Youre sad and need validation? Astrology Blog 101 Minor Asteroids + Indicators - Tumblr Whatever planet is in your 1st, you will attract or / and people confuse you of. Uranus- Lilith aspects dont give a fuck if you dont like them once theyre developed.. theyll laugh and move on. Kylie Jenner has her Jupiter conjunct 2nd house cusp by less than 1 degree, so that also applies. Ariana Grande has this. (Opposition, square) Mars- Pluto aspects can indicate that at your worst you may have really intrusive thoughts about yourself and may follow through with them. People dont forget them easily. If there are other planets in the 8th house, it can give a idea of what kind of preferences they have. Women with major aspects to this tend to be major heartbreaks for men. They couldve been popular / well liked as well. A lot of people look up to them as well. 8th house influence - having a 1st or 11th house ruler or Uranus can bring sudden and unexpected fame. Spirit in Leo: Ruled by the Sun, your spirit radiates very strong masculine and loyal energy. Oprah has this. Libra moons are the definition of sweethearts and truly try to keep things peaceful and pleasing and theyre the true suckers for aesthetically pleasing things, they wont tell you this but a lot do wear their hearts on their sleeves. Leo or Capricorn rising - obviously not everyone with this is going to be famous, but Ive noticed that many celebrities have this placement. Saturn dominants give me big daddy energy. Fame Indicators in Astrology - People with Leo Venuses are often very well liked and people tend to admire them, they care a lot about aesthetics and how they are put together (especially outfits) so they may love getting compliments on their physical beauty or arts. * Moon 1st/2nd/7th/8th Scorpio + Leo in a chart can make someone prone to being easily jealous. Oprah has this. However, unless there is other Astrologer indicators, these people could lack dedication at times. Natives with Pluto in 2nd could be falsely accused of making money in a wrong way or their self worth could be misinterpreted a lot. Cancer women placement may like showing off their breast / cleaveage a bit. Mercury in 9 degree can give off very intelligent/knowledgeable vibes to people when they communicate. People with North Node in Leo may have dreamt of being recognized for their talents and artistic abilities, may have wanted to grow up as a princess or prince when very young. Capricorn placements make really attractive models of research because of their body structure. Could take the dominant role in the relationship. not just in america. If Lilith is prominent in a chart, they may have a thing for piercings. The smaller the orb, the better. Overthinking could cause problems. I think people tend to assume they have their shit together maybe even confident a lot of the times. Fire risings especially Leo are the biggest hype man / hype woman. Traveling could also be an escape for them. Scorpio placements (especially the rising) are prone to getting some pimples or/and acne. Water venuses may love the aesthetic of water or the ocean / beach. - An easy way to distinguish an Aquarius rising ? Having the Sun in the 8th house in composite can indicate the relationship is somewhat hidden and not a lot of people know whats really going on. Air signs degrees would make your mind be dedicated to research and knowledge. Mars in Virgo is the same but they have more of the drive and passion. (Trine, Sextile, Conjuct) Moon- Venus individuals love beautiful women and they love uplifting women constantly. This isnt to say other mars placements dont have this ability! You are brought down here to release anxious energy and to learn how to become more balanced and to make decisions better. Pluto in 10th may attract people who think they dont deserve their success. Many billionaires have this, for example Bill Gates. They need friends who will motivate them and not bring them down. Dare I even say having Virgo is almost ideal to have for an Astrologer. This means you'd be famous (29 ) f or your emotional (Moon) displays of talent (Leo) online (11th House). (Opposition, Square) People with these aspects to Venus-Lilith can be used from others in terms of getting them into relationship just to exploit them. But this can also mean they tend to be very independent when it comes to how they get money & are secretive about it. Moon in 8th individuals may experience their mother projecting jealousy on them. If there were other indicators of an Astrologer in the chart, this can make someone have never-ending admiration for Astrology & can develop creative ways of researching it / creative discoveries. Your spirit guides embody the traits of the water bearer. Aries rules the head. Pisces is wise and it rules this house, native can have natural talent in astrology that is easy-going, could awake something in them. Varuna (20000) is the best dwarf planet (or should i say "asteroid" to keep things easier) to have ever existed. Most developed Libra women Ive met were actually pretty blunt and straightforward. Spirit in Virgo: Ruled by Mercury, your spirit radiates intellectual and perfectionist energies. Rahu in 11th house (the house of connections) will give very powerful friends who will help you achieve fame and success. Planets in the 10th house in the signs of Scorpio, Aquarius, and especially Leo are more prone to fame than others. Channeled message: Everyone is a reflection of ourselves. - Despite Leos fame for being great actors or being involved in theatrical art, Actors born under the Aries sun tend to master the seventh art more easily and gain more recognition in Hollywood. They can be very big homey people who think too much and keep their circle small. This absolutely essential to unlocking your inner guidance. (16) Asteroid Psyche in 7th can indicate unrequited love in connections or unrequited commitments. I have noticed one thing about the 8th house and it can tell you what backfires on you. Moon in 4th= Nostalgic aura, maybe an area around the house is filled with memories and nostalgic pictures perhaps there mother. Protects their heart. Look for messages from learning environments and more of optimistic environments. If you have capricorn placements (especially capricorn moon) or/and virgo placements Im just gonna assume you expect the worst case sceneraio 24/7. Obviously the whole chart matters and if someone has one of these, it doesnt mean that they will be the next Kim Kardashian. However, you may be quite skeptical of information that comes around you.. do try to be more open to it. - Sag midheaven or Jupiter conj Saturn people are usually owners of business empires or large companies. Taurus stelliums may comfort a lot of people just by being present. An exalted Mars gives a lot of passion and drive. Urania being in the 12th can indicate youve done this before in a past live, could also indicate that you can connect spirituality to Astrology and find some interesting patterns. They couldve been a mother to you in past lives. Johnny Depp and Kim Kardashian have this. Libra & Aquarius suns are most likely to get hate from others. Whatever sign is your Midheaven represents what body part you could be known for. The best philosophy for astrology is one of experiential application. The child probably has been set to a lot of great things since young. - Many Aqua females have beautiful unique and original names with special meanings either by chance or thanks to some special event at the time of their birth. ASTROLOGY HELP : social media fame indicators if you're into degree theory, 5 = short term fame, 17 and 29 = long term fame. You are brought down here to develop communication skills and to adapt to environments and to learn knowledge and share your knowledge within you. Etc. (Love yall though). Could indicate an authority figure who tried to control how they presented themselves. MTBI related but people who are ENTJS tend to have Lilith or/and Pluto prominent in their chart. They are intense towards you and extremely loyal & never leave your side. (248) Asteroid Lamia can indicate where you can be the most seductive but the most hurtful to others / mostly masculine figures. Kylie Jenner has this. Virgo mercuries are one of my absolute favorites. Karmic experiences with goals and inspirations; needs a solid ground on them. No matter where Pisces is in your chart, Ive noticed any Pisces placements have really glowy eyes. (And very attractive & a lot of beautiful models have this). Wanna know the impression + slight vibe you give off? We often jump into mixing the energies and trying to make the full picture right off the bat but really learn each of your planets and nodes with intention! For finding your purpose we must look deeply into Saturn, North Node, South Node, Mercury, 10th and 11th house. People who have Scorpio placements may find themselves attracting constant jealousy and people who dont wanna see them succeed. 8th house influence - having a 1st or 11th house ruler or Uranus can bring sudden and unexpected fame. Capricorn placements love deep things just like Scorpio placements do, they just understand each other. People with Uranus dominance / Aquarius in 4th or Aquarius dominance couldve grown up with early access to technology / technology was around them. You are brought here to learn to see things from a different perspective as well. (Theory). Therefore, having moon- pluto & moon-venus and etc, especially harsh aspects in synastry can indicate a very chaotic anxious connection. Having a strong 11th house talks about being well-known and popular, so many celebrities have this stellium. * Juno Conjunct/Trine/Sextile Venus Having a strong 11th house . Again, you need to study them and check all the aspects etc. Their out of the box thinking would lead them to find mind-blowing patterns & indicators. (Theory), 8th house placements generally are more open minded to the darker side of things and they can acknowledge their darker side when developed. Venus in 10th individuals can get their info/ photos usen to catfish & etc, people admire them a lot. So stop with this. The smaller the orb, the better. You are brought down here to explore emotions. Spirit in Taurus: Ruled by Venus, your spirit is loving, stubborn,pleasurable. Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian and Lady Gaga have this. moon and venus won't be counted, although black moon lilith will; the city is not exact her birth one - astro isn't showing it somehow, the closest birth place is anyang with 1 minute difference Jupiter in Virgo individuals tend to get stressed easily / a lot tend to complain about school / education. It is best if it falls in the 4th, 5th, 7th, 11th house. Mercury in retrograde individuals may struggle putting up boundaries and making themselves clear & why a lot of people tend to walk all over them. Ive met a lot of Aries rising women with short cut bangs and wavyish hair like the amount Ive met with that combination is crazy & Omg and their noses are beautiful. Dallas Atl Indicators of Fame in Astrology They tend to be very independent in friendships / relationships trust me when I say they dont need anybody. If there is any other Astrologer indicators, this can make someone very passionate about Astrology and fiercely loyal to their dedication, they also emotionally attach themselves to Astrology. There are many different aspects in the birth chart, that can indicate fame. Kylie Jenner has her Jupiter conjunct 2nd house cusp by less than 1 degree, so that also applies. It could be a gift or an escape to them. * Juno In aspect to the DC ruler (preferably conjunction/Trine/Sextile) (Check other placements). Men with harsh Lilith in their chart may get falsely accused of tabboo things. Having Moon in the 4th house makes the native very sensitive and more soft and also secretive with their emotions. If Gemini placements are paired with Leo or Libra they may like to make their texts / writing style fancy. - Sagittarius and Pisces people (esp Mercury), are usually delirious about themselves or fantasize about having other realities or having other peoples lives. social media fame indicators aquarius midheaven gemini midheaven virgo midheaven gemini rising virgo rising jupiter in 3H jupiter in 11H part of fortune in 11H part of fortune in 3H 11H stellium 3H stellium north node in 3H north node in 11H planets at 11 fama asteroid (408) in 3H fama asteroid (408) in 11H Sun in 11th house - having Sun here is similar to the stellium. Cancer and Virgo placements are naturally drawn to each other from what Ive noticed. Uranus in 1st / Aquarius risings individuals change a lot when it comes to how they express themselves, they may change their aesthetics a lot for example. Virgo placements get scared when things are going good because they think itll just get bad again. Venus in 2nd house - talks more about money than fame, but can bring a huge success. Cancer placement men especially Mars may like the idea of impregnating their partner. If you do them wrong, karma will come bite you in the ass 100x more but thing is these people if they do something morally wrong themselves, they will learn the lesson very harshly. Overall teaching is a mature love language for them. Air moons could have a hard time giving comfort because they tend to find the logic in everything. (Totally random, but they rule the hands. However, people tend to misunderstand their abilities. People with Moon in 11th could have more of a best friend relationship with their mother. 11th house stellium - 11th house is the house of fame, internet and social groups. Of course each planet manifests differently in everyones life. Study yourself, know yourself; know thyself and youll know the universe. If you have a libra rising/ moon Im just gonna assume you dont know your worth. Could have conflicting emotions and may try to fight themselves on things. (Mars & Especially Venus) Either that or theyve been wanting kids since young age. Having no planets in the 3rd house could indicate youre a really good communicator. But also remember your words can back-fire on you a lot making you regret things you have said in the past. Its important for Air dominants / placements to go out the fresh air, it could relax them. This can sometimes manifest in an unwanted way, it can be negative attention or the person doesnt really enjoy it. Indicators of Fame in Astrology. Look for messages from intense environments and more of darker ones too. Leo Mercuries may actually present themselves more serious and formal when it comes to communication rather than dramatic. Aries placements hate seeing their friends dwell, they tend to love to motivate their friends!!! They know so much more than they let off. They should learn how to save more or be wiser about money. Astrology could be a soft spot for these individuals. (Eyeliner brings out their cat like eyes), Air moons could have a harder time trusting their intuition at times, since theyre logic over anything. Air moons/ placements love neglecting their intuition, you know you have that bad feeling about that one person, why arent they blocked yet? Fire placements especially Leo love steamy baths/showers. Very likely to be known in the community, nationwide or worldwide. examples: jessica lange, sarah paulson, brad . Having the ruler in its own house always makes it very powerful. * Composite AC/Sun in Libra Because of this youll see people with an exalted & domicile mars & strong mars (Scorpio Mars, Capricorn Mars, Aries mars); more easily able to fuel up the energy for competitiveness therefore being able to win more & etc. The mother could have also always been on the phone / used technology a lot. Michael Jackson had 11th house ruler conjunct MC. Cancer moon can dominate the natives physical appearance. Venus touching Uranus would make someone admire more unconventional things (Astrology.). first, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth house placements seem to . Example; relationships. For example a Cancer mars needs to have all their security and comfortable needs met 100% before fueling up Mars energy. Seriously, Capricorn rising men be having all the women over them and the women are just straight up models but know their worth so just wouldnt settle for someone;). Its hard for someone to truly know whats going on in their thoughts. Learn these things and apply them and study them! Mars in cancer individuals tend to be more on the physically weaker side. Leo placements may swear people are obsessive over them, yet they be flirting / loving anyone right away, theyre truly affectionate people and I love them for that but c'mon dont be surprised when people literally love you so much. They protect you from toxic feminine figures. Example; Uranus in 1st may attract a lot of Aquarius energy or /and be confused as an Aquarius placement often. (#1108). This placement can make you naturally stand out. They may have a very elegant way of walking. North Node in 10th or 11th house - north node talks about our destiny. It being in the third house would indicate an ease of communicating the Astrological skills. (Check other placements). Chart ruler in a positive aspect to 11th or 10th house ruler - if these are well-placed in regards to each other, the person usually becomes successful or famous. Mercury is also the scammer, con artist and trickster. Virgo placements may love candles / plants or really nice nature / grounded things around them. Also, not all celebrities have these, but I am putting the most common and known indicators of fame! May have a gossipy family & who has all the tea. (Do not repost, plagiarize, reword my work) @hillarysss. Usually in very loving nurturing environments is when your spirit likes to send messages. Earth placements over the 4th house, couldve grown up in a more nature like environment. You were brought here with psychic abilities as well as being empathetic & creative. Also why are so gemini moons interested in astrology?? Keep in . You commonly find people trying to spread rumors about Pisces placements. (Healthy foods only for example). A lot love books. People who have Lilith conjuct a lot of personal planets may actually look like her. They remember facts from years ago, its hard to fool them. People with Venus in 4th literally desire a beautiful home and probably wouldnt settle for any less, a lot have had a beautiful home / place fantasy for a while. Log inSign up LatestTop Posted by #Fame indicators FollowNew post AboutAppsLegalPrivacy It's time to try Tumblr You'llneverbeboredagain. Leo placements have a big influence and others can see it. 28 = household name (this is kim k's sun degree), 2 = nobility and 11 = notoriety (i've also heard wealth). Top 7 Fame Indicators In Astrology | YourTango They usually get brainwashed when they are in loved and could get obsessive. i can't wait for my chart to manifest this lol, Let me know if you have any of these! (Jupiter dominants) ( Sagittarius & Pisces dominants) Jupiter in Sagittarius & Pisces / Jupiter touching Uranus- Jupiter is comfortable here. Simple. (Prominently the front two). And lastly your mercury is your mind, your message. (Will be making a post about this if people want it). Whatever planet and maybe the sign over your 4th house could tell you potentially the aura and perhaps the physical looks of your house. Aries placements can get frequent headaches. Venus in leo/ mars in leo remember just because your crush liked another girls instagram picture does not mean you are annoying.. If you have mars in 4th im just gonna assume you have deep rooted trauma from home life & the reason you are wayy over protective over anything and yourself. Even if theyre tall theyre seen as small somehow. Scorpio in 2nd individuals may not like sharing and if they do share things then youre a very special individual. - Libra females often appear and disappear briefly from peoples lives creating turbulence in their friendly relationships or areas that they frequent. Men with Cancer placements (Especially Venus) may use marriage in arguments or bring it up a lot to get their way etc. having it in pisces, or having the ruler of it aspecting neptune is an indicator of artistic fame. Saturn is a harsh but fair teacher. fame indicators people dont really speak about Spirit in Aquarius: Modernly ruled by Uranus, your spirit is quite different and unpredictable. Marilyn Monroe, Angelina Jolie, Johnny depp, and Billie Eillish have this, Jupiter in 10th/11th house- Jupiter rules abundance and success in astrology. Especially Cancer Venuses they love cuddlinggg I cant stress this enough. They may travel for emotional connections as well. Your spirit embodies the fishes that swim at opposite directions. Here are some fame indicators that you can find in your natal birth chart. #astrological indicators. At worse could indicate lies around the home & twisted information. Ive never more of an accepting person that a Moon in Pisces. Theyre also subconsciously able to tell if someone doesnt have their best interest. (As you should!) Mercury in Gemini (3rd house) / Mercury in Aquarius (11th house)- Both are great at communication and you would need developed communication skills to excell in Astrology. This is because Cancer placements truly know how its like to have a family (Cancer rules 4th house). Jupiter in 10th, why yall care so much if people like you or not? At worse it could manifest for example as home not looking safe, for example holes in the walls. Being the mediator a well developed and integrated mercury is incredibly fortunate. - Capricorn sun/saturn can inspire masses in their work area and can really facilitate the abundance of job satisfaction by working together. Prominent Neptune placements make someone very enticing and magnetic. (They are like home). I remember I was with this witch once she was scorpio rising and had Moon in 8th which are already psychic placements! Leo placements look amazing when they take pictures outside especially when the Sun is shining on them, I dont have to explain much, theyre ruled by the Sun. Spirit in Sagittarius: Ruled by Jupiter, your spirit is expansive and extremely generous. Sun in 8 degrees tend to give off scorpio/ intense/ intimidating vibes to people. They help you in every day logical manners such as work & routine. Again, you need to study them and check all the aspects etc. Mercury - Lilith aspects tend to love testing other peoples reactions with things they say and this could get them in trouble, they also have wild imagination and are prone to thinking really sexual thoughts often. Indicators of Fame in Astrology - Youll never see a Capricorn placement sticking out their nose where it doesnt belong and I truly admire that. (If youre into Vedic Astrology your Rahu and Ketu will be most important and your Saturn, there are more advanced techniques but these are the most standard ) All of these combined can create a perfect concoction of your purpose. Astrology can open a path to a bunch of potential answers they have once longed for. It can also be a fame indicator as well, as it is a Leo degree. Sun in 11th house - having Sun here is similar to the stellium. Your spirit guides embody the traits of a sea goat. . Adding onto Sagittarius placements is that they have very good learning ethics. This reflection is amplified within the twin flame relationship, but it is not unique to that connection. A lot tend to be little nerds and have a lot of interesting interests. (Not a serious crush). People with Cancer Moon / Rising tend to have people who confide in them easily. From personal experience Libra risings have somewhat of a hard problem opening up, they have this image of themselves they dont want to be seen different at times. They guide you spirituality and in forms of education and higher knowledge. if biden wins I know so many of you are going to go back to not caring nearly enough, and this is not some holier than thou guilt trip gotcha like please actively check yourself because millions are going to suffer and continue to suffer under him as well. Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian and Lady Gaga have this. Jupiter in Sagittarius & Pisces individuals and generally Pisces and Sagittarius placement individuals have a luckier time manifesting. Scorpio mercuries / 8th mercuries always amaze me. This can also at the same time make them addicted & love the internet. Mars trining or sextile Saturn can indicate the native may like having sex with older dominant people. Hit them up for an ego boost Theyre the best. Could be the couple that kisses in public and has no shame. Jupiter uranus gives an interest to gain knowledge in eccentric interests. you could suffer from something (again, general). They wanna find out every little thing and perfect it. The sun person sees Venus as beautiful and their whole world. degree theory astrology astrology observations astro astro notes astrology notes astrology tumblr astro tumblr astro observations astrology degrees astrology tidbits . They send messages in a perfectionist tendency its hard to miss. One parental figure could be seen as better fitting than the other. Planet being on top of 11th house cusp - Im not sure if thats the right way to call it, but basically a planet that is in 11th house and within 1 degree from the cusp. They tend to have a mixed reputation. They will teach themselves a whole subject if they have to (If they find it interesting enough, they have so many interests). Uranus in 10th individuals may get sudden but short fame. They are very protective of you and their messages come from within your truest emotions. For example moon- pluto can indicate literal harm attempt because of a connection, it should not be glorified. Kim kardashian, Steve Jobs, Emma Watson, Madhuri dixit, and Adele. It is below Leo's dignity to do work that is not high quality, or to associate themselves with anything that is not excellent. Capricorn placements as mother or fathers could be harsh on the child. One: The Fame Degrees. Check your midheaven degree for farther insight on career this lifetime! One thing about Pisces placements is that they attract people who wanna distort them on who they are. Fame indicators in a Natal chart? | Astrologers' Community Cleopatra Fame indicators in astrology Cleopatra Fame indicators in astrology -Sun/north node/stellium in 1st house/5th house/7th house/8th house/10th/11th house/ in leo/cancer/aries/ pisces -Sun/venus/neptune/jupiter conjunct north node -Venus/jupiter/neptune conjuct sun or moon -Neptune/pluto/venus in 1st house or conjuct ascendant (for acting) They would develop passion for Astrology. 1st house stellium people tend to go to crisis regarding to who they really are and they tend to camouflage in situations. One thing about Capricorn placements is that they stay minding their own business and being unbothered. Obviously the whole chart matters and if someone has one of these, it doesnt mean that they will be the next Kim Kardashian. Ive also noticed a lot of Capricorn moons prefer to have small amount of friends that they are at least emotional connected to, they are mostly introverted. People with heavy Saturn on their chart get two sides of the coins. Claidus Ptolemy also has Sun in Leo (Not to mention, Moon in Virgo). Your Moon tells you what you need in a relationship emotionally obviously and it tells you what would be a deal breaker.