Im a good baker, I know how to read a recipe and I use a scale. He even drove the train around the tracks. Distilled water would be a 7. Baking time is decreased to 12 minutes. Thank you! Im fairly new to gluten-free cooking, but learned a good trick to get rid of the sometimes gritty taste the baked goods can have: let the batter rest for 30 min before baking. xo. Just as you described, the batter seemed curdled at first and suddenly turned into a luscious thick batter. Set aside. . Its the favorite of my family and friends though, so Im trying to create a chocolate cake recipe that both they and I will enjoy. :). He loves chocolate sweets, but Im trying to eat better and curb our snacking especially sweets. What do you use? For the posts that have multiple recipes is it possible to break up the recipes in the post, so that you can print only one (of say 3?) Here is the gospel. Just found out were having a second boy. I only made the frosting part, but had to comment because it was fantastic and easy. Please send help. I didnt use a sifter, but I did mix dry ingredients sperately. (I still have a slice left and am having it tonight, in defiance of the only eat food that was cooked less than 24 hours ago rule.). No need to butter the inside or outside of cupcake liners. makes some foods terrible, but others so much more DELICIOUS than youd have ever imagined. I made this twice for 2 dozen cupcakesafter making the 1st dozen and seeing how DELICIOUS they are, theres no way 1 dozen would be enough!! I never found it, and was too lazy to try to make it (im never satisfied with my own baked goods anyway). This was SUPER YUMMY. Hes enthusiastic now :), Literally just finished frosting it and devoured it along with the sprinkles. Genius! The color of my baked cake is a lighter brown but the flavor is fantastic. Thank you for this easy small cake! Deb: Dont worry if it looks lumpy! But I am living in a country free of baking powder (Switzerland!). Also, someone posted back in February (timely response, I know) that their batter was runny. Recipes. I read other reviews by people who found it dry; I thought it was incredibly moist for a cake thats not too dense. At grocery stores, I find Droste to be very solid for a dutch-process. Thank you for the cake recipe, the sprinkles really catch the eye! If I double the recipe, would a bunt pan be appropriate? Its just like the soft, fluffy chocolate buttercream frosting I used to get on cupcakes from my old favorite cupcake shop, which I always wished I could replicate at home. I may know why, because it happened to me. Thank you for the recipe :D. Okay so I made the cake but admittingly havent tried it yet. anne Coffee, at least as far as I could read about it, has the same ph as water (5/neutral). There was no glaze but they served it what I think was more slathered brown butter. With lots of sprinkles, of course! It was a big hit with friends, too. I dont think you will have time to respond to this question, but I am baking a beautiful cake for my baby who is turning one. had no chance of melting the butter, when you mixed it in? I also did a messier job of splitting the egg than usual, and got a bit of the (second) egg white in there along with the yolk is that likely the source of fluffiness, and doing a cleaner job of egg-splitting next time will take care of it? Forgot to add I only put in 130 grams of sugar because of marmalade. 1. I had the following complications: My stand mixer struggled with such small amounts of things, but the hand mixer is in a storage box somewhere, so the Kitchenaid and I had to make do. However, it can lead to structural issues with a frosting like this (mostly just softer) and because sugar provides moisture in cakes, removing too much will make it seem dry. It keeps well and only gets better as the days pass. :). Ill use this frosting recipe again too: whizzed up this easily in the blender. Thank you! Not a recipe to save, though the pictures are pretty. This is more of a 3/4-height layer. Must try! happy days all the way from Ireland. I recently tested this doubled in one cake pan it works but it will go over the top a bit which can be unnerving. My three year old and I are going to make this cake for him. So moist and chocolatey. To make the homemade version I used this recipe with sour cream, 1/3 cup coffee liquor, and added chocolate chips to the batter. I so want a slice of chocolate cake rightthisinstant. But why did I have little bits of chocolate in the frosting? best birthday cake; best chocolate pudding; best cocoa brownies; best hot fudge sauce; better chocolate babka; bittersweet chocolate and pear cake; . I made this recipe into cupcakes, doubled, 3 times today. :/. Im not normally a chocolate cake person, but Ive been crazy for it this week. Hi! (and Im not even pregnant ;) ) Just made this with two 6-inch rounds (following Debs recent advice!) I am making a cake this weekend and was planning on doing the golden cake from your cookbook (which always turns out perfectly!) I really wanted that light & fluffy frosting. Melissa Yes, double the ingredients, including the frosting if youre looking to cover the sides as well. 2 tablespoons (25 grams) granulated sugar (Although Ill need to squeeze in a hamentashen session at some point as well.) I want cake now! Chocolate stout cake - smitten kitchen tip Bring 1 cup stout and 1 cup butter to simmer in heavy large saucepan over medium heat. Deb, I am a fan of Smitten Kitchen and have your newest cookbook. It looks so generous. Fold the remaining two-thirds in gently, trying to keep the batter as light as possible. I followed directions exactly including using Dutch processed cocoa. Add the cooled chocolate and whisk until smooth. As a 16 week pregnant lady myself right now, I have to commend you making a cake to satisfy your own cravings. Jenny Not sure why it came out thinner but as long as it baked up well, I wouldnt worry about it. Im looking for a new chocolate frosting recipe for my sons traditional birthday cake 33 years of James Beards 1234 cake, made in three layers. Cool slightly. Its what I have always wanted my homemade chocolate frosting to taste like. If you suggest it, I make it. I was hoping it would work with the quite sweet yellow cake my husband requested but I was to worried about it to wait and see. My cake dint rise too much i cooked in toaster oven.. Was that it?? I need to stop reading this blog while pregnant First the cornbread muffins, now the chocolate cake. I never would have thought of that combination. 1. I make it all of the time (like, embarrassingly often) in the FP and hadnt run into this, but it definitely sounds like something that could happen that would be no fun at all. The first time as a cake and the second and third times as cupcakes. Oh, and funny how I only noticed the s shapes after I read your notes on how to swirl the frosting ;), I made this last night and it is amazing. In another bowl, whisk together sour cream, corn syrup, and vanilla extract until smooth. It was definitely brown-butter-nutty flavored enough that my health conscious husband thought it was whole wheat- did I correct him, no :) I saw some recipes that brown then freeze the butter and use buttermilk instead of cream in the scone. Line a 15cm round springform tin with a circle of parchment paper. Follow. Fingers crossed! (But only share if they offer to do dishes.). I used an 8 round for the cake, and put the extra in a small pyrex which my hubby and I devoured last night, without benefit of frosting. I cant wait to get all the ingredients and bake this cake! Even the first piece of cake, which was shortly after icing it, the frosting was still very soft and the flavor was intensely bitter chocolate. And not too huge so we didnt get sick of it. Thanks! Good luck with Elmo! I didnt have unsweetened chocolate, so used bittersweet and cut the sugar to about 3/4 c. Delicious frosting. The cake is perfect size too, not to big. 1/16th of the scrolling is comments. NB my main beef with most chocolate cakes is that they are far too sweet and rich (I drink cocoa without any added sugar at all so that tells you something about my palate for sugar) and I would not reduce the sugar in this. Every year I make my kids half a cake for their half birthday and this made a PERFECT half double layer cake. I did have to make the substitution of sour cream thinned with milk for the buttermilk, but it was still a fantastic cake! Thank you, this one will become a regular go-to recipe for sure!! I found your blog through Bloglovin and drew immediately from the Chocolate Cake. So I was making this cake and I was mixing in the dry ingredients and I thought Wow this is a dry mix and I thought there is no way this is going to spread. Just wondering if you use brands that are commonly available in grocery stores (US) or if you use more of a speciality chocolate. Eight years ago: Baked Tomato Sauce, And for the other side of the world: I usually make it in an 88 square. Fran You can use coffee for most of the buttermilk and Ive heard good things about mayo too. I have a daughter who would love this but is gluten free. Ha, this looks epic and just like the chocolate cake of my childhood. Im glad to know we share the same pregnancy cravings :) makes me not feel so bad about the 24 chocolate cupcakes I just HAD to make last week. Also, Deb, keep doing what youre doing! What is the ratio of vinegar to milk to create buttermilk? Mission accomplished. :). Category Chocolate. fatty fat fat. Thanks for replying! Hi Deb! Simple, rich, delicious, perfect. 1 large egg Came out perfect baked in a 9 inch round. I doubled the recipe & used a glass 9X13 dish. Actually, Id probably keep 1/4 cup buttermilk, just so the batter wasnt too thick to work with. I dont want to waste the leftover buttermilk so I will make it again & freeze it so I have one ready for easy entertaining! Ive made this a few times and it always seems a little on the dry side. Stephanie, if you cut up your butter into little pieces and let it sit while you measure out your dry ingredients it will often soften up even more. What do you suggest? i did also back off on the sugar this time i didnt measure but i would guestimate about a cup vs 1.5 cups. :(, So sad, but the frosting is the best i have ever tried and made so far. I was attempting to recreate the birthday cake my boyfriends mom made him growing up: a chocolate cake mix+pudding mix based recipe. I am going to try and bake this cake. nevermind. I believe its acidic as well, which youll need when using baking soda. Could I make the frosting a raspberry buttercream by putting in raspberry pure or jam instead of chocolate? If it has larger pockets, just needed more mixing of the leavening before adding the flour. Deb, you are my shero! Not sweet-sweet, as in my younger kid will eat it, but I would like a lesser amount to suit adult (our) tastes. Deb, you so perfectly describe what I experienced with food when I was pregnant!! WOWjust made this for my oversize cupcake cake. I wanted to eat it all. Absolutely delicious it is now my go to birthday cake! I love your recipes! that I might have to exclusively dedicate this space for a while to a few currently acceptable categories, those that involve butter, bread, peanut butter or chocolate. Vegetable oil can give it a more plush crumb, so its not a bad move. lol j/k :). Or, what I do more often is if youre using a stand mixer anyway, just cut it into chunks and let the paddle soften it. We were at the cabin so this was going to be a hand-mixer + $5 ikea-cake-pan-smeared-with-whole-cow-of-butter kind of a job. I keep Guinness & cocoa powder on hand all the time just in case. The results were excellent. Thank you! So rich, moist and CHOCOLATEY! Smitten Kitchen Keepers - PALS Plus NJ OverDrive Library - OverDrive (The cake is good too, dont get me wrong.) I like blooming cocoa mixed the dry cocoa with 1/2 cup boiling water; once the mixture was cool, added enough buttermilk to arrive at 1 cup of liquid total. This is kind of like a cross between a brownie and chocolate cake, but not like a cakey brownie, if that makes sense. :). At 30 mins the top had cooked and closed over and not till about 40 mins did the skewer come out clean and the cake stop making that bubbling noise. The only thing available to me that was vaguely cake-sized and shaped was a glass pie dish. Blueberry Boy Bait is an all time comfort food around here oldie but a goodie. Thank you! It came out slightly dry. I just tasted one of the chunks (for research, clearly, not as an excuse to have cake for breakfast ;) ) and its sugar!! its very hot here today so unfortunately i had to refrigerate it, much to the detriment of the cake. Thank you. Oh my goodness, this looks heavenly! The cake came out too salty and I really like salt! Smitten Kitchen Chocolate Stout Cake Recipe If i wanted to omit the chocolate from the frosting (as Im picturing blue frosting for a deep sea themed cake) and added some blue colouring, Would that work okay do you think? I mean, us. I just made this last night. But still it came out nicely, pretty dense almost like a brownie which was a plus. Excellent, reliable cake. Thanks for having such well written and scrumptious recipes that end up being perfection every time. (What a little jerk, amiright?) I call it my short on time, big on love cake, perfect for celebrations. I have a fan-oven so cooked it for 17 minutes, which was just right. Ive made this twice now and its definitely in rotation as a birthday cake cake. Smitten Kitchen's Red Wine Chocolate Cake (Recipe Review) | Kitchn I had to test the recipe and it is incredible! I have steadily leaned on SK since I started baking and cooking 15 years ago. Cupcakes Usually bake for 17 to 20 minutes. 2.5 Years Ago: Leek Chard and Corn Flatbread Grace Sugar provides moisture to cakes, too, so its not ideal to just drop it. Congrats! It smells like heaven, and is exactly the kind of evening we needed. The list of 10+ smitten kitchen chocolate cake - We made this with your caramel chunks idea for the brownies sprinkled in, and added a whipped frosting with cream cheese, walnut, and chocolate chopped in. However, keep in mind that this is a thin cake layer, a little under an inch. It evokes something so real and essential. But this will do and maybe I wont even share it ;). or a combination of stout/buttermilk? Not that I wont eat it :-D. Thanks so much Deb! Hypothetically, if you wake up early in the morning to make this cake for a co-worker celebration and, in a sleep deprived state, add two cups of flour instead of oneyou can convert this recipe into chocolate cake cookies! Just made this. 2. Baking time It sounds like its taking up to 5 to 10 minutes extra for everyone. (and tastes great). I decorated mine with Smarties! This coming from a girl raised in NJ, just outside the City, and whose standard is Juniors! Two notes: I baked the cake for 27 min and it was a teeny bit dry watch carefully as it gets close to being done. This was just what I was looking for. I usually bake for around 21 minutes for the regular cupcakes with this recipe. Ive also wanted to PIN some of your recipes, but I cant find PIN links anywhere, although the one here goes directly to your Pinterest page. *head smack*. Great recipe. What did I do wrong? I am frosting the bday cake with a double batch of the above chocolate frosting, and making the raspberry buttercream for the chocolate cake. In the end, it was still delicious. My kid ate only the frosting, though :) Thank you, Deb! Your writing is awesome, the photos are perfectly approachable and I love the process photos. They touted it as something like WORLDS BEST CHOCOLATE CAKE so I saved it and figured wed make it this weekend for our weekly baking project. could i melt terrys chocolate oranges and add them to the batter, or maybe orange zest and juice to the batter to mix the flavour? Step 4. I this chocolate cake!! Deb, as far as the buttermilk subs. I bought one and it is very handy. I thought of making two 9 cakes using this recipe, filling with vanilla whipped cream and cubed strawberries and topping with chocolate ganache. Not coconutty tasting at all. Thanks DEB!!!! You really should regulate your comments. It can be a 9-inch round with no changes. Thank you! An inexperienced baker may appreciate a more precise explanation of just how mixed you were intending. Does it take longer to eat as little squares or should I just do my usual with your cakes and pies and scoff the lot at a sitting. I dont have any personally tested high-altitude baking tips, but understand the ones on King Arthurs site are great. Its especially lovely with 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon as well.