Greatest of the Dark Gods' champions, the Exalted Grand Marshal of the Apocalypse, he is the Everchosen - the doom of all. 15 Fascinating Facts About Archaon the Everchosen of Chaos The Armour of Morkar belonged to Morkar, the first Everchosen.It makes the wearer invulnerable to all but the most powerful of attacks. Elector Count Boris Todbringer, consumed with his vendetta against his long time rival, Khazrak One-Eye, had resolved, despite the dissent of his nobles and the Knights of the White Wolf, to sally forth into the Drakwald and slay the beast once and for all. WARHAMMER AOS CHAOS Slaves to Darkness WARCRY the Unmade Awakened One 4a #902p64 - $8.86. Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. THE STORY. Diederick himself survived by the skin of his teeth, and retrieved Kastner's sword, Terminus, and his warhorse, Oberon. The triumph of the Northmen was swiftly imperilling the delicate Weave that the Wood Elves of Athel Loren had strived so hard to maintain. Spoken of in fearful whispers by warlords and kings, Archaon is the shadow of Chaos falling upon the Mortal Realms. Tzarina Katarin and her followers were eventually slain at their final stand at the ruins of Erengrad. Darkness is ours. Let us take what is ours. In doing so, they paid no heed to the tiny speck of light tumbling in the infinite darkness -- the glowing essence of what had once been a man. Blinded with pain and fury, he leapt upon the prone king, who with desperation quickly rose to his full height and slashed his blade across the hulking Scyla's belly, nearly drowning himself in the creature's smouldering blood. In the alternate, non-canon timeline known as the Storm of Chaos, Archaon's plan for the End Times was to conquer Middenheim, the city of Sigmar's own patron god, Ulric, and extinguish the sacred flame of the Winter God with his own corrupted body. It made the wearer invulnerable to all but the most powerful of attacks, making the wearer nigh-unstoppable in the heat of combat. Damage of missile attacks is reduced by this amount. Archaon soon built a large army that only grew with tales of his exploits spreading among the followers of Chaos. Bloodthirsty Aeslings and barbaric Baersonlings, wily Skaelings and sea-faring Sarls, twisted Vargs, savage Graelings and berserker Bjornlings and a thousand other hard-hearted Norse tribes aside, all did answer the Everchosen's call. Desperate, the figure seized upon the sphere with a grip that could shatter mountains. The Lord of the Hunt led his fellow daemons in smashing apart the forces of the Incarnates, while he himself set his burning gaze upon the Emperor himself. On the top of its withered skull sat the Crown of Domination. ; The Antichrist: Archaon is the Everchosen of Chaos within . Slowing all the Incarnates made their way to the Temple of Ulric, where it is upon those grounds that the forces of the world faced the Herald of the Apocalypse. He decided the fate of entire nations, his sword laid waste to heroes and armies and his unbreakable will dominated those of the gods themselves. Valten, Herald of Sigmar and champion of the Empire, had ridden hard for Middenheim, seeking to bolster the city's legendary defences with his own mighty force. The people of Middenheim let out a desolate cry of sorrow and horror unimaginable as the Flame of Ulric at last guttered and gave out with their deity's death. Portrait [1c], Dagobert raised the child, whom he named Diederick and who grew tall and strong. could anyone lorewise deafeat archaon after he became everchosen The Everchosen was forced to flee from the battlefield and went into hiding in the Middle Mountains. Diederick overheard this, and in spite of his injuries, insisted on accompanying Dagobert and Giselle on their mission to deliver the forbidden books to the Grand Theogonist at Altdorf. The slaughter began as battle was joined at the walls of Middenheim. Thus did Diederick become Archaon the Everchosen, the Three-Eyed King, greatest of all the Champions of Chaos. He bound the Greater Daemon U'zuhl into the blade, and the millennia of imprisonment have sent it insane with rage and fury. Archaon, Lord of the End Times is a Everchosen of Chaos, the supreme champion of the four Chaos Gods. Archaon Everchosen | Games Workshop Webstore Thunderously did U'zuhl and Ghal Maraz clash in blows that could have shattered mountains and shook the very world to its foundations. Legendary Lord Attacks. Once, the temple had been illuminated by the Fire of Ulric, but that callow flame had proven no more divine than the dim torches that hung upon the walls of the defiled temple. Archaon took the crown and, with his wounds healing and frame swelling with power, he held it to the heavens. Health:5800 (5800 per model) Leadership:85 Speed: Melee Attack:70 Melee Defence:60 Charge Bonus:55 Fire Resist:0 Magic Resist:0 Physical Resist:10 Missile Resist:15 Ward Save:0 Upon this mighty Horde were all the eyes of their ascendant gods. With the death of his mother, and the hatred of his step-father for his bastard origins, the rape-spawned child would later go on to be adopted by a local Sigmarite Priest and become a Knight-Templar of the Order of the Twin-Tailed Orb, fighting valorously and faithfully in the service of the God-King Sigmar. Range. Holding court in the Inevitable City, he awaited the allegiance of the chieftains of uncountable tribes and warbands who served the Dark Gods. . The hated Empire of the south was all but vanquished -- Altdorf had been reduced to a festering ruin, Talabheim was now a scorched waste and Middenheim had been transformed into the staging ground from where the Northmen would strike the final blow against Sigmar's heirs. The travails grew so deadly, that many of the forest wraiths began to succumb to the madness of Chaos. Archaon is the Everchosen of Chaos, the doom of all that unites the armies of the Dark Gods as the greatest of their champions, doing so with the legendary daemon sword, the Slayer of Kings and mounted upon the terrifying beast known as Dorghar. 2519-2528 IC Although on its own it grants the bearer prophetic powers, when placed in the Crown of Domination it allows the bearer to predict and avoid the attacks of the enemy. Perhaps the Chaos Gods raised their champions to daemonhood from the battles that raged amongst the flames. Though he had sent many foes to Khorne's halls and won a mighty victory at Averheim, his refusal to hunt the last remnants of resistance to the dread will of the gods was deemed disrespectful to Khorne in the eyes of the Bloodthirster. They swiftly defeated the Chimera hordes guarding the higher passes where Archaon and his three companions climbed to the top of the plateau. Aided by Tzeentch, Archaon deceived Sigmar's aim and the great warhammer crashed harmlessly past him, disappearing into a crack in reality. and left Archaon on the ground. With the Dwarfen warriors of Karak Kadrin, led by their mighty king Ungrim Ironfist, the Emperor successfully drove back the Tzeentchians and freed Averheim of their fury. Below, Dorghar and Deathclaw duelled with every bit the same fury as their masters, red wounds streaking the Griffon's hide and dark blood flowing free from the daemonsteed's thick hide. As he continued to march, an untold number of creatures had thrown themselves upon the potential Everchosen. Above the charge of the Norscans flew the mightiest of their legendary shield-maidens -- the dauntless warrior-queen Valkia the Bloody, the "Bringer of Glory," she who carried the fallen to Khorne's halls. This article contains information regarding the. With his quest finally complete, Archaon set forth to assault the world as the Herald of the Apocalypse, a warrior who did the unthinkable and succeeded where hundreds of other Champions had failed. Their forces were greatly enhanced by their alliance with the Undying King Nagash, and his surviving Mortarchs. Without the inspiration of his presence to give them hope, the defenders of Middenheim quickly disintegrated in the face of Valten's demise and the immensity of the Norscan army. The icon of Archaon and his Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos army in Total War: Warhammer III. None Archaon the Everchosen - Wahapedia The battle was epic to behold as the armies of all the mortal races stand united against the forces of Chaos Undivided. A simple template for Archaon campaigns is to work all across the Norscan region until two armies (at the minimum) are at play with one holding at least tier 3 infantry. The new Everchosen proceeded to muster the largest army ever seen by mortal kind. Published in early 2014 before anyone had even an inkling of just how much Warhammer was about to change with the world-shattering End Times arc, Rob Sanders' book Archaon: Everchosen sets out to tell the full story of the Everchosen of Chaos, the driving force behind the single biggest change in Warhammer's 30+ years. In the Old World, Archaon was originally called Diederick, the son of a mother who had been raped by a Chaos Marauder during a Norse raid. The Everchosen raised his mighty blade and rode towards his enemy, and the moment was lost. The tribes of Norsca fought on, with the grim fatalistic determination of their race they hacked and slew for the glory of their hateful gods. The axe bit deep, and Scyla howled in unholy rage as he instinctively threw away the Dwarf. With his victory over the Empire seemingly assured, Archaon led his victorious warriors back to Middenheim, where they would enact the final stages for the annihilation of the feculent world the Three-Eyed King had decreed was worthy only of death. Be'lakor claims to have "interceded" on the child's behalf several times, without which he never would have been born or else died several times over: He read ancient manuscripts written by Necrodomo the Insane, which contained blasphemies about the religion of Sigmar and the nature of Chaos. Though the Incarnates and their dark allies fought tooth and nail against the daemonic hordes, they could not prevail against the boundless fury of rage itself given form. <br>WUBRG: Untap all attacking creatures. His lifespan unnaturally extended by his Chaos patrons, Archaon spent the next century gathering the Six Treasures of Chaos: Upon retrieving the Crown, Be'lakor performed the coronation that made Archaon the Lord of the End Times. The ancient daemonhost did not need to hound out their quarry, for the army of the Incarnates rode out in a last desperate charge to avert the destruction Archaon sought to unleash. Drunk on slaughter and caked in offal, crimson-armoured Norse champions thundered forth on brass-skinned Juggernauts, their runed axes reaping a frightening toll from their foes. Archaon was forced to retreat back to the village of Sokh. Scyla howled in fury a second time, but could not halt the momentum of his charge in time before he struck the edge of Magnusspitze's parapet with a sickening crunch, and then plunged over the edge into the smoke-wreathed sky beyond.