Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV: Hawat suspects that Lady Jessica is the traitor, but the Duke doesn't believe it, even when Hawat points out that no one knows Jessica's parentageher loyalty might be to House Harkonnen; for all they know, she might even be Harkonnen herself. Only I will remain. Dr. Kynes: But feeding false and misleading information to a human computer, a Mentat, is a third way. Gurney Halleck: How dare you speak to me in Paul: How was your journey? Baron Harkonnen: He who controls the Spice, controls the universe! Upload them to earn free Course Hero access! Florence Pugh will play Princess Irulan in the new film, while Austin Butler will portray Baron Harkonnen's ruthless nephew Feyd-Rautha, a role originally played by Sting in David Lynch's 1984 . Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. Yes. I will let it pass over me and through me. Vladimir's sheer weight required belt-mounted suspensors to retain mobility, which allowed him to float in midair from place to place, as he was unable to walk under his own power unassisted. The vengeful desires of the residual Vladimir Harkonnen persona proved fruitless due to Alia's eventual success in overcoming her possession by suicide. Count Fenring remarks that the science of humankind is one of discontent., front of the crowd and declares that his fight is dedicated to his uncle, the. "A dangerous, jealous man." Dangerous and jealous enough to destroy an entire family. A, We are indeed miserable, my friends, but we dont have to be dismal about it.. I remember. Indeed. You thought only of a Duke's desire for a son? I knew Yueh's wife. Observe the plans within plans within plans. This is your secret name in our troop. SILENCE! Dune Quotes Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, Book 3, Section 38 The baron dispenses more insight into the many ways to control people, noting that those, such as Thufir Hawat, who have deep emotions can be easily controlled. Baron Harkonnen: He who controls the Spice, controls the universe! Duke Leto Atreides: Quotes Showing all 137 items Paul : I must not fear. [examining the Arrakeen house staff] He takes his duty very seriously, even when he recognizes that the gift of Arrakis is a poisoned one. But we do anyway. Rabban! Power and fearsharp and ready. Yueh reveals that he has betrayed the Duke so that he can kill the, over his betraying House Atreides. Only the immature imagine the cosmos to be what, The Universe operates on a basic principle of economics: everything has its, If you surrender, you have already lost. But, ah, look down. Paul: Sire, we can't leave all this Spice. I have, however, discovered what the city Freemen called out to Paul when we entered the city. There's no need to fight over me. Multiple forms of power and ways to control people and events are explored in Dune, and one of them is the use of information. Web. [saving Spice Miners from The Worm] Dune Book 1: Dune: Chapters 13-22 Summary and Analysis This plays out in Paul's life as well. He's listening to us. I place you in charge of Arrakis. Jessica, you know it must be done. The narrator shows Paul's train of thought as he considers the possible futures and the forces driving them. Paul: Vladimir built upon the earlier success of his predecessors, gradually making House Harkonnen more successful through blackmail, subterfuge and treachery. In his later years, the Baron's most notable feature was his corpulent frame. The whole universe sat there, open to the man who could make the right decisions. Why, Piter, where could I find another Mentat with your cunning and venom?" "The same place you found me, Baron." "Perhaps I should at that," the Baron mused. Guild Navigator: Oh, I'll miss Caladan so much! He had no qualms in using widespread torture, murder and slavery to maintain power, as is shown, for instance, in his mistreatment of Yueh and Thufir Hawat. "The Atreides voice is rising, and the Emperor is a jealous man," said Stellan Skarsgrd's Baron Harkonnen. As I said, they defend the spice sands. He is also demonstrated to be very callous towards his own forces, as he did not hesitate to leave his men to die in Leto's holding area just to escape the latter's suicidal attack towards him, either by locking the door behind him (book), by floating away (miniseries), or activating a personal shield (2021 movie), and celebrating his own survival over those of his men. It suggests that the destiny that Paul possesses, hinging as it does on his psychic abilities, is almost like an alien presence inside of him, and that such an experience is not entirely pleasant. Dr. Wellington Yueh: Baron Harkonnen: Rate this quote: (5.00 / 2 votes) 3,325 Views Share your thoughts on this Dune's quote with the community: 0 Comments Notify me of new comments via email. I've heard enough of my safety! But slowly. I told you, he is here - now! Paul's sister? Though Leto's assassination attempt proves he isn't completely infallible, the power at his disposal makes him an incredible threat. Her words reveal just how profound that connection is, and how much it is tied to the physical beauty of her planet. Paul: What Hawat does not know is that the messiah legend is actually the result of the Bene Gesserit Missionaria Protectiva, a division of the organization that plants such prophecies into the religions of people on many planets. Its his job to make sure the future Duke is skilled and strong enough to defend himself from potential dangers on the foreign planet, whether its from the elusive Fremen or the cunning Harkonnen. The universe's super being? Course Hero, "Dune Study Guide," August 31, 2017, accessed March 4, 2023, My Arrakis. [he slips a knife inside Thufir's sleeve]. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights, The day hums sweetly when you have enough bees working for you. The systematic extermination of all life on Arrakis! The forms of kanly have been obeyed! Crazy Credits Thufir Hawat, Mentant, Master of Assassins. His son and heir, Paul, sees his struggles and the turmoil that comes with leadership. I sit on the throne! . [to himself] RELATED:10 Unpopular Opinions About Dune, According To Reddit. Paul: [Also using the Voice, which overpowers her] Paul: Baron Harkonnen: I will have Arrakis back for myself! He who controls but so is life. We must have a look at Paul Atreides. Kill this child. Gurney Halleck: Now remember, walk without rhythm, and we won't attract the worm. The baron hopes to secure a vast amount of power for the Harkonnen family before Feyd-Rautha comes into his inheritance. [inner voice] Paul : They've taken your mind. This is the true measure of a man., Religion is the emulation of the adult by the child. Planet Caladan, home of House Atreides. My father sent you to test me, didn't he? : Where there was hatred, Muad'Dib would bring love. As a leader of a Major House, Vladimir proved to be incredibly cruel, earning House Harkonnen its notorious reputation. I'd know the difference. Not sorry enough, not yet! The Baron is not worried about Arrakis at all, as he knows everything is going according to his devious plan. Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV: 2023. This was especially evident in how he dealt with Feyd-Rautha's co-conspirators in the attempted assassination of the baron, where he had the Slave Master summarily executed under the pretense of losing a chess game against Feyd-Rautha, as well as two guards being summarily executed shortly afterward due to their carrying the Slave Master's corpse away without dignity. Paul: It would have killed me! [the Reverend Mother Mohiam growls at him] When Duncan begs her to become a witness and to testify about what she has seen on the planet, she reminds the swordsman of her oath to the Emperor. Arrakis is real. No woman-child ever withstood that much! : We know of CHOAM, yet we are the secret. Guildmaster: Filming & Production Tell me he won't die. Soundtracks, Also using the Voice, which overpowers her, she is knocked backward against several Guild Workers, He activates his shield and attacks Paul, who activates his own shield barely in time, Jessica and Leto are lying in bed together the night before the family's journey to Arrakis, Gurney has penetrated Paul's shield as well, Thufir holds Paul's shoulders admiringly, then playfully mimes stabbing him in the side of the neck, raises knife, to everyone's shock, but drops it and turns back to Feyd, He rips out his own heart plug, then collapses into Paul's arms, responding to Thufir's resignation, after Paul narrowly cheats death via a "hunter-seeker," with which his chamber was boobytrapped, Stumbling around a corner, blood dripping from her nose, she falls into her mother's arms, also covered in blood, speaking rapidly into a communications device, looks at his forehead and sees the Suk School diamond tattoo, Paul has caught the hunter-seeker and smashed it, seating himself on a bench along the training room wall. Paul: Paul: Not until you tell them both who I *really* am! Paul: Guard, House Atreides: I won't tell you who the traitor is, or when we'll attack. Feyd-Rautha: Duke Leto explains his strategy to outwit the Harkonnens to his son Paul, spelling out how such a strategy includes economic and political leverage, behind-the-scenes intrigue, lies, deceptions, and secret alliances. Paul: [DELETED LINE] Baron Harkonnen: He who controls the Spice, controls the universe! He deemed Glossu too brutish and stupid to be an effective successor. Paul: Your instinct will be to remove your hand from the box. Now, guard yourself for true! Chani, it seems clear, will be one of Zendaya's likable characters. [after the ordeal of the box] This is my desert. 10 Most Powerful Quotes In Dune 2021 - ScreenRant Gurney Halleck: It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV: Beast Rabban Harkonnen The spice is vital to space travel. Bring in Feyd and Rabban! He co-hosts the Queens of the B's podcast with Mark Muster and writes a regular newsletter, Omnivorous, on Substack. Siridar-Baron Vladimir Harkonnen (10110 AG - December 10193 AG), commonly known as the Baron Harkonnen, was the penultimate ruler of House Harkonnen, and the chief architect in the demise of Duke Leto Atreides of House Atreides during the latter part of the reign of Shaddam IV. the Imperial Seal of Conditioning, assurance of trust Shadout Mapes: Nephew of Baron Harkonnen. Thufir Hawat: Silence him, Jessica! Paul realizes that the Padishah Emperor and, Paul also reveals the terrible truth that he and Jessica are Harkonnensthe, at the hands of House Harkonnen. Retrieved March 4, 2023, from [voice over] They were all caught up in the need to mingle and infuse their genes. I must not fear. The baron appears like an unrealistic caricature of a leader. Things only get worse when the enigmatic Truthsayer reveals a mysterious box. You are transparent. Guild Navigator: Good! Withholding informationkeeping secretsis another. While watching the looming Fremen forces he was poisoned with a Gom Jabbar, wielded by a young Alia Atreides, his granddaughter. Baron Harkonnen: Frank Herbert's Dune - Wikiquote Baron Harkonnen : Alone and vunerable at the edge of the universe, Duke Leto Atreides will finally come face to face with fear. [using the Voice] We'd have joined each other in death. Paul: Religion is the encystment of past beliefs: mythology, which is guesswork, the hidden assumptions of trust in the universe, those pronouncements which men have made in search of personal power . Refine any search. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. Reverend Mother Mohiam: Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. Dune Family | Shmoop Dr. Wellington Yueh: Mehmet Murat ildan Has 11,395 quotes. After his long journey to reach the Fremen and the grueling Amtal with Jamis, they predictably accept his request to go with them to their Sietch. The Baron is a political villain. Paul: Some thoughts have a certain sound, that being the equivalent to a form. Moreover, Paul survived this largely because of your training; you didn't fail there. Princess Irulan: When you see the Baron remember the tooth! Vladimir Harkonnen Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen, Abulurd Harkonnen Abulurd Rabban Glossu Rabban, Piter de Vries Umman Kudu Iakin Nefud Thufir Hawat Czigo Kinet Pardee Guild Bank Agent. Piter De Vries: They have tried to take the life of my son! He will go where we can not. Over 3 million people read Morning Brew . The Guild and the entire Universe depends on spice. Listen to me. Her position is that many so-called "humans" are not truly human, but rather animals acting according to instinct. Paul: Because he is a mentat, hes able to see threats that might not be immediately obvious, and with this powerful statement, he demonstrates that he recognizes the profound threat that young Paul Atreides poses to the Barons efforts to destroy his family. But he also knows war is just one of the ways the human race seeks to diversify its gene pool. Dune Book I: Third Section Summary & Analysis | SparkNotes However, the Duke will die before these eyes and he'll know, he'll know, that it is I, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, who encompasses his doom! Even with my disease, I'm still prettier than you., Dreams are as simple or as complicated as the dreamer. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. Get out of my mind! This is my desert. [inside her head] Fulfilling the Fremen prophecy. Lady Jessica: Cassandra . Knowledge of the body's most miniscule workings is a part of the Bene Gesserit training Jessica has continued to give Paul even while they are abandoned in the desert. | Lady Jessica: You mean of course Duke Leto Atreides, his father? PARDOT KYNES, Reflections on, Quite a body count around here today, Fenring mused. He has taken the Water of Life. He's not faking this! They tried and died. Lady Jessica: Damn the Spice! | Thufir, haven't you heard from Duncan Idaho yet? Is there a relationship between the worms and the spice? Sometimes, the simplest quotes are the most powerful, and that holds true for much of what Duke Leto says. A slave boy whom the baron had been enjoying attempts to kill the baron. [He activates his shield and attacks Paul, who activates his own shield barely in time]. Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV: Which will cleanse the universe and bring us out of darkness. He who controls the Spice controls the universe and what Piter did not tell you is we have control of someone who is very close, very close, to Duke Leto! Paul : [sees Thufir] My God. Reverend Mother Mohiam: They're behind everything. Paul: Rick Riordan Has 8,267 quotes. Dune (1984) - Sting as Feyd Rautha - IMDb Reverend Mother Mohiam: However, in Prelude to Dune he displayed pederastic tendencies from the beginning, but was blackmailed by Gaius Helen Mohiam. Once she remembers that when the fear has gone there will be nothing and only she will remain, she regains the strength she needs to push through. One of his more profound quotes comes in handy when Paul is struggling to navigate his Ornithopter through a sandstorm. What about my father? Why did it le-le-leave? How inadequate [his hand] appeared when measured against such creatures as that worm. Clearly, the baron believes emotions are weaknesses to be exploited. Reverend Mother Mohiam: Dr. Wellington Yueh: Dune Quotes How? Leto is definitely one of Oscar Isaac's best roles. Go! Baron Harkonnen: Paul: Duneis sure to be seen as one of Momoa's best movies. After Liet-Kynes dies, Paul follows in his footsteps, becoming both military leader and prophet of the Fremen. [Looks around and sees he was right] You were already dead. She recites this passage when shes feeling overwhelmed and anxious, like when the Reverend Mother tests Paul or when shes flying through the sandstorm with her son. Kul Wahad! Piter demanded. They said you were dead! House Harkonnen Quotes Showing 1-30 of 84 "The capacity to learn is a gift; The ability to learn is a skill; The willingness to learn is a choice." Brian Herbert, House Harkonnen tags: learning 96 likes Like "How will I be remembered by my children? Rating: PG-13 (Parental Guidance Suggested) Runtime: 137 minutes. Do not show the slightest pity or mercy! Beast Rabban Harkonnen Baron Harkonnen: The Beast Rabban: But, you must choose the name of manhood, which we will call you openly. Top Baron Harkonnen Quotes Come, come," the Baron said. Who is the little one, a pet perhaps? : Get back! Here it comes. Things have been so serious here lately. In the 2021 movie, the baron's hover suit is now an implant in his spine, and he is ghost-pale (due to the lack of sunlight on the Giedi Prime) and bears a shaven head. Course Hero, Inc. As a reminder, you may only use Course Hero content for your own personal use and may not copy, distribute, or otherwise exploit it for any other purpose. Dune Book III: First Part Summary & Analysis | SparkNotes My greatest student, and my greatest disappointment. I have to admit, against my better judgement, I like this Duke. The duke tells Paul about the Harkonnen plot to turn the duke against Lady Jessica but warns him to tell no one else. | Accessed March 4, 2023. And he won't die. Will she deserve my special attentions? the ring, while Feyd-Rautha will gather accolade and respect for besting such a menacing opponent. Like a truth-seer drug, it's poison! This person, this traitor, will be worth more to us than ten legions of Sardaukar! Duke Leto Atreides: Three generations of you Paul: This was also implied in the way he, aged 81, developed the roles his nephews (Feyd and Glossu) eventually took, in an ultimate, yet unsuccessful plan to reinstate Harkonnen power in Arrakis. Baron Vladimir Harkonnen Character Analysis in Dune | LitCharts Gurney Halleck: The duke has plans to use his "propaganda corps" to secure the loyalty of the people of Arrakis, but he warns Paul that if anything goes wrong Paul should make use of his Mahdi status to gain the Fremen's respect. 31 Aug. 2017. This is exactly what his subordinates unsuccessfully do later on. -Graham S. The timeline below shows where the character Baron Vladimir Harkonnen appears in, knowledge he will betray Jessica, Duke Leto, and Paul. After the failed first pregnancy, the Baron actually raped the Reverend Mother and she, as a means of getting back at him, made sure he was . " You are on display. Leto, he's dead! : Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV: Yes, perhaps he would at that. From the moment hes first introduced, Duncan immediately shows that hes a likable individual. Duke Leto Atreides: [seating himself on a bench along the training room wall] Sector six-eighty, copy the sixth the sum of the eighth quadrant of the ninth plus eight-four circles weave the eighth quarter the fourth, copy! There are few science fiction villains quite as compelling and darkly charismatic as the Baron, the head of House Harkonnen. Paul realizes he has the power to stop the planetary and biological processes that allow spice to be generated on Arrakis. *You mustn't speak *. Do, Though death will cancel it, life in this world is a glorious thing., The Unknown surrounds us at any given moment. Give me spice! : Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV: This is what I'll do to the Duke and his family. The Harkonnens are our enemy. And when it has passed I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Unlike Duke Leto, the Baron Harkonnen is more than willing to use his family members to accomplish his goals. Alternate Versions It's yours to squeeze, as I promised. [Jessica and Leto are lying in bed together the night before the family's journey to Arrakis] I'm dead to everyone unless I become what I may be. Lady Jessica: [inner voice] (including. When he was killed by Alia, House Harkonnen passed to his na-Baron, Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen. Duke Leto Atreides: Paul: In one of the most stirring scenes in the film, Paul refuses to go off-world and reminds his mother that he is on the right path. dune - Is the Baron Harkonnen a mentat? - Science Fiction & Fantasy At Yuehs suggestion, Soldiers bring the defeated Duke Leto before, the Duke will be dead, but they can take some comfort in the knowledge that, in Atreides uniform have sacked the Guild bank. Lady Jessica: Skarsgrd also said his character was "extremely fat" and even levitates in some scenes. He knows war, or jihad, is one possible futurea likely onethat is part of his own path, yet he does not want to be responsible for such violence. Lady Jessica: Complete your free account to request a guide. I remember your gom jabbar, now you'll remember mine. Saab currently serves as an Updates Editor for Collider, where she contributes to the site by updating top-performing articles and editing a high volume of content. Copyright 2016. Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV: This is MY dune. [voice over] The spice! Dr. Wellington Yueh: Duke Leto Atreides: It is yours. But Arrakis is Arrakis and the desert takes the weak. Planet Geidi Prime, home of House Harkonnen. Dr. Kynes: Thankfully, Liet eventually realizes that she can no longer stand by and say nothing, so she breaks the rules and interferes by rescuing Lady Jessica and Paul. They are strong, fierce. It's here! Baron Harkonnen: I won't tell you who the traitor is, or when we'll attack. I must not fear. The Bene Gesserit utilize religious legends and prophecies for their own ends, but they have mystical goals as well. My Arrakis. And these goals, I have achieved. Baron Harkonnen: You have no idea how much it cost me to bring such a force to bear here. He draws a parallel between this and the strategies of single combat. Baron Harkonnen: Oh, my Duke, how I've failed you. Either that, or you will die. That is where we seek knowledge., Some say that the anticipation of a thing is better than the thing itself. What do you call the mouse shadow in the second moon? In Section 14 Duke Leto also tells Paul to use power and fear if needed. Now I only have one requirement. Only the Water of Life can free what will save us. Silence him yourself, if you can. As you instructed me, I have enlightened your nephews concerning my plan Piter De Vries: Guildmaster: Not you, my dear Duke. Planetologist Pardot Kynes, An Arrakis Primer, written for his son Liet. On the other hand he warns against a man who has no emotions, because you cannot control him. He challenged Paul Atreides to a duel, which Paul won. The man without emotions is the one to fear. Would you really have drawn my blood? Do you know why? Lady Jessica: Duke Leto Atreides: Its in everything here! We don't want the price to fall. Reverend Mother Mohiam: No music. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. The Baron is an enormous man whose morbidly obese weight is held up by anti-gravity suspensors. "Piter doesn't have all his tools here, but I'm sure he could improvise." "Improvisation is sometimes the best, Baron. It's a mixed blessing, but Frank Herbert's Dune goes a long way toward satisfying science fiction purists who scoffed at David Lynch's . As to their relationship with the spice, who knows? He was also known to exploit his cruel and ruthless reputation by doing executions perceived to be the result of extremely trivial matters as a way to subtly get rid of threats. They seek to bring about the Kwisatz Haderach, a male who can look into a mysterious dark place women cannot look. Fremen: Baron Harkonnen: He who controls the Spice, controls the universe! . I can see it! Baron Harkonnen: Perverting common wisdom is the hallmark of all great conspiracies. Many machines on Ix, new machines. Four Planets have come to our attention regarding a plot which could jeopardise Spice Production: Planet Arrakis, Source of the Spice. Paul: One must always keep the tools of statecraft sharp and ready. Dr. Wellington Yueh: I must be sure you want this. If you do so, you die. As the leader of my people, I give you my bond. We have our new Army. Lady Jessica: Someone started another thumper. First, to bypass the Atreides energy-based defense shieldsintended to block lasguns, or laser gunsthe Harkonnens use projectile weaponry like bullets, missiles, and artillery fire. This is genocide! Of all of the characters that appear in the movie, Duke Leto is arguably the most noble and the most ethical. Baron Harkonnen: The spice must flow. Activate a fighter. But, behind them I suspect is the Emperor. However, death was not the end for Vladimir. Release Dates Unlike Paul, Gurney has seen hundreds of battles and understands how treacherous the move to Arrakis can be. We Fremen have a saying: "God created Arrakis to train the faithful." Feyd-Rautha: And who is this, traitor? Reverend Mother Mohiam: We must totally destroy all spice production on Arrakis. Baron Vladimir Harkonnen In a tense moment in the film, Paul unintentionally makes the Warmaster Gurney angry when he nonchalantly tells him hes not in the mood to train. He's awake. It seems it is written that he will lead them to true freedom. Take your hand from the box, young human, and look at it. [whispering] Damn sloppy! Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV: Ready yourself young Paul Atreides. Reverend Mother Ramallo: But I can tell you, dear God, for the father, nothing. The Duke speaks to Hawat alone about a potential raid on Giedi Prime to destroy the Baron Harkonnen's spice reserves. Reverend Mother Mohiam: . Where there was war, Muad'Dib would now bring peace. Only I will remain. [in the ornithopter] [she falls into her mother's arms, also covered in blood] | [Stumbling around a corner, blood dripping from her nose] It's not finished yet. But will he be ours to control? For he is the Kwisatz Haderach! In this time, the most precious substance in the Universe is the spice melange. Send them back. Mood's a thing for cattle and loveplay, not fighting! [to the Duke] We ourselves perceive a slight problem within House Atreides. He had spider-black eyes, cheeks like two cherubic mounds, protruding lips and bobbing jowls. Baron Harkonnen: . The bond between Lady Jessica and Duke Leto is one of the strongest in the movie, and its clear that the two of them love one another deeply, passionately, and perpetually. I mean this Thufir, if you are to strike, do it now. Ian McNeice as Baron Vladimir Harkonnen - IMDb Origin of why Baron Harkonnen despises Duke Leto Artreides Baron Harkonnen: Squeeze hard. Harkonnen! Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. A beginning is a very delicate time. I place you in charge of Arrakis. Paul: My Dune. His safety requires the Voice. Fast on defense, slow on attack. Quotes By Brian Herbert.