My first there will be a second batch tasted great but did come out soft, even after 48 hours. Jam was perfect but a little over sweet. In doing this, I think I reduced it a little further than Ineed and now find 10 minutes is a long boil. I used the 1:1:1 ratio and had all seeds, membranes and pith in a cheesecloth bag. My marmalade has turned out very cloudy, its my first time making it, it was disappointing. when cool take a sniff in there, the jam is set better than before, the smell (being alcohol from fermentation) has evaporated and the whole show is brand new. I did 2 batches for the challenge, neither set which I was not too surprised by since I could not get them up to 220 and they had already cooked down quite a bit, I didnt get the full 4 jars from either batch and didnt want to cook them down more. Hi, I have been making jelly for 70 years and this is the first year I had this happen. Thanks. There's a couple of things you could do, you can take a paper towel and wipe the edge, just be very careful that you don't burn yourself when you're doing that. The honey is also much easier to measure out, so if you have a small amount of crystallized honey, keep it around just for cooking and get a fresh jar to enjoy. How can I reuse or recycle bonfire ashes? By mistake, I put in 2 pints (U.K.)water instead of 2 litres (U.K.) water . We've been eating it anyway, mostly because it tastes fantastic. Are you processing them in a water bath canner? The second batch with jam sugar. I have 6 jars already bottled. Perhaps marmalade is the answer. My favorite is cranberry jam, made with Monk Fruit. We have buckets full of limes here in sub-tropical NSW (Byron Bay, Australia) at present, and I spent ages carefully shredding skin and cutting them up to make lime and ginger marmalade. She recycled that! It was yummy. The recipe called for one cup of juice and six and half cups of sugar. My crabapple jelly is way too thick. Cool before potting - but not too much. Christine Ferber does this with some of her recipes. Make small batches at a time, usually five to eight cups. Loved hearing from you! Should I throw it away and start over? So you are using half the sugar that your recipe recommends? Step 3. Many thanks for your information about rescuing unset marmalade. I followed your advice (reduce water/raise temp to 220F) and my marmalade came out perfect. When my kids use their jar of jelly Im sure they will think I didnt follow directions! My small batch tomatillo jam had solidified in the fridge. The instructions I followed said to rapid boil for 45 mins but at only 25 mins it was clearly done and when I put it on a frozen spoon it seemed to harden rather than jell. YK. Hi! Add the 1.5 pints of missing water to the pan. When I made Strawberry jam, I boiled it as directed til thick,I even added liquid pectin. When the marmalade sheets off your spoon or spatula in thick drops, it's done. Good stuff! I find that has affected my jam-setting point. Yes! The pectin is in the peel and pips, did you boil with everything in? Please. It seems towards the end you could miss your perfect set time if you are taking the pen in and out. Your email address will not be published. I was excited when I happened upon this site. I relied on the thermometer, skipped the frozen plate test, wont again! When making marmalade, each step serves a purpose and though it might seem tedious, it's important to follow the steps carefully. I like my marmalade on the runny side, but I have always struggled to give a bang-on temp recommendation for the texture that I like. Ive made it before and was perfect. Otherwise, try to scoop the marmalade off the top and leave the burnt portion in the pot. Non alcoholic beverages Simple syrup crystallizes when enough of the sugar molecules stick to one another that they become insoluble in the water. I don't think there's a right or a wrong. My marmalade caught at the bottom and slightly caramelised what should I do. As Susan Sergent said back in 2017. I have fortunately never had this happen, but I know several people who have. Looks like Ill be hitting the organic market next Wednesday to see if they have anything suitable. Thank you so much. It did, not solid like a wobbly jelly but enough to look like I hadnt messed up big time ! So, I think I've sussed the problem - no water next time and the right amount of sugar! I use a method that is just so wonderful. In any case, my strategy would be to open up the jars and place the marmalade back in the pot and cook it again to boil it down and remove the excess water. It set but a bit too much for my liking. I love the site. I like my marmalade to taste of fruit rather than sugar, so for many years I've been using much less sugar than most recipes suggest. When did you make the marmalade? Probably 220221F. But now Im going to follow your tip. What else can I do to thicken the jelly. Will it work? Pass:- I mean my second batch didnt turned out well. Ive got a similar problem with a Delia recipe which with 3 to 4 hours of simmering means it is easy to miss the set point. You can use is anywhere that a sweet and savory addition would be welcome. I'm in Montreal and I think we are pretty close to sea level. What do you suggest? They are very watery. Barbara, the membranes should come with the pulp. Chop until finely ground, skin and all. Let me know the details of your method if you want me to troubleshoot this further . Do you need to add pectin when making marmalade? **Change the quantities according to your needs:** How do you fix sugary jelly? I emptied out the jars and added lemon juice, a little water and more pomelo pulp. Ive tried to make marmalade and jam on many occasions with little success (it is always too runny or caramelised). After pan frying the pork chops I added it to the skillet and melted the jelly to make a sauce. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your comments! I made some plum jam last year, but it didnt set, it is still sealed in the jars is there any way I can redo it so I dont have to throw it away, there is a lot??? Would that work? Thanks again! I scraped the pith from the rinds to make my rind pieces. Now it smell burnt and is lumpy. The other factor is just bad luck - if you have a crystal already present and shake that solution, it . Any input appreciated. While the jelly cooks, sugar crystals may form about the edge of the boiling mixture. And that is how the marmalade temperature experiment was born. I cant find Seville oranges is it ok to use organic juicing oranges? My Orange marmalade is solid. That set fine. I did a triple citrus using the whole fruit method. Been investigating all the different sites. Help! With the membranes being mixed with the pulp, I decided to press it through a mesh sieve. I am in Carmichael, CA. Good luck! Lets visit the other side of the coin. It has occurred to me that perhaps I am boiling too vigorously so the mixture does not evaporate enough before the setting point is reached? Emptied all the jars back into the jam pan (placed them in a pan of hot water to loosen first) and added 200ml boiling water. Do you think it's worth putting back in pan and adding the extra 1lb of sugar? Crystals form when the mixture is cooked too slowly, or too long. Now its a wait and see. That sounds a little arrogant, but I've been eating the stuff daily for about 50 years or more and I know a great marmalade when I have it. Please help. Stir it into a vinaigrette. Typically, I start the ratio with whole, unprepared fruit. made mine too thick also would love to know how to thin it down, Over boiled marmalade and it was close to toffee. Reduce heat and continue cooking, stirring, until ginger is crystallized and begins to clump in the middle of the pan. Are you just prepping the fruit in there (like boiling them whole) or are you making the marmalade in the pressure cooker? A Poem About Letting Go, Rebekah Ann Stephenson (We Live Inspired), Save Money & Get Free Stuff Archive page HERE, Requiem for a Bird A Poem by Rebekah Ann Stephenson. I used 1 kg oranges, 1 large lemon, 1lb sugar (and as I type I think I only used 1lb instead of 2) and yes, 3 pints water. Research tested recipes such as from "So Easy to Preserve," or from our "Let's Preserve Jellies and Jams." I admire your scientific approach, but at this point all I want to do is redeem my six pints of "marmalade" to make them worthy of spreading on something or gifting to others. Did you check for set while the marmaladewas cooking? The heat was too low so you didn't fast boil the marmalade. With crab apples, quinces and other high pectin fruit I dont wait for the wrinkle test eg, frozen saucers, jelly on saucers, does it wrinkle after 5 minutes. Each canned quart makes one 8- to 9-inch pie. Let me know if youve had other issues as you worked through this first #fijchallenge. Hmm. Also, I made a batch with jalapeos and later added fresh cranberries to it. If you should have further questions or need additional information, please visit us at or contact us at 888-550-9555, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. eastern time. Otherwise you risk spoilage. If youre not vigorously boiling its not going to get there. For the jars that have crystallised, it is possible to re-warm the jam and dissolve the crystals before using. - Crystals can form as a result of excess sugar, undissolved sugar during cooking, or over or under cooking. I hope that helps! If there's a piece of honeycomb, pollen or other debris, honey can start to crystallize around it. *** Some people warm their sugar in the oven so it is a similar temp. Thanks. And, not quite in the question but related, do you use/reuse anything interesting instead of commercial-bought pectin? As long as youre using the plate test to check for set, you should be ok. Id be curious about ways to re-purpose a marmalade that came out tasting too much like pith. I used jam sugar, lemon juice and added liquid pectin at the end as the recipe directed. Thank you. Upcycling novelty hats into bunting/pennants. love Neale , sunny south africa. I could not have been more mistaken. It definitely was changing consistency at that point. What can I reuse or recycle as moulds for making new crayons from old ones? Remember to pull the pan off the heat while you determine if you've achieved the proper set and use an instant-read probe thermometer (like this probe thermometer with a longer cable: the Thermoworks Dot ) to make sure you are able to measure changes in temperature as they happen with little delay! Thank you for this! The first with ordinary sugar and lemon juice was too runny but l have left it. Pam Corbin: Allow your marmalade to cool and relax before potting. I hope that helps! Please note this post contains affiliate links to Amazon. Also, using a fresh jar that has no buildup of crystals on the walls will further prevent the recrystallization of the jam. You need gelatin. Last night was my first attempt at making jelly and I chose Apple since was already making applesauce. Of course, you can still eat overcooked marmalade and learn from this mistake. Add lemon juice? Right? It never crinkled. Just dont add too much or you get a gluggy jelly-like mass.Experiment a time or two and youll soon get to know about how much to add to a batch. Are you disappointed with your yield? If you are not a jam and marmalade expert and if you don't make preserves very often, you will probably lack the experience to see the visual cues of the perfect set. Once the sugar has been dissolved into the warm mixture, I return the pan to boiling so I can go about my business and get the jam to set. My problem is I boil for 10 minutes & it only goes up to on my thermapen to 118. You took a bunch of the sugar out of the situation (honey still contains sugar) and so it had to cook much longer to reach the concentration necessary to achieve the temperature elevation necessary to achieve set. I make jelly and use it as a pectin source for other jams (rhubarb and raspberry). I tried stirring it but that just breaks up the jelly and Im left with what you would have if you stirred a set jello-lots of set lumps! Finally, what do you do with jam that cant be saved stuff that burnt in the pan for example? No extra water. You need to take it to a rolling boil. Was great! Is there anything that can be done or do I have 8 jars of syrup? Why dont they give correct directions? Quire usted ganar ms para sus bayas en el mercado? If you were using a thermometer to monitor the cooking temperature and you never managed to get to 220F, but it bounces like a rubber ball, the thermometer might be to blame. Or should I use some pectin and if so, how much? Cold Honey If it gets below 50 where you are, honey can start to crystallize at lower temperatures. Did you properly process the jars? How long do you find you are having to boil before it gets to 220. Take the 6 citrus fruits and wash well, removing any blemishes. This concentrated sugary spread is likely to crystallize over time, especially if it dries out. This year I've made three batches, same amount and consistency each time. my Loganberry jam has set solid in the jars, is there any way of softening it again? It thickens somewhat when cool, but it moves when the jar is tilted. Thank you so much. My wife says my marmalade has an acceptable consistency, so I suppose it depends on what you consider to be a 'set'. Ive never had that happen before, so Im not sure why it would have turned out cloudy. Besides the usual timing adjustments that we make for altitude, do you know of any adjustments to the recipe/ratios that will need to be made? Salt is generally added to canned foods to enhance their flavor. (At my own expense) So yey ! As we can see above with my temperature experiment, the marmalade set has a lot to do with the concentration of sugar and the removal of water, and not as much to do with the pectin content. Take out all this grey mould, then simply place the tin on the centre of the hot plate spiral & switch on to medium to low heat then allow to boil in the tin for about a minute then set aside to cool . Help! Either heat over the stove or even just in the microwave, depending on the quality of the jam. I didnt get any other suggestions so I reheated it (quite a struggle to get it out of the jars!) Theres no mention of a pith or seed bag. If it has overcooked and started to go like toffee it sometimes becomes too bitter to enjoy any way at all and we put it in the chooks (hens) food bowl They will clean it up so its not completely wasted. Good luck. Use a tight fitting lid to reduce the availability of air that can cause evaporation. If you would like to skip the video and go straight to the blog post showing you how to do this go here: I just made a big batch of Concord grape jam and I have a certain way I add the sugar so I get a nice, smooth, crystal free end result. I used 1kg. Add in a little orange liqueur and serve it with crpes! I can't wait to hear how your next batch goes! and how much will a tray of sevilles make? If boiling hot jam goes into boiling hot sterilised jars & is lidded straight away & turned upside down would that be ok to shelf store or not? How can I reuse or recycle a wooden shoe rack? Cut into quarters, and place in a food processor. No one seems to reply about too firm jelly. There may be some lingering crystallized sugar down there, which can ruin the whole batch. Excess sugar may increase the concentration beyond what the liquid or the fruit can hold. You could probably make grapefruit marmalade, too. 1 Kilo of oranges yields about 400 ml of juice, which I make up to 1 litre with fresh water. You used too much water or not enough oranges or not enough sugar. It looked and tasted great. You will soon see the crystallising process start to reverse. Suggesions? Thanks! Marmalade is by its nature a high sugar preserve. Worried that Ill have a skin floating in the jars. How to safely move between facilities, to another farm or to a livestock market, during livestock transportation. All Website content, Including Website Background & Header Art "Nature's Bliss", is Created & Copyrighted by Rebekah @ weliveinspired 2012-2014 unless otherwise noted. So reheating in your maslin/jam pan. This is a huge difference in quantities which likely accounts for your lower yield, no? 1. Was it the three fruit marmalade from my site or a different one? Thank you. This is a silicon pastry brush, if you had a natural fiber that would work, and you can sort of wash the crystals down. Then gently boiled for just a few minutes until the additions were fully combined. made alot in one night and tested next day on my so super thick never happened before. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); My marmalade will be off to a slow start if I get there at all. Use the dry measuring cups to measure the sugar, and level it with a knife. You have two choices to fix runny marmalade if it's not setting properly: As I mentioned, you can save and fix a marmalade that doesn't set properly because it's undercooked by reheating the preserve, bringing it back up to a boil and cooking to 220F222F before transferring to sterilized jars and sealing.