The annual benefits uprating was approved in Parliament last week, which means that most benefits and State Pension will rise by 10.1 per cent in April. Tories in 1995, Labour with 2007 pension act, and Lib Dems that brought both laws into existence, to raise pension ages on women from 60 to 66, 67 and 68 today, are the governments who stole our state pension. I said that you obviously misheard 3.6m as 6m and despite others telling you about your mistake you have refused to see that you were wrong and correct it. But even with the support of the All Party Parliamentary Group for state pension inequality the maximum would be 10,000. It is because men do not care about the state pension, that so much discrimination was done against us to butcher what little state pension we had, in all governments continually since 1978. We believe he has been and that he must think again about the injustices we have experienced. We are really grateful for your support. State Pensionage is currently undergoing a change for both men and women, but this is not the first alteration to take place. In other words, the outcome of this case is likely to affect hundreds of thousands of 1950s women quite possibly most of them. The meeting offered a great selection of Canaps-including dairy free ones for not a very big audience of 50 people- but I doubt anyone left any wiser on what would happen next. One does not need anyones permission to report a meeting that is advertised in the Labour Party programme particularly as I was an accredited journalist at the conference I will say that at the beginning it was a bit difficult to hear the platform until the organiser intervened to improve the microphones. The Ombudsman is now investigating what injustice arose as a result and whether compensation should be paid to the women affected. I dont know if mine got through to the Ombudsman, although I sent all 4 legal template letters. First the spectacle with Bindmans, the split then Connect. The third and final stage will be a recommendation to Parliament, with MPs having the final say. Pensions 'injustice' leaves generation of women in crisis as inflation WASPI spokeswoman Angela Madden said: Pension age 60 (1960s ladies onwards) Increases in the State Pension age for women born in the 1950s Any other result would come as a huge disappointment for women who have suffered years of hardship. If we win, the Ombudsman will have to reconsider his second report and re-write it, properly identify the injustices that the DWP's maladministration has caused and make recommendations for compensation on a proper basis. Again, any woman born in the 1950s is a victim and has a perfect right to comment and/or make any enquiries: with both PHSO Reports recently leaked on social media, they are now better informed. He focuses on six sample complainants (the people discussed in the Stage 1 report). If you feel that ALL 50s women should be able to see it then you should have leaked the full report so that everyone can read, and hopefully understand, all of it themselves. WASPI women welcome call for fast and proper compensation of - Yahoo! 4 Our guidance on financial remedy. Now there are rumours that people over 60 will now have to pay for their prescriptions. It marks a significant victory for the Waspi (Women. Afterwards she told me she had to be very cautious in mentioning any sum at all. We need to raise at least 100,000 right now to get our case into court and moving forward. For 2022/23 these minimums are: - For employees: 123 a week, 533 a month, 6,396 a year. They have asked him to reconsider and even proposed alternative dispute resolution (out of court discussions, sometimes facilitated by a third party) to resolve the dispute. The Ombudsman finalised the Stage 2 report on 8 December last year. Millions could get state pension compensation 10 years - WalesOnline When a brief interlude of a different kind of Labour leader came into being, he was sabotaged by his own party, when offering pension age 60 to men in his 1983 election manifesto, and living state pension to men and women the same. Well look at all the money they have had of these women who worked brought children up paying for child care out of there own wages we didnt get any child care money like these young mums do so its about time this came to a head now drag on for to long the women that have died with no pension bet thats what you in parliament want all of us dead so no compensation good old government agin all the same nothing will ever change its another world in Big old London thats what it is all about the ones with money sod joe bloggs get a grip sort it out we have waited long enough time. We are Women Against State Pension Inequality (WASPI), women born in the 1950s, fighting for fair compensation for maladministration by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). Express. The Stage 2 report with its errors will be the basis on which the Ombudsman decides what remedies to recommend, including any compensation. The meeting began with a statement from Angela Madden but it was difficult to hear her clearly at the back of the room because of the acoustics and early on the organisers asked her to speak up. The 2nd report is so far only provisional. Angela Madden never said 6m 50s and 60s women. Yet we are still caring for that dependent it doesnt stop just cos we get our pensions, Thanks again for true reporting for all #50women. I am a registered nurse and I had to stop work in 2019 due to ill health and have live off small pittance from DWP its another 2 years I have to wait to get my pension. The Ombudsman is generally a careful decision-maker and has a special role. Can someone explain how I am better off. We know how much DWP maladministration has cost us and now the @PHSOmbudsman gets it wrong too! The whole thing is flawed. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. Simpson added: All were deprived - in some cases for up to six years - of the pension which they had expected to receive at 60. The early death rate of: It must be caused by the DWP maladministration identified in the earlier report- the 28 month delay. "Both the High Court and Court of Appeal have supported the actions of the DWP, under successive governments dating back to 1995, and the Supreme Court recently refused the claimants permission to appeal.. If WASPI women cannot establish either direct financial loss or loss of opportunities that amounted to injustice, then their remedies for the maladministration the Ombudsman has identified, including compensation, could be very limited indeed. In any event, had #WaSpi nothing to hide, they would respond themselves. Calls for 'immediate' 20K compensation for women stung by State Our fundraising has been going incredibly well over the weekend: we are now over 60% of the way to our target of the fighting fund needed to get our case into court and moving forward with WASPI adequately protected. It was Lib Dems Pension Minister between 2010 and 2015 who could have stopped both the Tory and Labour pension age rise laws, but chose to bring them all into law at warp speed, directly causing the misery and early death of us 1950s ladies. We are now hopeful that the Ombudsman will recommend compensation for the injustice we have suffered., This needs to be fair and fast, she added. David there is enough misinformation going around without you adding to it by being rather economical with the truth. Some 3.8million hit by pension age rises will get up to 31,300. Read Free Health Risks And Fair Compensation In The Fire Service Risk Systems And . WASPI women will not receive interim compensation payment from DWP The Justice Platform Ltd is registered as a company in England and Wales, company number 09534141. The Ombudsman concluded at paragraphs 171 - 172 of his report that. A north-east MSP has said it is "appalling but sadly not surprising" more than 220,000 women in the UK will have died waiting for pension compensation by the end of this year. Please also be aware that my anger about you leaking the confidential report from the PHSO is more to do with the fact that you are selectively picking parts of the report to suit what appears to be an anti Waspi agenda. We have put our trust in him. Logical thinking is out of their range? Money is not everything they say, but it is when you havent got any. These payments will now be made automatically following a Government review - although some women, depending on their circumstances, will still need to claim. And the particular type of injustice the Ombudsman identifies is what forms the basis for his recommendations on remedies, including any compensation. Provision should be made to pay 1950 and 1960 the difference in lifetime discrimination which is fair and can be calculated. Around 3.8. DON'T MISS:State pension age is set to rise to 68 - when will you retire? Its not just ministers that are not listening to Waspi, its the ombudsman as well, who appears to be following the Govt playbook very closely i.e. You dont get carers allowance if you have state pension, Thanks David for all that you do we are lucky to have you on our side. Now they deduct just under 17 per month from my SP because I was contracted out for just 1 year which relates to the small pension I mentioned. But the only way to get that money is with a new party never before in power over government, as all of the elected governments, Tory, Labour and Lib Dems since 1978 have done nothing else but butcher the state pension, because mostly women care about it. The Ombudsmans published first report backed only partial maladministration which would automatically reduce compensation and was never challenged by Waspi. I think you must be going deaf David because nobody else heard that!! The finding brings the prospect of compensation closer for thousands of women born in the 1950s who have long been furious about the issue. His responsibilities in this investigation have to be exercised in a lawful way, worthy of that trust. If that had happened, most women would have known about the changes by 2009. Fair compensation for WASPI women - and whether the women affected should be awarded compensation. Because it was in the kitty it was there and whoever used it (STOLE) therefore should be brought to JUSTICE and we all should see documents relating to this spending. In consequence, families have found themselves with additional caring costs, which they would otherwise not have had to bear. Hope for WASPI women as MPs back compensation call You can unsubscribe at any time. WASPI campaigners still waiting to hear about compensation But we know it is a National Insurance Fund pension system. In the past the Ombudsmans decisions and those of his predecessors have been overturned where they have been irrational that is, illogical or unsupported by established facts or procedurally unfair. Lastly, show some respect for David Hencke, a Veteran Lobby Correspondent and Award Winning Journalist. From April 2016 they changed the wait time from 2 months from month of birth to 4 months per month of birth. For higher wages. They have ended up relying on savings to get them through, and now have nothing to fall back on amid rising costs, for essentials such as energy, food, fuel and rent. The grey suits now hate the Tories and are talking up Labour (latter greatest enemy to pensioners since 1978 with the same enemies in the party, against Attlee and Wilson). My husband is a pensioner. Q1: Whats happening with the case right now? The issues were very different. . This is a plea on behalf of the millions of us woman, to sort this out and do the right thing, and not wait for the millions of letters you wil receive regarding the deaths of the women concerned. Yet currently, Labour's policy recommendations do not feature any steps to tackle the raging pension injustice suffered by thousands of WASPI women across the country.