Wow that was so on point! He travels a lot but he would always send me a text here and there to tell me he was thinking about me. but finnaly he got me again =.= hes just like a puppy! These signs are opposite to an Aries woman. He never acted like it. But, I am afraid he will just try to hide the other girls from me since I don't go out of my way to text or call him. I appreciate your honesty and now I have a beter understanding of aquarius male. Can Aquarius Man and Aries Woman Make a Promising Couple? Don't push him into a romantic situation. I called and left 1 message, a couple of texts and an email..and no reply. Been dating this Aquarius for almost a year and its the slowest process ever! Being with Aries man, you have to accept the fact that he will do whatever he wants without explaining anything. I kinda panicked at first but didnt show it. Ive never had a love like this before. In relationships, they study the little things you do and connect it on a grander scale. Do your best to find out the intention of a man who always comes back to you, even if it means testing him. I feel like a bullied little girl in middle school. You have to be strong and attention giver if you want to attract an Aries woman. Or, should you just give him space? Give him space, dont push him to talk to you. Though similarities are important in any relationship, the excitement in a relationship lies in complementary differences. Thank you! I think Aquarisns can be quite emotionally selfish in so far as they need you when they need you but expect you to be quite independent as well. Why? i met an A 4 months ago, he asked for my phone number and called and we've been going out no sex but long stimulating conversations, meeting up once a week, him being very affectionate, me not so much, I am a sagittarius, not so fond of commitment either, then he stopped calling, i called once all seemed OK, i called again a week later he suggested we met but never called so I called another week later and asked whether he did not want me to call again and he said no why would you say that, but then he never called and when I saw them by chance I was a bit angry and said so and told them they lied to me and me and they said NO! Im starting to wonder if I just dont wanna give up because he is such a challenge. Its hard to think that the guy who is carefree and likes doing things his own way like Aquarius can be compatible with her. For her, love is very important in their lives. Distant growing more between us. And if you try to bring up deeper topics or feelings, he will dismiss or outright ignore them. what matter is, the most important thing is the connection that even if you guys are not talking, you know once he finds out you are talking with another, the cheating starts. If he shows no interest in you or in sharing about himself, he probably doesnt like you. Don't read too much into what he says. Awaitin ur reply & guidance. When an Aries man is serious about you he keeps coming around you to spend quality time together. So its truly his loss. Still deciding? We talk every day. Like Aries men, Aries women are deeply passionate and refuse to hide their feelings. He will appreciate your casual inquiry and should be happy to share any constructive criticisms (which might reveal more red flags about him than you). It can very intense as they do or say things theyll regret laterfrom punching a wall to screaming hurtful things. Anyway I felt his wonderful aura and even though he was distant towards the end of our little fling it was still there. We've never even kissed, but the anticipation is killing me sometimes. I love him so much more than I let on. Now its been a would again should I move on ornot? And when he does speak to you, hell be distant and noncommittal. The Aquarian man is not good at pretending. I still haven't heard from him. I have kids not by him the family is rather close. And also remember, if he started chasing you or being with you in the first place, he saw that special spark in you and loves it. I let him suffer for a long, long, time. Aries and Taurus Compatibility: Friendship, Love & Sex I am an aqua girl and we aquarius really do need some space, but it doesnt mean that we will disappear for weeks. She will want to share herself with you. He will rather travel with his family and friends than travel with you. My patience is wearing thin. im married going through a separation. Aries woman is a very strong character and is very charismatic. But he still didn't fight back. If your path is to build more attraction, I recommend you read my guide on how to attract an Aquarius man. Which not to brag but he will NEVER find another woman like me. He was very insecure person,he always thought i was doing something wrong. I deleted my draft txt last night, before I read your posting, and now I know I have done the right thing. He is my comfort zone, and funny. actually, they just want to have freedom, im sure what theyre doing right now, is doing other things. I just answer any questions to avoid him criticizing the way in converse. We finally started going on dates and having sex (magical!!).. And they wont back down. I wanted to sort this before any misunderstanding happened so wanted to meet him. It's these differences in an Aries/Pisces match that are mutually enriching and allow them to draw out the untapped potential in one another. Were like the stock brokers. He has been distant but drill there and when i wanted to see him before he turned on me.. he asked me why so even though i respond to his messages with no more than a simple answer and I answer his calls and do not indulge in conversation.. Honestly I had no intention of likin the Aquarius guy either, I agreed to go with the flow & thot I'd b ok & wont let my heart & my feelings get involved in this but looks like now I'm begining to like this guy with each passin day but he seems to be vry grounded, the typical Aquarius attitude of being realistic. She contributes the passion to their lovemaking while he makes it ever more romantic and exciting for her with his vivid imaginations and fantasies. I am totally lost and confused. Argh! Aries understands Aquarius well and vice versa. Ask if there are any specific reasons. Learn how your comment data is processed. While that's typically the case, there are three zodiac signs Aries will likely regret breaking up with. When he backs off, you back off. He disappears which isn't really a huge deal to me because I am VERY busy these days and he kinda gets on my nerves so I need a break too lol. Even if he is angry with me or has changed his mind about me then he should be a man and say that. I was reading some of the comments and I couldn't help but adding one myself. Loving an Aries woman can be the most thrilling and terrifying experience of your life. All I know is that, as an Aquarius, I think I know what you are talking about. My unbiased and anonymous analysis takes the gamble out of deciding what to do. This being nice and not trying to hurt anybody is so ridiculous. So bare with me if what I add here is what I've written so far. Don't know what to expect I really want him but feel like he's wasting my time I shoul just leave him forever & just grieve him away already. He is the first man I have spent time with since separating from my husband (who he knows really well and I sometimes wonder if this causes him a problem but then i'm probably just kidding myself!) Move on or because if not, he can continue this non-chalant relationship going for decades. The perfect mind reader. If you have a job and your own business than why do they lie and take from other femals, that stuff is not right. I will be faithful though and not sleep with other guys but i would have other guy friends I do other activities with except having intimacy and by so doing you are giving your aquarian man space which make him wonder what you are up to. He pushed me away. So yeah, plenty of mixed messages/signals. I want to be with someone who let's me have my freedom too but one needs to be able to communicate too. The distance grew, then I woul back off and he would be in contact again and making plans etc. But he always looked 4 the worse in me which was not much 2 look 4. The answer to these questions would help you draw a done line between a man who cares for you and keeps showing up and the one who shows up to take advantage of you. YOU DESERVE A GOOD MAN REGARDLESS OF HIS SIGN!! They are the first signs in the zodiac so often are referred to as the child of the circle. Is it true that he is really pulling away from you or just focusing on other matters? I love him and I don't know why because he doesn't do much to deserve it. Among all the zodiac signs, the Rams are probably the least manipulative. Of course, you are! im sagitarius i cant just sleep while vacation lol! You don't want inconsistency in your life, trust me. In short, I love him more. I said: We do get lovey dovey, when we're being intimate duh. He will come back because hes trying to eat his cake and have it. Esp other women. Who knows, probably because they tend be so unpredictable, he may text and say something really crazy and want to "hook-up" again, and if that happens, then I'll deal with it when happens! During those two months he always crossed my mind. Her directness gives him direction. Remember, this isntjustfor Aries sun signs. I'm just too fond of him & care a lot bout him. Does he send you flowers? ( I am an aries ) and my patience has been tested to a degree where I have questioned my own sanity !! I had a relationship with an Aquarian man for 1 year. Lets have a look at Aquarius man and Aries woman love compatibility. LoveDevani is an independent website. I can tell you one thing: an Aquarius is quite a handful. There is a caveat: If he does this, he might still be into it but has genuinely become preoccupied. I mean there was no loyalty 4 me in this relationship. Another aries woman I am an Aries woman in love with a younger Aquarius man. And I kept thinking if I just hung in there he would let me into that secret place that seems so special. now that i look back he was freaked out by it and so was i!! At that point, all bets are off. and do just like your men are doing and cut and run. my (ex) aries chick dumped me n ran to a taurus bastard n we all know how stupid action it was lol.i enjoyed the show when things on her getting worse.yes aries ladies,you entertain me much.thank you :) from my experience,i disapear from the world just only when i need a time to continue build my time machine to travel to the future.since it is a secret project i dont bring anybody but just my self, I just recently realized that many of the guys I've been into/have liked me were Aquarians! But im in the period of Telling him how i really feel about him dissapearing.. They are very good at playing games. For me, once I say I love someone, I will make the utmost effort to carry through and hang in through good and bad. he is acting so different now i cant stand it. :) as if nothing happened. What give them the right to lie and take or even ask if you could pay a bill for them and never repay you back your money or take a christmas gift from you and leave you with nothing. More on. Oh you are so welcome and Im glad I could be of help. There's a difference between a person who keeps putting in work because they care about you and another who's just using you because he's aware you'd be available. I'm tryin so hard fr this to wrk but I'm still confused wht's goin on in his head, whether he is jst using me, or he aint sure abt me that's y he keeps spacin out, or that he likes me but is still lookin fr someone else??? I really like this guy and it seems to be a list cause. See also: Aries man with Sagittarius woman compatibility.