in the state that had easily and repeatedly elected him. Best Known For: Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy charged that communists had infiltrated the U.S. State Department. news, Joseph McCarthy was born on November 14, 1908, near Appleton, Wisconsin. They also saw him visiting David's Bar, another gay business. Jean Kerr McCarthy , wife of US Senator Joseph McCarthy, USA, 26 November 1954 Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images. he was also his boss and was his personal researcher before marriage. Research request: full citation? The dinner happened a month before Joes widely covered speech to a womens Republican club in Wheeling, W.Va. Too expensive, his friends advised. This historic stock footage available in HD video. In fact, his opponent was still barely defeated, but he was totally wounded and humiliated and committed suicide. Joe took four semesters of theology courses, as required for Catholic engineering students. She attended Marywood Seminary, the topic of her humorous short story "When I was Queen of the May." DudlyClendinen, Dudly. Bryan denied any malicious intent and wrongdoing, and wrote to Hoover to apologize. The thing to do is hammer at them., As Anderson wrote, His three fellow Catholics went away with the feeling that the sincere McCarthy would do his country a service by speaking out against the Communist fifth column. The author then imagined what might have been had Father Walsh and the others jumped at Joes idea about a universal dole for old folks: Joe McCarthy might well have gone forth, in all his aggressiveness, to win for himself a pedestal in the pantheon of fighting liberals.. . Research request:Full citation? Jack Anderson, sidekick to the influential syndicated columnist Drew Pearson and a onetime friend of McCarthy who penned a critical early biography, knew that Joe had a history of Red-baiting, but he wove a more romantic foundation myth about the senators anti-Communism. She took part in the presentations of the Corcoran Gallery of Art and the Montgomery College of Art. ", Reporting back to Hoover on this interview, FBI Assistant Director F.C. However, the agency lawyers said the records might have once existed but do not now. 86-87, 91-93. (The hearings also famously prompted special counsel for the Army Joseph Nye Welch to ask McCarthy, Have you no sense of decency sir, at long last? and Barbara Bushs Amazing Love Story. "J. Edgar Hoover, Sex Deviates and My Godfather". callback: cb Staying in County Tipperary during the Irish potato famine might have meant joining the million of his countrymen who starved to death; instead, he joined another million in exile. Father Crosby concluded that few Catholic politicians ever made less public display of their religion than did Joe McCarthy. And while Father Crosby worried that McCarthy thought that going to Sunday Mass (as well as getting baptized, married and buried in the church) was all that Catholicism stood for, he conceded that Joe observed these functions with a fidelity that would have brought joy to the heart of many a Catholic pastor.. 1955, MarchJ. 1950, April 14A first report using FBI fingerprint files, identified 363 alleged federal employees who had been arrested for sex offenses between 1947 and 1950. Betty mccarthy, a character in the film to find a man. 1958 and 1959: Parties in New York?According to a strongly contested account in Anthony Summers' biography of Hoover published in 1993, Susan Rosenstiel said she attended two parties, in 1958 and 1959, in New York, at which J. Edgar Hoover was dressed as a woman and had sex with men. Jesuit Father Hans Zollner will be a consultant for the Diocese of Romes office dedicated to safeguarding minors and vulnerable people. The guidance of our beloved land is under the guidance of human beings, and as human being[s] we are all fallible. Flags across the city were flown at half-staff, the way they had been at the White House and other public buildings in Washington, and Appleton schools and shops were shuttered at midday. In 1953Joseph McCarthy married Jean Kerr, a researcher in his office. If youre already a subscriber or donor, thank you! http://vault.fbi.gov/Dorothy%20Dandridge/Dorothy%20Dandridge%20Part%201%20of%201/view. Meanwhile, her mother, Jean Fraser Kerr, works as a researcher at her fathers business. On July 10, 1950 FBI officials authorised "discreet" physical surveillance of Offie. ISBN 0-520-20472-7. Some tips for making the most of your twilight years. The American Magazine(March 1955), 19, 99-101. 1950, April 17On this date, and on April 28 and May 4, the US Civil Service Commission receives from J. Edgar Hoover lists of alleged federal employees arrested "for alleged sex offenses" or investigated for alleged sex offenses. Files? McCarthy took a leave of absence in July 1942 and entered WWII as a first lieutenant in the Marines. The public verdict on the senators performance and the Armys was a plague on both your houses, pronounced John Fenton, an editor at Gallup. Heissued a memo establishing a "uniform policy for the handling of the increasing number of reports and allegations concerning present and past employees of the United State Government who assertedly [sic] are sex deviates.". Jean Fraser Kerr Minetti boyfriend, husband list. On July 17 FBI agents began their surveillance of Offie and observed him entering Mickey's Grille, which they described as a "hangout for perverts." Wisconsin farm families ran big, and the McCarthys already had four at home by the fall of 1908. We welcome any information that will help us improve the factual accuracy of this piece. The profit was just an investment in stocks, and the irony is that Joseph McCarthy made an even bigger investment and tried to campaign while still in the army. On the other side of the argument, his detractors claimed McCarthy was on a witch hunt and used his power to trample civil liberties and greatly damage the careers of leftists, intellectuals and artists. .css-m6thd4{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;display:block;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;font-family:Gilroy,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-size:1.125rem;line-height:1.2;font-weight:bold;color:#323232;text-transform:capitalize;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-m6thd4:hover{color:link-hover;}}Every Candidate in the 2024 U.S. Presidential Race, These 10 Jimmy Carter Quotes Will Inspire You, 4 U.S. Presidents Who Won the Nobel Peace Prize, How Little-Known Jimmy Carter Won the 1976 Primary, George H.W. Athan Theoharis,J. Edgar Hoover, Sex, and Crime(Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1995), page 23. Douglas M. Charles,Hoover's War on Gays, pp. It was a really big hit at that time :). 1953, February 4: Don ReynoldsOn this date Air Force Mayor Don Reynolds is mentioned on a list of presumed homosexuals distributed by the FBI. If you have an article that you think would be a good fit for our website, please review our submission guidelines below and send it to us for review. Nobody truly knows where she is, although she might be in Maryland in the United States. J. Edgar Hoover. We cannot guarantee a response from any author. Weaver asserts in one of her blogs that she is a passionate advocate of animal rights and backs 256 different causes. The "old man," as the kids called him, carved out farm operations as his domain, and he got his children to do his bidding by persuasion, never by spanking. Thank you. Wiley was afraid of alienating McCarthys home-state fans or angering his foes. a notorious liar and manipulator in almost every facet of his life. Tierney was named after his mother. McCarthy considered a libel suit against Greenspun but decided against it when he was told by his lawyers that if the case went ahead he would have to take the witness stand and answer questions about his sexuality. Later the couple adopted a five-week old girl from the New York Foundling Home. It was later revealed that his 24-year-old son had been arrested on June 9, 1953 by the Washington DC police for soliciting sex from a male undercover police officer in Lafayette Swuare. 1958A Florida Legislative Committee ("The Johns Committee")began interrogating suspected homosexuals among students and faculty on Florida campuses before the Legislature gave specific authorization for the investigation of homosexuals. Undaunted by his testimonial shortcomings, McCarthy ratcheted up the rhetoric, going on a colorful anticommunist crusade through which he cast himself as an unrelenting patriot and protector of the American ideal. "[16]Eisenhower issued Executive Order 10450, which mandated the firing of any federal employees guilty of sexual perversion.. 1954, October 22:George Washington University; New York University"The FBI did not restrict its interest in sexual behavior to government employees. Joseph McCarthy and Jean Kerr Mccarthy - Dating, Gossip, News, Photos list. Another stop on McCarthys political and spiritual ladders came when, as the junior senator from Wisconsin, he fell in love with his aide Jean Kerr. 2023 CriticalPast LLC. Irish Catholics were welcome enough in the Appleton area that they had already carved out a colony amid settlements of transplanted Germans, Dutch, Scots and New Englanders. Joseph McCarthys passing in May, just four months after the adoption, was a second regrettable incident that brought the name to new attention. India's first and only market research marketplace. Jean Kerr Minetti was born on 21 January 1924 in Washington, District of Columbia, USA. Privacy Policy2023 CriticalPast LLC. See also: Wikipedia: Carmel Offie, accessed September 7, 2015 fromhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmel_Offie. Hoover thought of suing Anderson. For good measure, he was poking the war-hero president Dwight Eisenhower in the eyecalling him a Johnny-come-lately to the home-front Cold War, then slandering his faction of moderate Republicans as the party of appeasement, retreat, and surrender. This scrappiest of lawmakers was going eyeball to eyeball with the nations mighty fighting machine and gambling that the other side would blink first. Jean Fraser Kerr Minetti and Joseph McCarthy were married for 4 years before Joseph McCarthy died aged 48. As he released his charges, he called for a wide-reaching investigation that would lead to what was termed the Red Scare. As 2,000 mourners listened, Msgr. The FBI's information about Bohlen came from interviews with three of Bohlen's State Department associates. Your email address will not be published. Flying in to join them were 19 senators, seven congressmen and a handful of other luminaries, most of whom had supported Joe in his relentless assault on Communism. The fact that Joe was devoted to his faith made it easy to equate Catholicism with patriotism with anti-Communism with pro-McCarthyism. In order to be considered for publication, letters should be brief (around 200 words or less) andinclude the authors name and geographic location. Her father and mother both were Irish immigrants, although her family was a bit more prosperous than the McCarthys. About Us | McCarthy claimed he was a traitor and was 76 years old when he was just 63 years old. Theoharis,J. Edgar Hoover, Sex, and Crime,pages 49-52. FBI: Files on Surveillance of Homosexual Groups. "Premium License" Permits use in multiple productions or projects, and provides indemnification up to USD $1,000,000. Still, we should not attribute too much of who Joe became to his instruction on the Jesuit campus, wrote Donald F. Crosby, S.J., a Jesuit historian who devoted an entire book to McCarthys relationship with the church. Relationship Counseling - Marriage resources, Falling in Love Finding God Marriage and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology, The problem of hatredand how Christians are contributing to it, Jesuit sex abuse expert appointed to Vatican office for child protection, Sin, hell and scrupulosity: How to repent during Lent (and how not to). 1951: D.C. Beauty Parlor Operator Calls Hoover "Queer"Athan Theoharis writes that, in 1951, a Washington D.C. beauty parlor operator was interviewed twice by two senior FBI officials at her place of business because someone had reported to the FBI that she had told a customer that J. Edgar Hoover was "queer". He was ultimately punished for refusing to comply with the committee formed to determine whether or not he should be censured and for abusing its members. All that would change in 1950, when it became suspected that communists had infiltrated the U.S. government in the wake of high-profile espionage trials. He ran for the first time as a Democrat, then took the leap and became a Republican. Have you left no sense of decency?) Before the hearings, public opinion had also turned against McCarthy due to a discrediting feature on Edward R. Murrow's program See It Now. The family dynamics of narcissism and alcoholism run deep. Senator. Douglas M. Charles,Hoover's War on Gays, p. 83. See "How to Order - FAQ" area for more information. Paragraphing added. Jane McCarthy, mother of Tierney Elizabeth McCarthy, eventually took over the aviation industry and wed a lawyer in 1979 when she was 55 years old. 12 Kendall Jenner: 24 Years Old. [4] The Kerrs also collaborated on the Tony Award-winning King of Hearts (1954), which ran for 279 performances: He directed the play that she co-wrote with Eleanor Brooke. Tierney is very active in politics and tends to be very liberal you could even say she is the opposite of Joseph McCarthy. how old was jean kerr when she married joseph mccarthy los pasteles puerto rico how old was jean kerr when she married joseph mccarthy Posted on 19 czerwca 2022 by Joseph McCarthy was born on November 14, 1908, near Appleton, Wisconsin. Rodger McDaniel, Dying for Joe McCarthy's Sins: The Suicide of Whyoming Senator Lester Hunt(Cody, Wyoming: Wordsworth, 2013), p. xix. Adam Grill intoned. "In 1951 he [Hoover] had unilaterally instituted a Sex Deviates program to purge alleged homosexuals from any position in the federal government, from the lowliest clerk to the more powerful position of White house aide.". ht WASHINGTON A House subcommittee, charged with overseeing the federal government and military's $80 million Combined Federal Campaign Dec 15 1979 - Suburban Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland, Gate of Heaven, Silver Spring, Montgomery County, Maryland, United States, Death of Jean Fraser Minetti at Suburban Hospital, Silver Spring, Montgomery County, Maryland, United States. On October 27, 1952, while Senator Joseph McCarthy was preparing for a national broadcast from Chicago on this date, the Senatory let it be known that he intended to attack Adlai Stevenson's presidential campaign as being full of pinks, punks, and pansies.. Joseph McCarthy was born on November 14, 1908, near Appleton, Wisconsin. Letters may be edited for length and clarity. 1953, February 27:Charles E. BohlenPresident Dwight Eisenhower nominated Charles Bohlen as United States ambassador to the Soviet Union. 14) 14) How many atoms are in 5.80 moles od He? If some dismissed Joe and the rest of the McCarthys as shanty Irish, so be it. He forged documents, forged signatures, presented false documents to obtain a military medal. OutHistory asks the public to provide citations to additional data sources. to the point of attacking orthodox Hasidic Jews because they are orthodox and ritually use live chickens. Wedding of Joseph Raymond McCarthy, Republican U.S. zenana outfitters cardigan plus size; north port high school bell schedule; tipping flight attendant first class; confidential information sent to wrong email address gmail He grew up in a very poor family and was probably deeply anxious and ashamed of his family. She died in White Plains, New York, of pneumonia, in 2003. how old was jean kerr when she married joseph mccarthybach two part inventions difficulty. Need more? Joe was the freezer. McCarthy was reelected in 1952 and became chairman of the Senates Committee on Government Operations, where he occupied the spotlight for two years with his anti-communist investigations and questioning of suspected officials. He and his wife adopted a baby girl, whom they named Tierney Elizabeth McCarthy. Terms & Conditions | Wiki User. It contained an interview and detailed information on a Bohlen's associate allegedly homosexual associate Carmel Offie. There were also many rumors that Joseph McCarthy was involved in several same-sex relationshipsand he dated Joseph Kennedy and was used to build the JFK anti-communism case. Collections of her articles became best-sellers, starting with her best-known book, Please Don't Eat the Daisies (1957). For years, he quietly mailed $50 a month to Catholic missionaries he had met in the South Pacific during his service in World War II. decline point. "Standard License" Permits use in a single production or project, and provides indemnification up to USD $125,000. He became chair of the Senate's subcommittee on investigations. Wolffs law is framed by the German anatomist and surgeon Julius Wolff which states that boneos the healthy person will adapt to the loads under which it is placed. Born January 21, 1924 Died December 15, 1979 (55) Add or change photo on IMDbPro Add to list Credits IMDbPro Archive Footage Illustrator dimensions of this page are out-of-range problem? Well wishers of the couple wave at them. McCarthy backed down, and his broadcast was relatively innocuous. Theoharis,J. Edgar Hoover, Sex, and Crime,pages 24-29. It was one more chip on his shoulder he would carry proudly all his life. } Circa 1924 - Bethesda, Montgomery, Maryland, Washington, AP Funeral services will bc held Wednesday for, buried WASHINGTON Funeral services will be held Wednesday for. Holloman contended that his woman "fully realizes the seriousness of her accusations, and it is not believed that she will ever be guilty of such statements.". 1952:Adlai Stevenson: "One of 'the Two Best Known Homosexuals in the State'"According to David Oshinsky: "In 1952, . Her last play, Lunch Hour, was staged in 1980. Jean Fraser Kerr Minetti was previously married to G. Joseph Minetti (1961 - 1979) and Joseph McCarthy (1953 - 1957). wrong and left a trail of suicides, ruined careers and hurt feelings wherever he went. Clarke is the latest actor announced for the movie, which is set to start . Only two of the eight Catholic senators sided with their co-religionist, who himself cast a neutral ballot as present.. A native of Ireland, Stephen made his way to Wisconsins Fox River Valley, where farmland was so cheap he could buy 160 acres for $600. Many sources disagree. ", A second FBI source, a State Department security officer, said that the State Department's index cards on "suspected homosexuals" included one saying "that Bohlen was associating with sexual perverts. Athan Theoharis writes that, in 1951, a Washington D.C. beauty parlor operator was interviewed twice by two senior FBI officials at her place of business because someone had reported to the FBI that she had told a customer that J. Edgar Hoover was "queer". Jean Kerr had just married Joseph McCarthy in 1953, just as her career was in decline point. 1950, July 18Former FBI agent Francis "Frip" Flanagan, Chief Counsel of the US Senate Hoey Committee, contacts FBI Assistant to the Director D. Milton Ladd, to discuss the handling of fingerprints and criminal records of "perverts in the Government." Douglas M. Charles,Hoover's War on Gays, pp. That December, by a margin of 67 to 22, his Senate colleagues denounced the Wisconsin rabble-rouser for having treated fellow members with contempt. Edgar Hoover publishes "How Safe Is Your Youngster? Disciples came in flocks that sun-baked Tuesday, packing the pews at St. Marys Church and spilling onto the streets outside the Irish parish where Joseph Raymond McCarthy had been baptized and, six months shy of turning 49, was being eulogized. Your source for jobs, books, retreats, and much more. She was 55 years old and lived in Sumner, Md., a suburb of Washington. Accessed December 5, 2011. Accessed Dec. 10, 2012, from: Clendinen, Dudly. Joe did not need Father Walsh to point him to an issue he had already been talking about for three years. led by former FBI agent Francis "Frip" Flanagan. A surprising number of narcissistic personalities have problems with gambling. Decades passed before the governmental agency ban on LGBT employees was officially lifted by President Bill Clinton. Hendersonville, Henderson County, NC, USA. Timothy, the third of Margaret and Stephens brood, spoke with his fathers Irish brogue and stayed on his parents farm, inheriting 143 acres in the rustic township of Grand Chute. She was 22 not 30 when she married Joe Mc Carthy who was 45. However, the exact age of Mary and Joseph is not known. Court of m 1971, died at age 72. We ask our visitors to confirm their email to keep your account secure and make sure you're able to receive email from us. The recipients of Hoover's document were Herbert Brownell Smith, U.S. Attonrey General, Cutler, and Sherman Adams, White House Chief of Staff. However, he added that she was in no way a sex deviate., FBI Vault. Children like everyone else in the life of the Narcissistic Personality are treated as objects and fuel for the ego. In 1953 Joseph McCarthy married Jean Kerr, a researcher in his office. Check out some of the. 1950, May: Wherry Committee HearingsHearings in the U.S. Senate, headed by Senator Kenneth Wherry (Nebraska, Republican) on "moral perverts" employed by the U.S. Government. So when Joe died at age 49 of alcoholism, Jean was only 26. 1950, February 3Photo, Hoover and Tolson, etc. Jean was raised Presbyterian, but the more Sundays she spent with Joe, the more she embraced his Catholicism, until finally she became Catholic herself. On December 11, 1951, the FBI leaked information to unknown receipients about Offie's 1943 arrest via the Bureau's Sex Deviate Program. The report was written by former FBI agent Francis Flanagan. But it did not happen quite the way historians have told us. Every Candidate in the 2024 U.S. Presidential Race, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads, Name: Joseph McCarthy, Birth Year: 1908, Birth date: November 14, 1908, Birth State: Wisconsin, Birth City: Appleton, Birth Country: United States. Website Terms & Conditions | What did matter was that Stevenson had spoken out against loyalty oaths, criticized Joe McCarthy, and vetoed a bill that would outlaw the Communist Party in Illinois." On February 27, 1953, Hoover sent another memo alleged that on October 15, 1949, while being interviewed in his CIA office, Offie had made "improper advances" toward an official. Hoover heard of Bryan's alleged allegations and asked for a briefing on him, others at the party, the friend Bryan had mentioned, and the whole matter. Jean had it right about Joes faith. If we decide to open comments on this article, we will email you to let you know. would not be coountenanced. See[http://vault.fbi.gov/Dorothy%20Dandridge/Dorothy%20Dandridge%20Part%201%20of%201/view. Corbis Images: Stock Photo ID: U772154INP. Reelected in 1952, he became chair of the Senate's subcommittee on investigations, and for the next two years he investigated various government departments and questioned innumerable witnesses, resulting in what would be known as the Red Scare. The casket was slowly lowered into the ground between the graves of his parents, Timothy and Bridget, where a simple stone would read: Larry Tye is a former reporter at the Boston Globe and the author of eight books, including Demagogue: The Life and Long Shadow of Senator Joe McCarthy. Why am I being asked to create an account? She'd be around 83 now. New York Times, November 25, 20011, 1953:Executive Order 10450The FBI's Sex Deviates program "was expanded in 1953 after a presidential order by Dwight Eisenhower made federal employment of homosexuals illegal. Re FBI files on the Hunts, Roger McDaniel, author of Dying for Joe McCarthy's Sins: The Suicide of Whyoming Senator Lester Hunt, says that "A Freedom of Information request seeking FBI records regarding Senator Hunt and his son resulted in disappointment. That push-pull within the church was mirrored in these pages. He seldom missed a Sunday service or a chance to confess, but he would not be caught dead lighting candles or attending a Holy Name Society breakfast. ", A third source said "an admitted homosexual gave Bohlen as a reference in a Government application.". See:Potter "Queer" (2006), page 368. A large crowd gathers at St. Matthews Roman Catholic Cathedral in Washington DC to wish a bride and a groom. Are You A Liturgist With A Passion to Form Young Adults? It was the wild reaction he would generate in his breakout anti-Red tirade in Wheelingnot the words of an aging Jesuitthat convinced him of the political hay he could make from it. They adopted a daughter in 1957, just before he died. And shortly after the dinner, Joe did ask one of his speechwriters for a talk on subversion in government. It hardly mattered to Hoover that the informant was a college basketball player under indictment for fixing a game or that his evidence was based only on rumor. She seems to be a proponent of animal rights. Theoharis strongly contests Summers' research in J. Edgar Hoover,Sex, page 46. See also: 1993. 1954, June 19:Senator Lester Hunt's SuicideOn this date Senator Lester Hunt, a Democratic Senator from Wyoming, committed suicide. Research request: full citation? Nothing, apparently, came of this investigation. Buy HD video and archival still photo images of clip number 65675045086. . She wrote the hit comedy Mary, Mary, which ran on Broadway from 1961 through 1964, for 1,572 performances, and was brought to the screen under the same title in a 1963 film starring Debbie Reynolds and Barry Nelson. Jean Kerr wrote Jenny Kissed Me, which was produced in December 1948. As a result, she was of legal age for marriage. She based her assessment on "considerable reading in abnormal psychology". Another version: "In 1952, using rumors collected by [columnist Drew] Pearson, Nevada publisher Hank Greenspun wrote that McCarthy was a homosexual. Caption: FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover (right) was reported to have told Senators today that Dr. Fuchs has confessed to giving Russia vital information on assembly of the atomic bomb and some data on the supersecret hydrogen weapon.