He cried out that he was ruined or undone. Holy is the Judge of Creation, all lies bare before His eyes! Comment: God considers Isaiah 6:9, 10 so significant that they are quoted no less than six times in the NT (Mt 13:14, 15; Mk 4:12; Lk 8:10; Jn 12:40; Acts 28:25, 26, 27, 28; Ro11:8)! Then, when the prophet heard the voice of the Lord [Adonai] (Isa 6:8), he said, Here am I. He evidently came from a family of some rank, because he had easy access to the king (7:3) and intimacy with a priest (8:2). It is ever thus when man is brought consciously into the presence of GOD. Living for God can only be accomplished by divine grace. Wisdom Literature The call of God is not for the special few, it is for everyone. Even today while Israel as a nation is blinded (2 Cor. In this context the Lord's holiness is first and foremost his transcendent sovereignty as the ruler of the world. Glory(03519)kabod means literally to be heavy or weighty (only rarely used literally), the figurative use ("heavy with sin") being more common. This was Isaiah's response to a vision of the Thrice Holy God! In the next chapter we will see the prediction of the birth of Christ, but it is not the incarnation of Christ that saves us, it is His death upon the Cross. Israel and Syria formed an alliance to combat the rising Assyrian threat from the E, but Ahaz refused to bring Judah into the alliance (2 Kin. At least two reasons may be given. The related word kapporet describes the mercy seat, an "atonement cover", the gold cover on the ark of the covenant where atonement is made. These sinners deserve death and will experience the wrath of God, with no hope of healing because they purposely reject what they knew to be the will of God. 3One called to another, and said, They were the initial holy seed (cf. The Hebrew form is Kvod Adonai, which means the glory of Jehovah and describes what the Shechinah Glory is. He was the One high and lifted up on the throne, and He was the One lifted up on the Cross. For this reason, Isaiah needs the live coal from off the burnt altar, which is symbolic of Christ's death. For I am undone." 712. 13 "Therefore I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. Introduction to Isaiah 49 - Bible Verse Meaning and Commentary The Scorned Servant of Jehovah, Part 2. God's promises (whether to do good and bad [judgment]) are so certain that Scripture frequently speaks of them as already accomplished. The MacArthur Bible Studies provide intriguing examinations of the entire Bible. Beloved, we all do well to ponder the truth that the Lord always fulfills His Word, even though the fulfillment may be long in coming. Prophets ", For amazement had seized him and all his companions because of the catch of fish which they had taken; and so also James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. At times it may be hard for the believer to follow God, but life will be far harder for those who harden their hearts and refuse to listen to God's voice. The seraphim Isaiah saw are magnificent beings. when the Assyrians devastated the land (a situation presupposed by Isa 1:2-20; see especially Isa 6:4-9). Criswell -This verse describes the extent of the destruction as nearly complete. Assyria began to emerge as a new international power under Tiglath-Pileser (ca. The day of grace will end and there will be no more opportunity for salvation for those who have rejected the Lord Jesus. Both this woman and Isaiah show the close link between humility, coming helplessly before the Lord, and obedience. retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. Sold by preacha_dave | Ends on 2023-03-09 22:33:33 . TODAY ALONG THE WAY -Is your worship being offered to God on His terms and timetable, or has it become a "drive-through experience"? range of evangelical traditions, all of the ideas and principles conveyed In the OT, God revealed His glory at Sinai (Ex 24:16, 17), in the tabernacle (Ex 40:34, 35, 36, 37, 38), in the Jerusalem temple (1Ki 8:10, 11) and here in Isaiah 6 to the prophet. The conviction of the prophet. Those who are hardened by God are simply confirmed in their own sinful thoughts and desires. If conscious ignorance shrinks from great learning, poverty from great wealth, obscurity from high rank, human guilt from human purity, well may the consciously sinful soul of man shrink from the near presence of the thrice-holy God. Evidently Isaiah was in the temple in Jerusalem when he had this awe-inspiring vision of God's throne (Isa 6:1). 4:8), and we can almost feel the ""doorposts and thresholds"" of the temple shaking. TODAY IN THE WORD - A. W. Tozer once said the most important thing anyone could know about him was what he believed about God. Oklahoma high school wrestling 2023 state championship results Leviticus Now the Evangelist takes for granted, that Isaiah saw the glory of Christ. Revelation, Search Wikipedia using spiritual discretion, hough the people would not pay attention, Isaiah was to continue to prophesy of the Babylonian deportation. Forgiveness follows repentance, but confessing and rooting out sin can be a painful experience. When Moses called God Adonai, he acknowledged that it was not his place as the slave to choose his work; he had to heed his Masters directives. He longs to equip us to serve Him. But in God's presence, even the seraphs covered themselves in humility (Isa 6:2). March 19, 2018. Isaiah 9:6 - Bible Verse Meaning and Commentary - Bible Study Tools John MacArthur has served as pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, since 1969. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Select an Ending Point Nashville: Thomas Nelson), The holy seed is its stump - More literally "the seed of holiness its stump". Enduring Word Bible Commentary Isaiah Chapter 6 The chosen ones are those who have come into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ whereby their disposition has been altered and their ears unstopped, and they hear the still small voice (1Ki 19:12KJV) questioning all the time, "Who will go for us?" Isaiah confessed in Isa 6:5 ("I am a man of unclean lips") and the faithful God in His boundless mercy provided purification and forgiveness of his whole being (not just from unclean lips but from iniquity and sin). Study carefully Matt. (About 100 pages of commentary) James Rosscup - Martin briefly defends unity by Isaiah, then provides a succinct, carefully-studied and clear commentary following a good outline. All rights reserved.For details about our copyright policy, click here: https://www.gty.org/about#copyright (See context Believer's Bible Commentaryor borrow Believer's Bible Commentary) (Bolding added), Edwin Blum in the respected Bible Knowledge Commentary agrees writing, John wrote that this glory Isaiah saw was Jesus glory. Then I said - Isaiah responds with no apparent hesitation. The Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction & Commentary. In this verse Isaiah's prophetic warning was given some 150 years in advance of its fulfillment. Isaiah did the same thing we would have done. J C Ryle comments on Peter's reaction in Luke 5:8 - We should observe how much a sense of Gods presence abases man and makes him aware of his sinfulness. The IVP New Testament Commentary Series (Lk 5:1). For each occasion we must come to the Throne by way of the Cross. Isaiah 6 - Isaiah's Conviction, Cleansing and Call A. Of all the things that God is, at the center of His being, He is holy Gods holiness unlocks the door to understanding and making sense out of everything else about Him., This is an important truth for us to understand in relation to heaven and the kind of people who will be there. Ironically, Israel's rejection of prophetic preaching in turn expedites disciplinary punishment, and brings the battered people to a point where they might be ready for reconciliation. Even though God is longsuffering and a God of love, His love and patience cannot be assumed presumptuously. Overwhelmed by acute awareness of his own sinfulness This is remarkable considering Isaiah was a member of the religious elite" (Jerry Bridges), I am ruined - KJV "I am undone". 11 Jesus answered them, "To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been granted. Daniel 1. He places His Spirit within us so that Christ is formed in us (Gal. Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. Irving Jensen: Matthew's reporting skips most of the first year of Jesus' ministry. (Preaching the Word Isaiah: God Saves Sinners). In other words, it is the displaying of God to the world. What Tozer said about the importance of his view of God can be said about each one of us. Isaiah 6:9,10 has been the subject of much debate and speculation because instead of calling his readers to repent and to not harden their hearts, these verses command Isaiah to issue a proclamation which is just the opposite! AND HE ANSWERED, "UNTIL CITIES ARE DEVASTATED AND WITHOUT INHABITANT, HOUSES ARE WITHOUT PEOPLE AND THE LAND IS UTTERLY DESOLATE. Comment: The prophet Zechariah is speaking of the last days, in that day, Day of the Lord, specifically that segment thatis known asthe Great Tribulation(Begins -Mt 24:15-note, named -Mt 24:21-note), AKAtheTime of Jacob's Distress(Jeremiah 30:7-note) or AKA "a time of distress" (Da 12:1-note). Charles Ryrie says that the glory of God"is the manifestation of any or all of His attributes. Would you prayerfully consider a gift of support today? Criswell explains that "God in His omniscience knew in advance that the nation would not respond but would remain indifferent and unrepentant, and thus would become hardened. He sees himself as he really is in the presence of God -- undone. Sennacheribs effort to take Jerusalem failed, just as Isaiah had said it would (37:6, 7, 3638). The Son is the King Jehovah Who rules in the Old Testament and appears to the elect, as in the New Testament the Spirit, the invisible Minister of the Son, is the Director of the Church and the Revealer in the sanctuary of the heart [Olshausen]. Each guide incorporates extensive commentary, detailed observations on overriding themes, and probing questions to help you study the Word of God. Job What the Master commands of His bond-servants, He always enables. Tradition has it that he met his death under King Manasseh (ca. The mission is to catch persons alive. The voice of the Lord - The voice of Adonai, the supreme, sovereign God, the owner of everything, the Master and here Isaiah's Master. 15) and explaining the present situation (in chs. A tenth portion in it - "It" is the land of Judah. What usually happens is that the soul is smitten with a sense of its sinfulness, and desires to withdraw from the Divine presence. ), Vine, W. Collected writings of W. E. Vine. Woe! Although some action heroes show sensitivity, the message of our society is that success demands toughness. 38) until 686 B.C. Reginald Heber, 1826 (Vine, W. Collected writings of W. E. Vine. When He judges sin, He is still perfectly just and righteous. 750731 B.C.) It is not great talents God blesses so much as likeness to Jesus. Cody Walker 7. This revelation of God as the absolute Lord ruling over the affairs of people caused the prophet to lament over his own sinfulness. Hezekiah became very ill with a life-threatening disease, but he prayed and God graciously extended his life for 15 years (2 Kin. Ephesians Remember you are Gods sword, His instrumentI trust, a chosen vessel unto Him to bear His name. In the Old Testament this kind of symbolism is usually negative, but for Jesus it is clearly positive. Poetical Books Though the closing years of Uzziahs reign were filled with disobedience to God, this Judean monarch, in comparison with many other kings, was still considered godly, for he did right in the sight of the Lord (2Ki 15:3). (This picture of the exalted Lord brings to mind Michael W Smith's song - Above All), The train - This describes the hem or fringe (cf Ex 28:33, 34) of His robe which appropriately filled the temple. I went back to fishing for fishI thought I knew that kind of fishing better, but I find that I dont! (Bolding added), JEHOVAH, (is) a name implying His immutable constancy to His promises. During his reign (722 B.C. We should only be offended if we are offended by the fact that God is a God who judges sin. Who did Isaiah see? I realize that in this context this people represents unbelievers in Judah whose minds have been deceived and whose hearts have become hardened by continual rebellion to God's warnings. Consider the following insights from Ole Hallesby in his excellent book, Prayer: Listen, my friend! 4:8). (Jas 3:2+). So why in todays reading does Gods angel touch a burning coal to Isaiahs lips? Faces covered, wings resplendent, Seraphim before Him bow! Joshua (Ps 72:19), but indeed, as I live, all the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord. zera, a collective singular; cf. Isaiah: John F. MacArthur: 9780310123804 - Christianbook.com There will come a day when He will come and deal out. When he saw what Jesus did in supplying such a huge haul of fish, he recognized Jesus as the Messiah. The sarcastic statement in Isaiah 6:10b would be an emphatic way of making this clear. In this heavenly environment of pure holiness, holy people are the only ones who will be at home. Latrell Mitchell 2. Thus, this verse is another important link in the chain of evidence that proves Jesus Christ to be God. Despite her best efforts to find help, her terrible condition worsened and she desperately sought Jesus (Mk 5:26, 27). For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, Wiersbe of course is applying this section, saying go and tell the gospel to the lost.) Capitol Hill Baptist . Usernames should only contain letters, numbers, dots, dashes, or underscores. Isaiah 5-6 "The Man for a National Crisis" - Dr. John MacArthur The fishing expedition has brought in its first catch. Man's responsibility is to confess his sinfulness and his inability to please God. Temple (01004) (bayith) describes a fixed, established structure made from some kind of material and in many context (such as the present passage ) bayith refers to the place of worship, the dwelling place (house as it were) of God. Page183. John Piper (Rev 15:8-note). Second Chronicles 32:32 records that he wrote a biography of King Hezekiah also. I can only imagine what my eyes will see They also speak on the call of Isaiah and his response to God. Wisdom Literature But, as the surrounding chapters clearly reveal, the people were hardly ready or willing to repent. Dr. Evans goes on to say, Only one thing happens [in heaven]: people get to know God. For the first time he really worships God. (The Bookends of the Christian Life-recommended read - I have read this one 3-4 times. When Moses admitted his position as a slave and Gods position as the Lordthe Masterthere was only one viable optionto obey. This living coal represents the cleansing blood of Christ that keeps on cleansing us from all sin. Prophets Historical Books Fulfillment of some of his prophesies in his own lifetime provided his credentials for the prophetic office. We see the "ultimate" faithful remnant in the time of the "terminal generation" of the Nation of Israel which is described by the prophet Zechariah who writes, It will come about in all the land, Declares the LORD, That two parts in it will be cut off and perish; But the third will be left (REMNANT) in it. The beaming forth of Christ's glory in the soul reveals its hidden evil; the knowledge of this evil lays the believer low before God with the confession, "I abhor myself. When I walk by your side How different the true God is from one of these created beings. Another purpose was to reveal God's holiness and worthiness to be worshiped. Eugene Rapay. In the present context while elevation in regard to rank is certainly intended, it also suggests a more literal meaning, implying Isaiah had to look upwards to see the lofty Lord. Hosea And He said to them, "Follow (command) Me, and I will make you fishers of men." The Government on His Shoulders - Grace to You (Bolding added), The glory of God that Isaiah saw in his vision (Isa 6:1-4) is identified with the glory of the Logos-Son, in accordance with John 1:18 and 17:5. Our knowledge of God is never exhaustive and perfect, but it is nevertheless true. Isaiah was a contemporary of Hosea and Micah. 11:37). Psalm 18:8). We see this strikingly illustrated by Peters words when the miraculous catch of fish convinced him that One greater than man was in his boat In weighing these words of Peter, we must, of course, remember when they were spoken. 1. ", Seraph - 7 OT uses - Nu 21:6, 8; Dt 8:15; Is 6:2, 6; 14:29; 30:6, In Numbers seraph is used of the fiery serpents, And the LORD sent fiery serpents (seraphim) among the people and they bit the people, so that many people of Israel died. 46:10). 20; Is. Multiple related passages dealing with "judicial hardening"and the related topic of Jesus speaking in parables - Dt 29:4+, Isa 6:9,10+ Mt 13:11-15+ Mk 4:11-12+ Lk 8:10+ Jn 9:39-41, Jn 12:38-40Acts 28:26,27+ Ro 11:7-10+, 2Co 3:14-15+, Eph 4:17-18+, 2Th 2:10-12+. Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us? Then I said, Here am I. (Le 27:32-note). It is then that the young man experiences one of the most solemn and significant visions of Scripture. Although some of Isaiah's responsibilities might not seem very inviting, personal preferences and fear fade into the background when a person has had the privilege of seeing the glory of the Holy King. Second, the seraphim said lo (behold in the NASB) pointing to Gods provision for cleansing. I take it that this act of putting the coal on his lips was just an external manifestation of what happened in the inner man. John The New Testament 2 Samuel (See context in Bible Knowledge Commentary) (Bolding added), It appears evident, from this passage, that the glory which the prophet saw was the glory of Jehovah: John, therefore, saying here that it was the glory of Jesus, shows that he considered Jesus to be Jehovah. He said - Who? Now flee (present imperative - Command to make this your habitual practice. It may signify 1) the presence of God (cf. Although the nation of Israel like a great tree might have been felled (North exiled to Assyria in 722BC, South exiled to Babylon 586BC) and therefore appear to have been completely destroyed, "a tenth" pictured as a "stump" will retain the "holy seed" (cf Isa 4:3-note), which in turn appears to picture faithful Jews who believe in their Messiah (they are part of the believing remnant), the holy seed of Abraham. Poetical Books The beams and lintels trembled at the cry, Thus this "emphatic Semitic triplet" underscores God's extreme/unsurpassed level of holiness, an infinite degree of holiness. All high and lofty views of its own false glory annihilated by clear and close views of the true glory of Jesus. Double for all her sins.". Our website uses cookies to store user preferences. The temple - What Temple? 20:7). I can only imagine, Isaiah, mighty seer, in days of old Mark the profound humility of the seraphim-they veiled with their wings their faces and their feet. Proverbs 17:6, 24). Shall build the old waste places; You shall raise up the foundations of many generations; Him - Is a collective pronoun which includes the company of the seraphim. Arise, shine; For your light has come! This fact disqualifies the case for proposing that the church receives some of the promises made originally to Israel. Oh, we are yet strangers to the vision of Christ's glory, if we have not. Habakkuk (Bolding added), a key of immense importance to the opening of Isaiahs vision (Isaiah 6:1-13), and all similar Old Testament representations. We do know that God had revealed Himself to men in the past in similar ways. Constable -It is in seeing God for who He is that we can see ourselves for who we are and can, therefore, accurately evaluate our condition (Isaiah - Expository Notes), John Fish explains that Isaiah "does not merely say that he is doomed because of the belief that no man can see God and live (Ex 33:20), but because the vision has revealed the infinite moral contrast between the One on the throne and Isaiah himself. The Whole Bible (quoting Arnold Fruchtenbaum's "The Footsteps of Messiah") the Shechinah Glory is the visible manifestation of the presence of God. Instead of erasing the prophet with a blast of holiness, God sent an angel to cleanse and forgive Isaiah. One of the most stirring portions of Scripture describes this vision. when he penned the account of Sennacheribs death (cf. Job had an experience similar to Isaiah's, and his reaction was, "I abhor myself." Vine feels that "If we are to engage in any particular service for the Lord, we can render it effectively only as we freshly appropriate to ourselves the efficacy of the atoning sacrifice of Christ for the cleansing of our hearts from sin. Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth. The same distinction appears in Josh 7:8, 9, 10, 11. El doctor John MacArthur compila en esta obra ms de 35 aos de labor pastoral . The Hebrew word Shechinah, from the root shachan, means to dwell. The Greek word skeinei, which is similar in sound as the Hebrew Shechinah (Greek has no sh sound), means to tabernacle. In the Old Testament, most of these visible manifestations took the form of light, fire, or cloud, or a combination of these. He essentially offered himself as a blank check, to be filled in as God saw fit With Isaiah we see a three-step process: first, acute realization of ones own sinfulness in the light of Gods holiness; second, hearing the gospel that ones sins are forgiven; and finally the response of gratitude, love, and surrender leading to actionFor many of us, such realizations may come in stages as we gradually grow in the Christian life. Isaiah was a contemporary of Hosea and Micah. We see a similar "judicial hardening" of men in the last days (during Daniel's Seventieth Week = the Tribulation), Paul describing the time when, that lawless one (Antichrist) will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming (Second Coming of Messiah), that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because (Here is the root cause of why God "hardens" hearts - His judicial hardening) they did not receive the love of the truth (They made a volitional choice to reject the only Truth that gives life Jn 14:6 and sets free Jn 8:31, 32) so as to be saved. So even as Moses' ministry to Pharaoh resulted in hardening of his heart rather than repentance, in a similar fashion Isaiah's prophetic ministry to Judah would (sadly) result in increased hardening of his hearer's hearts. 10 He was in the world, and the world Joel It is not a question of God singling out a man and saying, "Now, you go." The Septuagint (LXX) translates the Hebrew with the noun doxa [word study], in simple terms means to give a proper opinion or estimate of something and thus the glory of God expresses all that He is in His Being and in His nature, character, power and acts. Isaiah 6:11 THEN I SAID, "LORD, HOW LONG?" Unfortunately, as Dr. Tony Evans points out, this "hurry up and get it" mentality has invaded the church. That live coal was witness of the fire, ever burning, which was never to go out (Leviticus 6:13). Ecclesiastes Tevita Tatola 9. He saw Jehovah which is enough to know. Whether men hear or whether they forbear (Ezek 2:3, 4, 5), he who proclaims the Word faithfully has delivered his soul. Blue Letter Bible offers several daily devotional readings in order to help you refocus on Christ and the Gospel of His peace and righteousness. (Isaiah - Expository Notes), From this passage one can conclude that the servants of the Holy King may be called upon to. Uzziahs downfall resulted from his attempt to assume the privileges of a priest and burn incense on the altar (2 Kin. Man cannot see God in His essence. ), Wiersbe -He did not discuss his call with the Lord, as did Moses (Ex 3:11-4:15) and Jeremiah (Jer 1:4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10), but accepted the appointment and made himself available to his Master. On the surface it seems to indicate Isaiah's hardening ministry will prevent genuine repentance. Izaac Thompson 6. It was a time of national darkness, for Uzziah, Judah's great king, had died. isaiah 49 commentary john macarthur - senorzorro.com